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Rate the Signature above you!

Seems organized to some extent. It's very large, though, and would probably look much better centered.
5/10 I like that it's colourful, but it's a bit too scrolly for me.

Your signature is kinda disorganized :P But it's still nice!

And Wintergirls is my favorite book. It's by Laurie Halse Anderson, and in short, it is about a girl with anorexia dealing with the death of her friend who also has an eating disorder.

I love simple signatures like yours! And I like how it matches your avatar :)

And it is impossible to find a quote from that book that isn't scary XD Maybe I can quote something from Looking for Alaska by John Green next. Wintergirls is kinda depressing XD
I'm having a shitty day and your quote is talking to me, friend.

I like how simple it is, and how it is on the right. :) And the words are meaningful, I like it :) I'm sorry your day hasn't been all that great, though :/

It is a quote... that describes 90% of the people I know. Including me. Oh well. It's more meaningful than the other one in my opinion. The other one was just... dark, haha.

I like your banner thingie and it is very organized which I always appreciate :)

And yes, I like this quote much better XD I want to find a new quote soon, though.
I never like scrolling in a signature...Anyway, it seems very cluttered. Maybe it could benefit from you putting all the images in hide tags? That way you could reduce the appearance of clutter, shorten it down so that scrolling isn't necessary, but still keep some of your larger images :P
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