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Rate the signature above you!

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7/10 - I have no idea what it says and should really install language packs so I can see all of it.

EeveeSkitty: I don't need credit if I transperitise it
Even if it rains, even when a night lights, It's the Earth that rotates by you and me

I think I already rated yours...
Oh, I didn't know you could re-rate... x3 7/10

It's amazing how the rating changes once you know what it says... I just didn't feel like changing the lyrics and writing them in English from the original song.
7/10 Yeah it is. but still why don't you just copy paste? or even better put it in an awesome pic that goes with the words?

Song lyrics... I don't really like song lyrics to songs that I don't know. And I really never understand song lyrics either or what they mean, if they're all symbolic like that and aren't direct and blunt. I'm sorry, just my Stupidarylettmind.

The humor escapes me.

(You probably mean WAAAAAAY too many words. I lack a scrollbar and people who do not like my signature usually do not like doing so much reading. And where did I quote you? My first quote is from The Office, a show. And my second one is from Final Fantasy VIII.)
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