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Rate The Song Above!

Yes, I do.
Dayum, it startled me. It was cool at first, but then the Japanese guy started singing. It's catchy and all, but not my kind of thing.

Since we're doin video game music, Soldier Battle
Some of the coolest FF music.
The Foo Fighters-Everlong
This is my favorite song of all time, i can play most of the riffs on electric.

EDIT: I have a love-hate relationship with Styx. That is, I love to hate them. But there's no denying that Mr. Roboto is a classic.
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You did it wrong, you're supposed to comment on MY SONG first then post yours. But for the matter, that's a pretty good song you got there.

Kirby Squeak Squad - Dark nebula
While Dark Nebula, or as called in Japan, Dark Zero, is infamous for being ridiculously easy, the theme for the fight and before the fight is extremely awesome.
It's actually pretty good, and I could find myself listening to it again.

To put it bluntly, it sucks. It's video game music. It fits better when you don't focus on it.
For the record, Grimdour, I think the very opposite way, I could easily exchange the 370 non-video game in my mp3 player for the entire MOTHER 3 soundtrack. But fine, if you're going to be like that, I'll post something else.
Voltaire - All The Way Down
It was okay, I'm not a fan of slow songs with soft acoustic melodies with focus on a traditional singer. If I like that, I would like it. I'd appreciate that playing at a nice restaurant.

I fucking love this video and song. I hope nobody posted it already, I didn't bother to check :(

Also I like to point out the fact that not everyone there is blond. That really bugs me, when people think that.
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