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Rate the User Title above you!


I love cats! And I like how often you change your user title! Except, the lack of punctuation and capitalization is kinda eh XD
Your usertitle has got me accidentally typing "Jakey" 95% of the time I go to type "Jake." But still adorable, I say.

I'd also like to make a point and say that 99.99999% of my usertitles are Queen lyrics lately? I can't stop. ;;
Mmm, from a completely third-party unbiased point of view I'd say it's easily the best user title in the world. I mean, the fact that not only does this "Jakey" character have not one, but two exclamation marks (two I tell you!!) implies that he is incredibly important to you, and that his presence or existence excites you. And the heart clearly implies that you must have some sort of romantic feelings towards him. All in all, I'd say a user title can't get any better than that.

I'm not biased at all.

At all.

Because girlfriends. Girlfriends are cool. Yes. I like girlfriends.
It reminds me of a book I read last year, Feed, which is about a future society where everyone has computers built into their brains. It's by M.T. Anderson, and I super duper recommend it!

Also thank you so much I will use that all the time oh my yes.
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