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Religious Epiphany

Koori Renchuu

Always look for the heart in things!
I'm a Christio-Pagan. I've finally found a way to resolve my love of the 'occult' arts and my mother's Catholic influence. It also allows me to remain a godfather to my three year old sister. I found this out due to a Pagan Student Union at my school. My cousin is my guide into this realm, she is essentially my ultimate guide through my entire 'conversion'. She is also the godmother of my sister, making it that much easier to 'convert'. I'm out of the 'cauldron', with you at the least.
Another Pagan? :D *high fives*

Sweet. ^_^ I'm glad you found this for you. I'm in a similar position.
Sounds neat. What is the nature of your religion, exactly? What sort of paganism is involved. I'm assuming it's Wicca, but you never know. Do you believe in Jesus? Sorry if I'm prying, I'm always interested in decisions like this.
Another Pagan? :D *high fives*

Sweet. ^_^ I'm glad you found this for you. I'm in a similar position.

I am too, thank you for the high five. This is an awesome pagan meeting!

Sounds neat. What is the nature of your religion, exactly? What sort of paganism is involved. I'm assuming it's Wicca, but you never know. Do you believe in Jesus? Sorry if I'm prying, I'm always interested in decisions like this.

Jesus was in tune with the greater order of the Universe, and the Universe is god, the Universe has many aspects, I celebrate these aspects. I am a new breed of pagan, one with a more spiritual view. I will use the energy that is inherent in everything to help in any and all ceremonies that I will perform.
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