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[Request PLEASE]So-Called Candles, Black Yoshi 99's art thread

Re: So-Called Candles, Black Yoshi 99's art thread

Then get to it *grin* I drew something myself about this very thing. Once done, I'll so you.
Re: So-Called Candles, Black Yoshi 99's art thread

Yeah, I need a description of the Extra Sensory from GorMcCobb, so I just need to finish Halan's legs, then Darken/color. (Unless you want black and white. I could also photoshop the colors in, if you wanted. But I'd rather color.)
Re: So-Called Candles, Black Yoshi 99's art thread

Cool. If my dad can scan and send it to me, then you'll have it by this time monday. (I'm going snowboarding tomorrow)
Re: So-Called Candles, Black Yoshi 99's art thread

Since you're so keen on some more requests... could you please draw the Glaceon here?
Re: So-Called Candles, Black Yoshi 99's art thread

I laughed so hard. I love it, Thank you~
Okay, I totally procrastinated. I promise I'll have at least one more piece to display my abilities tomorrow, and I really will try to get more requests in at once. Really, I'm sorry for the wait. (Cryptica, I'll see if my dad will send me Blade yet. He's been keeping me from it for a month or so, and I've asked him several times. Usually, he sends me the wrong thing. l_l')
Hm... All I can say about that is that either the eye is too high or the chin is too low. Something like that :D

otherwise, I really like it. Blade's hard to draw...

EDIT: No, it's the fact that the fur on the forehead should cover more of the head.
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