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RespectTheBlade vs rock-ground

Rest and two Chills, however, if you're not permitted to use Chill while asleep, use Sleep Talk.

Rest ~ Chill/Sleep Talk ~ Chill/Sleep Talk
Looking worried, RespectTheBlade quickly recalls the shattered Dratini for a well earned rest. Upon realising her victory, Darkness manages to look smug despite her discomfort. She sends the lights around her aura flickering in and out in a little victory display.
RespectTheBlade quickly chooses his next fighter, hoping to wipe that smirk off her face. In a flash of light, Blade’s next Pokémon materializes on the field: a Trapinch. The pre-dragon snaps her huge jaws menacingly, then steps forward, holding her head high. Darkness peers curiously at the odd creature, flaring out her aura and doing her best to keep up her spooky appearance. Pix returns her gaze, drawing confidence as he notices his opponent’s weakened state.

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Raring to go.

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 50%
Energy: 64%
Chills used: 2/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Trying to remain determined. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence | Paralyzed (mild), Poisoned (Severe, 4% this round, 5% the next)

Round seven

As Pix steps forward expectantly, Darkness hisses at her new foe, before the green glow of her eyes abruptly winks out. Pix pauses, tilting her head in puzzlement, before the ghost slowly withdraws into her keystone, leaving only a few wisps of purple essence behind. A soothing blue aura slowly washes over the stone, radiating outwards as Darkness begins her own healing process.
When Pix sees her opponent ignore her in favour of drifting off, she quickly becomes enraged, thinking that Darkness simply doesn’t think her worth her time. She makes a raspy, hissing sound, her jaws grinding together in her agitation. Hmph, this’ll teach you to fall asleep on the job… Opening her jaws wide in a silent roar, she viciously slams her stubby legs onto the hard packed earth. She immediately follows the stomp with another, then steadily builds into a rhythm of frantic pummelling as she seeks out a fault line under the earth. Her efforts soon begin to yield results as a deep tremour runs through the arena, followed by a series of violent shakes and tremours from deep under the ground.
Darkness utters a ghostly keening sound as her keystone is tossed around in the quake, and ghostly wisps of her aura flicker in and out of her stone prison. When the tremours subside, Darkness’ keystone is left askew, with a groggy moaning sound coming from inside.

The moaning sound quickly stops however, and as Pix sees that her opponent still hasn’t stirred, she wastes no time in launching into another assault.
Narrowing her beady eyes, Pix hammers at the ground again, targeting the same fault line. The ground quickly begins to shake and rattle again, and deep cracks begin to appear in the earth from the repeated abuse. Darkness’ keystone is tossed two and fro again, repeatedly colliding into the ground with harsh bumps and bangs. As the second wave of tremours subsides, Pix becomes still, breathing heavily and glaring at Darkness. Not a single peep comes from the Spirtomb’s keystone this however, as the spook remains snoozing, with a only a single wispy strand of her aura emerging.

A little drained from the strenuous moves she used, Pix takes a moment to get her breath back before she sends another quake heading Darkness’ way. She looks upon the sleeping ghost with disbelief, wondering how on earth anyone or anything could sleep through that.
Scowling at her inattentive foe, Pix takes a deep breath before she begins another earthquake. She pummels the ground again, although it takes her a little longer to get the quake rolling this time. She manages though, and another violent quake soon begins, tearing the cracks in the earth even deeper, and driving jagged shards of rock up into the air. Darkness is rattled around for a third time, drawing hisses of pain from the unfortunate ghost that are lost in the loud rumbling of the shifting ground.
As the ground grows still for the third time, Pix is left panting, her tongue lolling out of her open jaws, but ultimately looking pleased with herself. She quickly turns her attention to her opponent, who is now slowly emerging from her keystone.
Darkness’ aura looks blurred and misshapen, and the lights on her body are dim. However, she quickly manages to regain her shape, and begins swirling her form around as she regains her bearings. Although she is obviously shaken and groggy, she does feel better after that healing nap. Definitely could have done without that alarm clock though.

End of round seven

RespectTheBlade (OO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 100%
Energy: 76%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: "GGRR SMASH." Worn out from all the smashing, but feeling very hyped up.

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 70% (Capped)
Energy: 52%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Badly shaken and groggy, but feeling better overall. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence

Arena notes

The earth is cracked and warped, with several lumps of jagged rock sticking up at crooked angles.

Battle notes

- Yep, you can chill while asleep.
- RespectTheBlade attacks first.​
Let's try this: Lead off with Sunny Day, followed by a Swagger, and then a SolarBeam. If at any point he uses Taunt, switch to Crunch on the first and second actions. If he protects, switch to Feint on the action he does.
Sunny Day/Crunch~Swagger/Crunch/Feint~SolarBeam/Feint
Use Hypnosis, then Rain Dance, and finally Water Pulse. If the first Hypnosis misses, then use Hypnosis on the second action. If it's not raining on the third action, use Shadow Ball.

Hypnosis ~ Rain Dance/Hypnosis ~ Water Pulse/Shadow Ball
RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 100%
Energy: 76%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: "GGRR SMASH." Worn out from all the smashing, but feeling very hyped up.

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 70% (Capped)
Energy: 52%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Badly shaken and groggy, but feeling better overall. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence

Round eight

Pix snaps her jaws excitedly as she surveys the destruction she’s wrecked. The stadium is looking quite homely now in her opinion. She opens her jaws and turns her head upwards, but as she is preparing herself, a bright, flashing light from the corner of her eye catches her attention.
Pix scowls, blinking her beady eyes rapidly as she tries to ignore it, but the light is persistent and strangely inviting. Eventually, Pix finds herself staring over at the source of the blinking light, weaving slightly on the spot as she feels her senses being messed with. The culprit of course is Darkness; who is rapidly twisting her form around in mesmerising swirls as the green orbs around her flash rhythmically. Pix groans, her adrenaline and determination slowly fading as it is replaced with the persistent urge to sleep. She struggles to divert her gaze, but the Spiritomb has already wormed her way into her mind, and with a final push from the spook, Pix finds herself giving in. The Trapinch falls onto the ravaged ground, snoring gently, as Darkness watches on with a big grin on her face.

As Pix snoozes, Darkness turns her own attention upwards. She looks at the cloudless sky with distaste, before she slowly begins to weave and twist her form, building speed as she goes.
Her movements look a little out on sync at first as she tries to recalls the moves of the dance, but she eventually manages to get into the swing of things. Soon, her ghostly form is twisting and whirling, and a dark blue light begins to raise upwards from her aura.
The sky quickly begins to grow dark, and the wispy strands of clouds rapidly begin to band together into blackened storm clouds. Soon, the sun is almost completely hidden, and drops of rain begin to fall onto the stadium. The light drizzle gradually grows into a heavy downpour, pelting down onto the cracked, dry ground in icy sheets. Although still asleep, Pix shivers violently and shifts around restlessly, obviously not enjoying the cold shower.

Darkness smirks at her foe’s discomfort; the fun’s only starting! She rapidly swirls her form around, which is blurred by the rain, and water begins to seep from her keystone. She concentrates the water into a projectile, then sends it whooshing towards the unfortunate Trapinch in a pulsing spiral.
Pix whimpers in her sleep as she is further drenched by the blast of water, and is sent spinning backwards in a heap. She twitches frantically, still caught in the grip of her hypnosis induced slumber, but her sleep is heavily troubled.

End of round eight

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 90%
Energy: 76%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Soaked, shivering and in a light, troubled sleep. Asleep (Mild)

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 70%
Energy: 38%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Tiring a little, but confident nevertheless. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence

Arena notes

The earth is cracked and warped, with several lumps of jagged rock sticking up at crooked angles.
Rain is pelting down on the stadium, to last for 2 more rounds (six more actions).

Battle notes

- rock-ground attacks first.​
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...Are you sure that Water Pulse would've only done 10%? Even with +3 Special Attack and rain?

In any case, just fire away with Water Pulse, but if your health drops below 50% on the third action, take yourself out with Curse to bring in the set-up.

Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse ~ Water Pulse/Curse
Well, Sleep Talk until you wake up. If you wake up on the second turn, use Swagger. If it misses, or you don't wake up on the second, use it on the third. If it hits, use Sunny Day

Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk/Swagger~Sleep Talk/Swagger/Sunny Day
RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 90%
Energy: 76%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Soaked, shivering and in a light, troubled sleep. Asleep (Mild)

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 70%
Energy: 38%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Tiring a little, but confident nevertheless. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence

Round nine

As the heavy downpour continues, Pix continues to twitch and shiver in her sleep, her jaws chattering. Darkness grins widely, and her blurred aura begins swirling rapidly as she generates more watery energy. Water froths from her keystone again, and she sends another spiral of water whooshing towards the waterlogged Trapinch. Pix is knocked backwards, her stubby legs flailing wildly as she is forcibly spun around by the impact.
Pix utters a muffled groan as she continues stirring restlessly in her sleep. For a moment, it looks like she is on the verge of waking up, but she gradually grows still again, muttering a series of half formed sentences. As the Trapinch’s subconscious takes over, she lurches back onto her feet, her jaws chattering wildly through her slurred words. A blackened aura of dark energy slowly creeps around her form, and the Trapinch appears to slowly sink into the growing blackness before disappearing entirely.
As she sees her opponent fade from view, Darkness narrows her eyes, glancing around warily. She doesn’t get a chance to prepare herself however, as Pix abruptly reappears behind her, cloaked in a writhing shroud of dark energy. Pix smacks into her Darkness’ keystone with a sleepy cry, dispersing the blackness surrounding her as she does so. Darkness hisses, more in anger than pain, and wobbles precariously before managing to right her keystone again.
She swishes herself around irritably, seemingly annoyed that a stupid Trapinch would have the nerve to use a dark move against her. That’s her thing dammit!

Although she would really like to show that measly pre-dragon what a real dark attack looks like, Darkness diligently follows orders; drenching the ground type is a good enough compromise after all. Her blurry aura slowly begins swirling again, as more water bubbles up from her keystone. She sends another watery projectile twirling towards Pix, further drenching her and sending her into another spin.
Pix scrabbles madly at the cracked earth as she tries to regain her bearings, muttering groggily as she begins to awaken from her hypnosis induced slumber. Her beady eyes slowly blink open and the Trapinch blearily eyes her surroundings and not liking what she sees. It’s definitely a lot wetter. The shivering Trapinch slowly lifts a leg forward, squinting through the heavy downpour at her foe’s distorted form. Her head is ringing from the repeated water pulse attacks, and all the water has left her skin looking cracked and sore. She isn’t sure if she’s up to doing much bragging at the moment, but she gives it a shot. She clears her throat and raises her head, trying to look as annoyingly smug as possible. The pelting rain messes up her pose a bit however; the stupid downpour is really making it hard to see. Her opponent's smouldering face is really sapping away her confidence too...

Trying her best to keep her cool, Pix quickly begins dishing out her verbal attack. “Hey you dumb ghost! I’m…uh, gonna make you dead all over again! What’s with all this watery stuff anyway? Are you a one hit wonder or something?”
Although Pix is left looking pleased with herself for coming up with all that wit on the fly, the effect is somewhat ruined by her chattering teeth, as well as the continuing downpour drowning out most of her words.
Darkness looks more baffled than angry by Pix’s tirade; she narrows her eyes at the mouthy Trapinch, wondering what on earth she’s doing.

As Pix pipes down and looks at Darkness expectantly, the Spirtomb simply shoots her a withering look before generating more frothing water from her keystone. Pix gulps, hunching down miserably as Darkness blasts another spiral of water straight at her. She yelps as the forceful spray of water sends her spinning round again, leaving her sprawled on the ground, shivering even worse than before.
To add insult to injury, the repeated spinning from the water pulses has really begun to get to her: her head is ringing worse than ever and her vision is blurred. That stupid rain isn't helping matters either! She irritably shakes her head in a vain attempt to clear it, her jaws gnashing wildly. She staggers forward dizzily, trying to remember her commands, but the pulsing sound waves have left her mind muddled. She ends up accomplishing nothing more than tripping over herself and landing in heap on the soaked, ruined ground.
Although Darkness isn't really feeling too good herself, she can't help but chuckle at her opponent's erratic behavior. She really is starting to feel drained though, but lucky for her, she doubts Pix will notice that at the moment.

End of round nine

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 60% (Capped)
Energy: 68%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Drenched, miserable and struggling to regain her bearings. Confused (Moderate)

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 66%
Energy: 23%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Mildly amused, but very weary. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence

Arena notes

The earth is cracked and warped, with several lumps of jagged rock sticking up at crooked angles.
The rain continues to pour, although not as heavily as before. To last for 1 more round (Three more actions).

Battle notes

- Give or take one point, I'd say water pulse's damage is about right. It's got pretty low base power, so the boost from rain dance didn't really amount to very much. Plus, I always round down, so yeah...
- Sleep talk generated faint attack.
- Poor Pix didn't exactly have much luck this round. The first swagger missed, and the third water pulse caused moderate confusion, plus she hurt herself on the third action.
- RespectTheBlade attacks first.​
I forgot this even existed. (RTB's fine. I'm getting it changed back.)

Well, let's disperse all this rain with a nice Sandstorm. Follow up with a Swagger, and then use Earthquake. If he tries to change the weather at any time, change it back with Sandstorm.

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 60% (Capped)
Energy: 68%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Drenched, miserable and struggling to regain her bearings. Confused (Moderate)

Rock-ground (OO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 66%
Energy: 23%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Mildly amused, but very weary. + 3 special attack, + 2 special defence

Round ten

Drawing on her dwindling supply of energy, Darkness begins to rotate her blurry form again, causing water to bubble forth from her keystone. Looking a bit bored, she blasts another spiralling pulse of water straight at her addled foe, sending the Trapinch into another dizzying spin.
Pix can only manage a muffled groan as she is further drenched in that horrible wet substance known as water. She scrabbles madly at the ruined ground with her stubby legs, struggling to regain her balance. She just about makes it up, irritably gnashing her jaws and determined to carry out her next command.
Although the initial torrent of rain has noticeably weakened, this fact does nothing to make Pix any more comfortable, and turning the horrible weather around sounds like a great plan to her. If she can get her body and mind to co-operate that is.
Scrunching up her beady eyes and willing herself to concentrate, Pix thumps her legs against the ground, drawing upon the power of the earth. From the cracks in the ground, grains of sand begin to stir, quickly whipping up into a frenzied flurry. The ancient earth power Pix has tapped into also works his magic in other ways: the darkened sky overhead begins to change as well, the thick rain clouds slowly disperse, and the weakening rain rapidly slows into a light drizzle, and then into nothing.
Darkness cringes as the stinging particles of sand whip around her fiercely, clinging to the damp ground and engulfing the battlefield in a blinding flurry. The biting storm makes it hard for her to maintain her gaseous form, and distorts her body uncomfortably.
Pleased with her work, Pix sits back slightly, trying to shake away the last of the dizzying pain lingering from the repeated water pulses. She’s still soaked, and her rocky skin is uncomfortably cracked and sore from all the drenching, but the swirling sand is soothing and comforting.

Grimacing painfully, the weary Spiritomb squints through the blinding array of sand, struggling to pick out her foe’s shape through the storm. Still battling to maintain the shape of her ghostly body, she draws out a small wisp of her form and imbues it with a hint of fiery power. The darkened wisp begins to glow with an eerie blue light, then abruptly zooms forward on a jagged course towards Pix.
Darkness follows the lights course as best as she can, but doesn’t hold much hope for its success. Sure enough, the fiery orb falls short of its target, and collides with an upturned slab of earth, dispersing with a bright flash of angry blue fire.
Pix closes her eyes shut against the bright display, not quite sure what it was, though feeling relieved that it didn’t venture too near. Nothing that comes from that pesky spook can be any good. She peers through the raging storm, managing to find her target with much more ease than Darkness had finding her. The Spiritomb does not seem to be in the best of spirits, and Pix finally notices the weary pain in the ghost’s limited features. She looks like she’s getting a real buffeting from the newly generated storm too.
Despite her own aches and pains, Pix manages a grin; now’s the opportunity to turns things around!
The dizzying pain muddling her up is gradually growing less intense, though the annoying ringing in her head still lingers. Trying to push her discomfort aside, Pix prepares to give her bragging another shot, hoping she’ll sound a little more confident this time. Puffing out her tiny chest and holding her head high, Pix marches brazenly through the swirling sand, boasting about how she's going to turn this battle around and how ridiculous Darkness looks. "Can't even keep yourself together little ghostie?" Pix crows, feeling quite accomplished at having managed such a zing. Unfortunately, she can't help but notice that her swaggering isn't getting much of a rise from the Spiritomb. Darkness is still struggling to keep herself together in the vicious storm, looking drained and pained from the repeated sting of the sand. The storm is making it a lot more difficult for her to see or hear her foe, and the Trapinch's second tirade falls on deaf ears once again.
Pix snorts, grumpily stamping her stub of a leg against the ground. That ghost needs a hearing aid or something...

With a low, eerie keening noise, Darkness abruptly gives up her struggle against the buffeting gale and allows herself to be tugged around. The entire battle has taken a toll on her physically and emotionally (dumb dragons) and she's more than happy to wrap it up. Of course, she isn't going out quietly.
She manages a weak smirk that is quickly lost in the flurry before she begins drawing on her resolve of dark energy, ready to go out with a nasty bang. Her purplish form suddenly turns pitch black, and the green lights on her body begin to glow with a unearthly fire.
With a piercing, mournful wail, Darkness' aura flares up like a wild bonfire, suddenly resisting the vicious storm with a renewed vigor. Pix's newfound confidence is quickly diminished by the horrifying sight of the ghost's aura wildly flaring up against the sandstorm, her green eyes smoldering like hellfire and the blackened tendrils of her aura clawing at the sky. Her jaw agape, Pix can only watch in horror as thickened strands of dark energy lash out from Darkness' form, effortlessly reaching through the haze to engulf her in a suffocating mass of blackness. Pix can only manage a bewildered whimper as a freezing sensation runs through her whole body, chilling her to the bone and rendering her senses numb.
As Darkness' wailing reaches its crescendo, her scream abruptly tapers off into silence, and her ghostly aura flickers and dies as she withdraws into her keystone prison. Amid the swirling sandstorm, the shell-shocked Trapinch is left whimpering and shivering, while the battered stone opposite her lapses into silence.

End of round ten

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 50%
Energy: 61%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Whimpering and badly shaken. - 6 attack, - 6 spec attack

Rock-ground (XO)
Darkness spiritomb (F) <Pressure>
Health: 0%
Energy: 0%
Chills used: 4/4 | Healing moves used: 1/2
Status: Knocked out!

Arena notes

The earth is cracked and warped, with several lumps of jagged rock sticking up at crooked angles.
A vicious sandstorm rages throughout the stadium. To last for 2 more rounds (six more actions).

Battle notes

- rock-ground sends out and attacks.
- Respect The Blade attacks.​
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Well, there's pretty much no way I can win this. Let's go for a Swagger, followed by an Protect, and end with Flail.


As the frowning keystone is zapped back into a Pokéball, rock-ground throws another one into the swirling sands. A large, metallic avian materializes, his screechy call echoing around the arena.
Still looking badly shaken, Pix cowers down and shivers as she hears the cry, and anxiously peers over at her new opponent.
The Skarmory himself gives the battle ground a quick look, enjoying the feel of sand scraping against his armour, and then turns his cold gaze on Pix. She's a bit trickier to make out in the sandstorm, but Steelbird manages to spot her, and he glares fiercely at the Trapinch, who is looking less than confident.

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 50%
Energy: 61%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Not looking very well. - 6 attack, - 6 spec attack

Rock-ground (XO)
Steelbird skarmory (M) <Sturdy>
Health: 100%
Energy: 100%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Confident and ready to go.

Round eleven

Steelbird looses another piercing screech, causing the already cowering Pix to cower down even further, before he begins his first command. The steel type spreads his wings and flaps upwards, hovering close to the ground. He then begins a series of flashy and complicated looking manoeuvres, filling the air with the sound of screeching and clashing metal.
With a final triumphant cry, Steelbird lands heavily on the ground, clacking his sharp beak and digging his talons into the dirt. His metallic feathers look sharpened, and the Skarmory himself definitely has that battle ready glint in his eye.
Pix on the other hand, still looks miserable and frightened. The horrible chill and feeling of dread from Darkness’ memento still lingers, and her limbs feel heavy and useless. Struggling to get herself going, she takes a tentative step forward, her stub of a leg quivering. She tries to look more confident than she feels, by holding up her head and adopting what she hopes is a smug look. The overall effect is less than impressive, but Pix tries as best as she can, shouting out the most outlandish boasts she can think of. Her voice is feeble and uncertain however, and the words are completely lost in the raging storm of sand.

Completely unaware of Pix’s failed attempt, Steelbird narrows his yellowy eyes and peers through the swirling sand. He manages to pick out the Trapinch’s tiny form through the haze and clacks his beak menacingly. With a loud caw, he dives towards his tiny foe, spinning as he goes, his toughened beak pointed right at her.
Pix can only manage a terrified squeak before she hastily summons up a shimmering barrier of pure energy, cowering behind it for all she’s worth. The shield is almost impossible to see in the sandstorm, even for a Skarmory, and Steelbird doesn’t notice until it’s too late.
He bashes into the barrier, his eyes widening in surprise, and is harmlessly bounced off the powerful shield. For a moment, Steelbird is left fluttering aimlessly and looking puzzled, but his expression quickly darkens as he realises what happened.
He lands on the ground, restlessly snapping his beak and clashing his armoured wings as he glares scornfully at his opponent. Does that silly little Trapinch seriously think she can hide forever?

With a weary sigh, Pix lets the shield drop, and nervously looks around for her foe. Through the swirling sandy mist she spots the cold, grey form of her opponent, who, unfortunately for her, looks to be preparing himself for another strike.
Pix groans and crouches down helplessly as Steelbird’s sends another piercing call echoing through the stadium before he once again dives towards her. He spins around in a dizzying arc as he draws closer and connects with his sharp, metallic beak. Pix cries out in pain as she almost pushed into the ground by the force, and even her tough skin isn’t enough to dull the pain from Steelbird’s wicked beak. The Skarmory caws, looking pleased at managing to land a hit after all, and gently lands on the ground, flexing his talons.
Pix shakily raises herself up again, prying her foot free from the loosened earth, and struggles to get her heavy limbs to cooperate. Muttering a few curses about Spiritombs, the Trapinch manages to fling herself towards Steelbird with a feeble but determined cry. Steelbird’s eyes widen as he sees the tiny projectile flings itself towards him, but as his initial surprise fades, his expression grows cold again as he sees Pix struggle to make a dent in his armour. She channels all her pain and anger into one frenzied attack, bashing and snapping at Steelbird with as much strength as she can muster. Unfortunately, it doesn't amount to very much, as she still feels weak and drained from Darkness' memento. With an angry squawk, Steelbird brushes Pix roughly aside with an outstretched wing, leaving her lying in the dirt with a forlorn expression.

End of round eleven

RespectTheBlade (XO)
Pix trapinch (F) <Arena trap>
Health: 37%
Energy: 49%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Not feeling very well at all. - 6 attack, - 6 spec attack

Rock-ground (XO)
Steelbird skarmory (M) <Sturdy>
Health: 99%
Energy: 88%
Chills used: 0/4 | Healing moves used: 0/2
Status: Looking distinctly unimpressed. +2 attack

Arena notes

The earth is cracked and warped, with several lumps of jagged rock sticking up at crooked angles.
The sandstorm is starting to quiet down. To last for 1 more round (three more actions).

Battle notes

Respect the Blade attacks first.​
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