• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Returned after almost 3 years


as disgruntled as ever
I'm back.

What are you going to do about that.

I doubt any of you remember me and if you do, then well sucks to be you, huh.

I promise I'm way less uncool than I was back then. I promise. With cherries and the like.

I entirely forgot about this place until I searched my deviantart on Google. Lo and behold they have the same name. JEBUS
who are you, you strange intruder?

But that aside! Hello again, I suppose!
Why hello thar, stranger.
Welcome back to Tcod, where we eat trollers and... do other stuff.
You like scyther?
Not really. I stopped being a fan of anime a while back.

At least we both like Pokemon. I like Digimon too, but I'm kind of a backseat fan who reads up on everything rather than submerging myself in it. There's a few other things I like, like Suikoden and Regular Show (BHWAHAHAHAHAAHA)

i likes tf2 whwhsjahfahhahahahahaa
Regular show, I'm watching it now. I just saw the episode where that realm of darthon game blowed, and at the end benson yelled, "WE ALMOST DIED FOR SEVEN DOLLARS?!?!?!"

I literally had the soda i was drinking come out of my nose.

I do not believe we've met. I am DarkAura, and I'm a Pokemon fan (of course!)

So have more fun on here.......i guess, XD
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