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Reverse Mafia

Guys, I'm on a phone, but I'll be posting soon, I think.

why does everything i do hate me asdfghjkl
The day seemed short. A lot of loose ends were present, and it seemed like they were going to be tied up, but they never were. The end of the day came before the end of the slow discussion, and everyone was forced to hide themselves in the night.

No one was exorcized.

The night will last somewhere around 48 hours.
The night also seemed short.

But when the morning came, there was an extra human walking about -- the first one to wake up, actually. He seemed surprised, like he was confused about why he was the target and not someone else. And also slightly regretful, when you looked closely. The first thing he did was verify that he was the only one to be reincarnated during the night, which he did by sneaking around the house and scaring the living daylights out of Phantom, Mai, and Wargle. The couple of ghosts who saw that agreed that it was worthy of a ghostly prank, and that they should try it sometime.

Eventually, everyone convened, and the discussion began.

Metallica Fanboy has been turned into a Human. He was aligned with the Ghosts.

The day will last 48 hours
Phantom, do you have an explanation for your "seeing the light" thing?
Yeah, sorry, the last few days have been sort of bad for me and I missed the deadline on the last day phase.

But yeah, miller basically. I was called the outcast. Basically I just wanted to make friends and so I could copy other players actions to fit in, but I would come back an Angel because, well, I was an outcast. My copy failed though, and instead I lost my ability and ended up dead. Probably failed because I died.
Since y'all are alive now, and can speak, what were your roles?

Intentionally ignored that yesterday, but I have actual news today! I was a vanilla townie as a ghost and had no night action, but being killed/turned into a human gave me inspection powers. Last night, I used them to inspect Butterfree, and she came up as an angel.

I don't really have any large opinions about Phantom's explanation, but since humans as a category are aligned with ghosts, and she turned into a human, I'll accept it.
On mobile, short on time, just here to say don't jump on the bandwagon yet.

(I mean, all two of you who can)
That's a funky ass power lol. I suppose something like that should be expected in a game as strange as this one, I just didn't see that coming personally. Interesting. Wonder what other death-specific powers are present haha
I doubt that it's legit, though, because that'd be ridiculously broken. You'd essentially be a deathproof (or, as it were, lifeproof) cop. I mean, not that Superbird hasn't ever erred balancewise, but it simply reeks of too convenient. And while you've flipped inno, I'd think that the power to flip inno on death would be pretty much basic for mafia in this game to remain balanced.

Can't very well lynch Mai, clearly, but if I'm right on the money, I suppose that nets us a clear inno.
I suppose such a role wasn't written with the idea of first night death in mind, if it is, in fact, a truthful statement. But then, Mafia games should be prepared for anything. I'm torn.

I'm a little bit confused by your statements about flipping inno, Metallica. Are you suggesting Mai is a mafia-that-flips-innocent and their pointing fingers at Butterfree means Butterfree's probably innocent?
For those curious, Butterfree was the target of my roleblock.

So if she is an angel, she didn't do the kill (resurrection?)
I suppose such a role wasn't written with the idea of first night death in mind, if it is, in fact, a truthful statement. But then, Mafia games should be prepared for anything. I'm torn.

I'm a little bit confused by your statements about flipping inno, Metallica. Are you suggesting Mai is a mafia-that-flips-innocent and their pointing fingers at Butterfree means Butterfree's probably innocent?

Yeah, uh. I can't really defend the balance of my role... only say that claiming it would be unnecessary if I was mafia? I can't be lynched (I think - humans don't count as spirits in "Every day phase, all the present humans, and only the humans, can vote on one spirit to have a priest exorcise," I assume?), and if I was lying about being an inspector and wanted Butterfree gone, I could've just said I was one when I was a ghost and inspected Butterfree before I died or something. In that situation I would only get one inspection/free lynch, but it would be only a one-off deal anyway if Butterfree turned up innocent, discrediting me...

Plus, then I'd probably look suspicious and be ignored the rest of the game in general.

For those curious, Butterfree was the target of my roleblock.

So if she is an angel, she didn't do the kill (resurrection?)

It's still possible she had a killing role, though. There were three deaths the first night, and only one last night.
I suppose such a role wasn't written with the idea of first night death in mind, if it is, in fact, a truthful statement. But then, Mafia games should be prepared for anything. I'm torn.

I'm a little bit confused by your statements about flipping inno, Metallica. Are you suggesting Mai is a mafia-that-flips-innocent and their pointing fingers at Butterfree means Butterfree's probably innocent?
There is pretty much no point in the game at which a deathproof cop wouldn't be gobsmack broken.

That's possibly it, yes.
Yeah, uh. I can't really defend the balance of my role... only say that claiming it would be unnecessary if I was mafia? I can't be lynched (I think - humans don't count as spirits in "Every day phase, all the present humans, and only the humans, can vote on one spirit to have a priest exorcise," I assume?), and if I was lying about being an inspector and wanted Butterfree gone, I could've just said I was one when I was a ghost and inspected Butterfree before I died or something. In that situation I would only get one inspection/free lynch, but it would be only a one-off deal anyway if Butterfree turned up innocent, discrediting me...

Plus, then I'd probably look suspicious and be ignored the rest of the game in general.

It's still possible she had a killing role, though. There were three deaths the first night, and only one last night.
I suppose it's true enough that you don't even need to convince people that you're useful at this point. Hmmm.

I suppose we're probably not at lylo or anything, so we may as well see how that accusatio runs. Let's wait for Butterfree and, failing that, lynch her.

Also, if she were an active killing role that'd mean her roleblock would increase the death count now, rather than decrease it. Unless it's taken effect last night? I haven't been able to read Wargle's claim closely.

By the way, as a ghost, I was a doc. I didn't protect anyone important, though, because at the earlier parts in the game skilkful and active players dying actually benefits us. Surprised thaf the mob doesn't seem to have thought of that... But yeah, my role definitely wasn't any kind of exotic.
... Maybe I shouldn't have given the mafia an useful tip out loud. But hey, it's probably somewhat late for a change of plans to work for them now.
Also, if she were an active killing role that'd mean her roleblock would increase the death count now, rather than decrease it. Unless it's taken effect last night? I haven't been able to read Wargle's claim closely.

That's how I interpreted Wargle's claim - that it took effect last night.

I am...well was a vengeful ghost, and someone is getting blocked by me tonight. But I had to choose them last night, so I obv won't say who :p

Tonight, as in it hadn't happened yet at the time she stated it. And she said that yesterday, after she died.
Hmm reading back at my role I noticed something interesting. Apparently I was able to survive one shot and still remain a ghost, then after taking that shot I roleblock the next night.

But I instantly died? So maybe I was hit twice? Could there be four killing roles?

Another interesting part in my pm regarding the roleblocking thing: it specifically says it activates if there is an attempt on my life that night or the following day I can roleblock. I could be reading into this too far, and this means lynching but it could also mean a dayvig of somesorts?
Four killing powers at once in a 12-player game? Superbird would've had to have lost it. Maybe it was a strongman or other effect that overcame your protection?

I suppose Superbird could simply be taking after my style of alluding to possibilities that aren't there, although daykills tend to be unblockable by their very nature. Not to say there couldn't be a daykill power around, but I wouldn't take that for hard and fast evidence.
Well, I don't know what's up with Mai exactly, but I'm not an angel, and I have to agree deathproof cop is pretty absurd. Some mafia flipping innocent would make sense in a game like this so that mafia-aligned votes can be a thing. That being said, though, Mai's claim is a pretty odd one if that's the case. There could be some weird trickery going on.
Hmmm. And what would you be? Something with a night action that would be worth more than voting ability at this point in the game?

Also, in retrospect, the blurbs do say that Angel-aligned players essentially die as usual when killed (people die when they are killed...). I mean, it'd be a little too easy if everyone with voting ability being innocent was a done deal...

Superbird, what would you do about tied votes in this game?

I'd rather avoid abstaining, but little clear options other than that and simply lynching Butterfree don't quite come to mind. Hmmm. I could possibly instead take a shot at a reasonably active player, so that worst case scenario we have a reasonably active voter. Although I don't know for sure that I'll be online again in time to get something like that done, so if any of the other vote-capable players are up to the task, well, there it is.

Incidentally, Mai, how's that power of yours flavored?
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