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wants to play mafia
Has anyone heard of this game? It's somewhat similar to The Clue Game, but involves searching for clues in the element and source of the page. I find it pretty addictive but also SUPER frustrating. (I can't even count my ragequits :P)
It's a good time-waster and is immensely satisfying when you get the right answer!
Hah, wow, this is hard.
Currently stuck on Level Four.
EDIT: Beat it, with a bit a help. Now stuck on Five.... I feel like the answers staring me in the face.
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Beginning, middle and end! Look at where it is on the URL ~
I'm currently stuck on Level 9
I'm still stuck on 9 *tears* Hint please?
EDIt: GOT IT! Success!
What does "sauce" sound like? And what comes at the end of every URL?
Can someone help me with Level 10?
Solve it like a math equation
Look for the .html
Help on three? I know it's something that sounds like sauce, but would I have to put the word before .html, y'know, by replacing the other word?
Trixie: You got to levelfree.html, right? You have to do something that you did before, that sounds like sauce, then look for the end of every URL. Just look, and you'll find it eventually.
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