Not Meowth
Cat, are you drilling?
~twinned with The Ice Caves~
Forgotten for thousands of years, there lies an ancient set of buildings. Pokémon overrun these ruins, and all over the walls are scrawlings in the script of an ancient culture. More remarkably still, Pokémon resembling these writings almost precisely occupy the structures, among many other Pokémon thought long extinct. This region excites scientists so much it has been cordoned off for study; however, trainers may bribe the researchers to let them onto the site or into the buildings, where they can catch Pokémon for themselves. Provided they're not caught, anyway.
~Catching Areas~
Common: 75% chance of encountering
Rare: 25% chance of encountering
Bribe: $2
Though devoid of the remarkable specimens inside, the clearing outside the ruins still brims with interesting Pokémon.
Common: Abra, Bellsprout, Burmy, Buneary, Caterpie, Combee, Doduo, Drifloon, Drowzee, Duskull, Exeggcute, Farfetch'd, Glameow, Gligar, Hoothoot, Hoppip, Kricketot, Ledyba, Meditite, Natu, Oddish, Shuppet, Spinarak, Spinda, Spoink, Spearow, Sunkern, Venonat, Weedle, Wynaut
Rare: Chatot, Cherubi, Cleffa, Ditto, Girafarig, Heracross, Igglybuff, Illumise, Kecleon, Kricketune, Murkrow, Noctowl, Pineco, Pinsir, Scyther, Skiploom, Smeargle, Stantler, Togepi, Venomoth, Volbeat, Yanma
Bribe: $4
One of the site's five caverns, and one of the ones of highest academic interest. It'll cost slightly more to convince the researcher on lookout to betray his professional integrity and risk you messing the place up, but it has some interesting Pokémon inside!
Common: Gastly, Unown A, Unown C, Unown D, Unown I, Unown K, Unown L, Unown N, Unown O, Unown R, Unown S, Unown U
Rare: Baltoy, Beldum, Cranidos, Misdreavus
Bribe: $4
One of the site's five caverns, and one of the ones of highest academic interest. It'll cost slightly more to convince the researcher on lookout to betray his professional integrity and risk you messing the place up, but it has some interesting Pokémon inside!
Common: Gastly, Unown A, Unown D, Unown E, Unown H, Unown I, Unown L, Unown M, Unown N, Unown O, Unown R, Unown S, Unown U
Rare: Baltoy, Beldum, Shieldon, Spiritomb
Bribe: $5
One of the site's five caverns, and one of the ones of highest academic interest. It'll cost slightly more to convince the researcher on lookout to betray his professional integrity and risk you messing the place up, but it has some interesting Pokémon inside!
Common: Baltoy, Beldum, Gastly, Unown A, Unown B, Unown C, Unown D, Unown E, Unown L, Unown M, Unown O, Unown R, Unown T, Unown Y
Rare: Aerodactyl, Claydol, Metang
Bribe: $3
A medium-security ruin, full of bizarre writings and numerous old artefacts and treasures. As well as catching the mysterious alphabet Pokémon, you could pick up some valuable antique loot!
Common: Gastly, Unown A, Unown B, Unown C, Unown D, Unown E, Unown F, Unown G, Unown H, Unown I, Unown J, Unown K, Unown L, Unown M, Unown !
Rare: Baltoy, Beldum, Bronzor, Lunatone, Misdreavus
Bribe: $3
A medium-security ruin, full of bizarre writings and numerous old artefacts and treasures. As well as catching the mysterious alphabet Pokémon, you could pick up some valuable antique loot!
Common: Shuppet, Unown N, Unown O, Unown P, Unown Q, Unown R, Unown S, Unown T, Unown U, Unown V, Unown W, Unown X, Unown Y, Unown Z, Unown ?
Rare: Nosepass, Ralts, Sableye, Solrock, Spiritomb
This is where the head of the research project spends his days, ordering archaeologists and historians around, writing research papers, generally looking important, et cetera. The Rune Ruins have inspired him profoundly, and his fascination of the alphabet Pokémon is vast. In fact he refuses to rest until he has seen, recorded, and studied every one of them. Why not try catching every Unown and taking them to him? He may have a fantastic reward waiting for you...
(50% chance of finding treasure along with a Pokémon, then 75% chance of common treasures, 25% chance of rare ones)
Common: Pearl, TinyMushroom, White Flute, Black Flute, Stardust
Rare: Nugget, Rare Bone, Big Pearl, Star Piece, Member Card
Common: Blue Shard, Green Shard
Rare: Dawn Stone, Dragon Scale, Dubious Disc, Dusk Stone, Electirizer, Fire Stone, Leaf Stone, Magamrizer, Moon Stone
Common: Red Shard, Yellow Shard
Rare: Oval Stone, Protector, Razor Claw, Razor Fang, Reaper Cloth, Shiny Stone, Sun Stone, Thunderstone, Up-Grade, Water Stone
Common: Skull Fossil
Common: Armour Fossil
Common: Old Amber
Rare: Root Fossil, Claw Fossil
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