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Sage Noctowl vs. Blackthorne Steele vs. Full Metal Cookies vs. moon-panther

Well, that worked out nicely. :D

Fairly simple orders:
Hypnosis again until Halan is down. Once he's down, Dream Eater again for the rest of the round. Protect against statuses, and is Halan Protects, Chill, but only for the first part of the round.

Hypnosis@Halan/Chill/Protect~Hypnosis@Halan/Dream Eater@Halan/Protect~Hypnosis@Halan/Dream Eater@Halan/Protect
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Whelp. Guess there is only one thing that we can do. When that nasty little ghost tries to put you back to sleep, use Magic Coat to reflect it back. After that is done, I want you to get your furry butt over to GlaDOS and roar in her face until she wakes up. If she's awake after the first roar, then use a Aura Sphere on the Riolu to show him what a real one looks like. If she's asleep still after the roar, continue to roar.

If she wakes up on the first action though, then use Psychic on the Riolu.

Magic Coat ~ Roar@GlaDOS/Psychic@Riolu ~ Aura Sphere @ Riolu/ Roar @ GlaDOS
Use your Lovey-Dovey powers to jump in front of the Magic Coat and Magic Coat the hypnosis right back at Halan. If that's illegal, Aura Sphere Halan. Aura Sphere Halan, then Toxic GlaDOS unless she uses Magic Coat. In that case, Aura Sphere Halan
Magic Coat/Aura Sphere (Halan)~Aura Sphere (Halan)~Toxic (GlaDOS)/Aura Sphere (Halan)
Okay...GLaDOS, finish off your Solarbeam (try and aim it at Riolu?), then if you're still asleep, Sleep Talk. But if you wake up, try and toss that obnoxious Riolu out of the way with Psychic, then torture him a bit with the same. Let's show 'em how sadistic we can be.

Solarbeam (@ Riolu if possible) / Sleep Talk / Psychic @ Riolu x 3
Gimmick Battle
1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 (3 vs 1)
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
GIMMICK: This is a 3 vs 1 battle, with three trainers against one. HOWEVER, the first three trainers do not know who the first one is. Their goal is to destroy his/her dream to 'be the very best, like no one on this Island ever was'.
In the first round, the ref will randomly pick and contact the fourth to tell them who they are, while the other three will get nothing.

Round 4

Sage Noctowl (O)
Currently out: Riolu
Male Riolu
Ability: Steadfast
Health: 76%
Energy: 73%
Status: Attracted to Rift (Severe).
Condition: Hoping that he won't be hit by attacks like that last Psychic many times more.
Commands: Magic Coat/Aura Sphere (Halan) ~ Aura Sphere (Halan) ~ Toxic (GlaDOS)/Aura Sphere (Halan)

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 76%
Energy: 83%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to Riolu (Severe).
Condition: Still eager to take Halan down.
Commands: Hypnosis (Halan)/Chill/Protect ~ Hypnosis (Halan)/Dream Eater (Halan)/Protect ~ Hypnosis (Halan)/Dream Eater (Halan)/Protect

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 63%
Energy: 61%
Status: 1+ Special Attack. Asleep (Severe). Charging SolarBeam up.
Condition: It would be displaying a loading screen if it had a monitor.
Commands: SolarBeam (Riolu)/Sleep Talk/Psycic (Riolu) ~ SolarBeam (Riolu)/Sleep Talk/Psychic (Riolu) ~ SolarBeam (Riolu)/Sleep Talk/Psychic (Riolu)

GLaDOS' Substitute
Health: 15%

moon-panther (O)
Currently out: Halan
Male Lucario
Ability: Steadfast
Signature Attribute: Heart of the Crow
Health: 56%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4+ Attack, 3+ Special Attack, 3+ Special Defense. Soothe Bell stolen. Heart of the Crow activated (64~50 stage).
Condition: Wondering what is GLaDOS doing.
Commands: Magic Coat ~ Roar (GLaDOS)/Psychic (Riolu) ~ Aura Sphere (Riolu)/Roar (GLaDOS)

Arena: Deserted Island
There is a deserted Island out at sea. It is a somewhat large Island, four by four Wailords in area, with minimal shrubbery. One lone tree is in the centre.
Arena status: Unchanged.


The battle progressed ownards, and all four trainers were doing what they could in order to not get sent off earlier.

Both Halan and Riolu mobilized just as soon as the airborne referee gave the word. Bathed in psychic-type forces, their fur took on mirrored hues.

Not minding the movements of the two jackals, Rift unleashed a sleep-inducing brain wave; however, the attack's target simply punched it away, bouncing it back at the attacker.

For a second, the Gastly thought she was in for a troublesome time; however, she was saved by the bell, or rather, by the leaping lovebird that also managed to bounce the waves away with a smack.

At that moment, the battle degenerated into a ball game as the Hypnosis blast was shot back and forth between the light-reflecting furred Pokémon. They ocasionally tried big moves, like ample kicks or headbutts, but the perpetual draw lasted for quite a while.

That while ended just as soon as GLaDOS' load time did, however. Reaching 100% in the amount of solar light stored, it finally unleashed the sun beam. The extremely bright ray made the Lucario its target, and knocked him off balance just as he was about to send the psychic wave away from him. Said wave was left to fly away, coincidentally striking the referee's personal mount.

Before Metallica Fanboy could penalize anyone, though, Halan rectified the situation. He approached the opposing Porygon and let out a massive howl upon its face, waking it and the ref's Aerodactyl up immediately.

That brief lowering of guard was the steel-and-fighting-type's undoing, though, as he was wide open for the next Hypnosis broadcast by his antimaterial enemy. Though he tried to resist, he helplessly sank to the ground, closing his eyes and snoring aloud once more.

The Riolu followed up immediately with yet another concentration of aura. The stale move still hurt as much as it ever did, but, it slowly took to becoming more bearable as the target got used to being hit with it.

Furthermore, the attacker was turned into the attacked afterwards, when a cyan glow envelopped himself and GLaDOS' eyes. An external force controlled him, forcing him to trip over to the side, then hit himself with each attempt to stand up again.

Meanwhile, Halan's mind echoed the sound of The Crow's voice, demanding a wake-up. However, the voice came to sound blurrier and less comprehensible. It was as though part of it was being summoned by an external source... Namely, Rift's tongue. A voice wasn't quite as tasty as a dream, but, in the absence of one, that's how the ball rolled.

After having her share of bird voice, the Gastly turned her gaze to check on her object of attraction, who was spitting a dangerous-looking, deep purple goop that uselessly slipped away over the Substitute Porygon.

The real deal landed its counterstrike with one more Psychic, this time forcing a few heabutts upon the floating steel chunks that gravitated around Riolu's love.

Round 4 – End

Sage Noctowl (O)
Currently out: Riolu
Male Riolu
Ability: Steadfast
Health: 52%
Energy: 60%
Status: Attracted to Rift (Severe).
Condition: Worried about whether Rift thought he meant to do what he did.

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 80%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to Riolu (Severe).
Condition: Hoping to find some way of getting the bitter taste of The Crow's voice off her tongue.

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 63%
Energy: 40%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.

GLaDOS' Substitute
Health: 15%

moon-panther (O)
Currently out: Halan
Male Lucario
Ability: Steadfast
Signature Attribute: Heart of the Crow
Health: 28%
Energy: 63%
Status: 4+ Attack, 3+ Special Attack, 3+ Special Defense. Asleep (Light). Soothe Bell stolen. Heart of the Crow activated (49~0 stage).
Condition: Struggling to wake up.​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- SolarBeam was called upon by Sleep Talk; thus, the target was determined randomly, and that was Halan.
- Magic Coat lasts for an entire action; it doesn't peter out upon reflecting one attack. Thus, Hypnosis on the first round was bounced back and forth until Halan was knocked out of the game by GLaDOS' SolarBeam.
- Hypnosis on the second action was a tad more successful, though. The sleep also stopped Halan from attacking during the third round.
- Heart of the Crow's final stage activated on the second action.
- Toxic on the third action failed because of the Substitute.
- Next round, Full Metal Cookies commands, Blackthorne Steele commands, moon-panther commands and lastly Sage Noctowl commands.
Okay my demented computer program, here we go. Beat the shit outta that Riolu! Protect your buddy Halan there; if he's alive still, he can protect you after he wakes up! Start off by smacking Riolu around with Psychic a bit more; if he protects, move on to Rift, though if you can't get either, Chill; your sub should absorb damage and status for a while. Try and keep them away from you and Halan with those Psychic blasts.

And remember children, there will be cake when GLaDOS is done with you...so don't worry... :3

Psychic @ Riolu (or Rift) / Chill
That, is how it's done, citizens.

Don't let Riolu down! You two are in this together! First, Focus Blast the pesky Substitute of GLaDOS, to clear a window for your luvha boy. After you blasted the sub to bits, it's time to murder some armoured jackal. Zap Cannon Halan until it sticks. Next, Chill. Protect against status effects, barring Poison, of course.

Focus Blast@GLaDOS/Protect~Focus Blast@GLaDOS/Zap Cannon@Halan/Protect~Zap Cannon@Halan/Chill/Protect
......*smirk* The matter of the host body is no more. Halan is now at the point where he now lays unconscious, while his inner being takes the field. Beloved Crow of mine, defender of his heart and body, do attack these pesky pokemon with your talons of aura. I think the first point of attack would be that Riolu, don't you agree Crow-love? Use that strength of the blood-born power! Fight your Host's fight! Do not leave the one traitor standing at the end of this battle, least your host ridicule you about it on a later date! If that Pesky ghost tries to meddle with your attacks, switch your target to the spook for that action and attack it with you talons and beak!

Crow! Take charge is this fight, with the help of your comrade GlaDOS, you two shall root out the true traitor in this fight!

Crow Attack @ Rilou/ Rift x3
You might as well fight back. Try to dodge around the Crow's attacks, and help Rift by finishing Halan with a couple Sky Uppercuts. If Halan is finally finished, move on and Aura Sphere GLaDOS.
Sky Uppercut(Halan)~Sky Uppercut(Halan)/Aura Sphere(GLaDOS)~Sky Uppercut(Halan)/Aura Sphere(GLaDOS)
Gimmick Battle
1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 (3 vs 1)
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
GIMMICK: This is a 3 vs 1 battle, with three trainers against one. HOWEVER, the first three trainers do not know who the first one is. Their goal is to destroy his/her dream to 'be the very best, like no one on this Island ever was'.
In the first round, the ref will randomly pick and contact the fourth to tell them who they are, while the other three will get nothing.

Round 5

Sage Noctowl (O)
Currently out: Riolu
Male Riolu
Ability: Steadfast
Health: 52%
Energy: 60%
Status: Attracted to Rift (Severe).
Condition: Worried about whether Rift thought he meant to do what he did.
Commands: Sky Uppercut (Halan) ~ Sky Uppercut (Halan)/Aura Sphere (GLaDOS) ~ Sky Uppercut (Halan)/Aura Sphere (GLaDOS)

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 80%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to Riolu (Severe).
Condition: Hoping to find some way of getting the bitter taste of The Crow's voice off her tongue.
Commands: Focus Blast (GLaDOS)/Protect ~ Focus Blast (GLaDOS)/Zap Cannon (Halan)/Protect ~ Zap Cannon (Halan)/Chill/Protect

Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 63%
Energy: 40%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Commands: Psychic (Riolu)/Psychic (Rift)/Chill ~ Psychic (Riolu)/Psychic (Rift)/Chill ~ Psychic (Riolu)/Psychic (Rift)/Chill

GLaDOS' Substitute
Health: 15%

moon-panther (O)
Currently out: Halan
Male Lucario
Ability: Steadfast
Signature Attribute: Heart of the Crow
Health: 28%
Energy: 63%
Status: 4+ Attack, 3+ Special Attack, 3+ Special Defense. Asleep (Light). Soothe Bell stolen. Heart of the Crow activated (49~0 stage).
Condition: Struggling to wake up.
Commands: Crow Attack ~ Crow Attack ~ Crow Attack

Arena: Deserted Island
There is a deserted Island out at sea. It is a somewhat large Island, four by four Wailords in area, with minimal shrubbery. One lone tree is in the centre.
Arena status: Unchanged.


As the former four-way free-for-all degenerates into a tag battle, the trainers find boosted confidence in having someone they can trust. There is still not the slightest clue as to who is the stealthy battler that detains the driving force behind the match; there's only the hope of managing to go forwards safely.

Rift made to attack GLaDOS' Substitute, but to no avail -- she had no idea what a "Focus Blast" was supposed to be. Maybe a distraction? She tried clowning around to gain the enemy's attention, but while she did earn a glare, it was short-lived.

Meanwhile, Halan begin to sleepwalk, as he desperately attempted to break free from the hypnotic bind he had found himself in. However, just as he stood up, he was knocked down again. By a powerful punch to lower jaw. He finally managed to open his differently colored eyes. Then, the Crow grunted something along the lines of "finally", to afterwards reveal himself to all those who were watching. Riolu tried to run for cover, but it was futile -- the Porygon tripped him with a psychic blast.

The aura being made a loud noise, then drew upon the aura of his host to enlarge himself for a massive stomp attack. Contrary to moon-panther's commands, the attack struck indiscriminately, hitting Riolu, Rift and GLaDOS' Substitute alike, shattering the latter into pieces.

Countermeasures were immediate. The Crow managed to evade an incoming blast of electricity without effort, but that costed him not noticing it as one Pokémon approached Halan and performed a spinning jump uppercut, making him drop to the ground, unconscious. The aura creature cursed upon his host's sleepiness as he, too, lost consciousness.

However, that last attack would not be performed without a price. Riolu's landing was slightly rougher than he was hoping for, as he was pulled down to the ground by psychic force.

Rift, noticing that the largest threat was down, chose to ignore her surroundings and have a quick rest, as the two other Pokémon traded blows -- a sphere of aura for another telekinetic attack, the latter diminishing the target's mental resistance.

Round 5 – End

Sage Noctowl (O)
Currently out: Riolu
Male Riolu
Ability: Steadfast
Health: 12%
Energy: 45%
Status: Special Defense 1-. Attracted to Rift (Severe).
Condition: With a terrible headache.

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 70%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to Riolu (Severe).
Condition: Gleefully ignoring her surroundings.

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 46%
Energy: 16%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.

moon-panther (X)
Currently out: Halan
Male Lucario
Ability: Steadfast
Signature Attribute: Heart of the Crow
Health: 0%%
Energy: 53%
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Lying unconscious next to the Crow.​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Gengar can, but Gastly cannot learn Focus Blast.
- The Heart of the Crow attack targets all enemies. And it broke GLaDOS' Substitute on the first action.
- Zap Cannon on the second action missed.
- Halan was knocked out on the second action. And moon-panther was not the lonesome party.
- Riolu hit the damage cap on the third action. Additionally, the last Psychic he was hit with lowered his Special Defense.
- Next round, Sage Noctowl commands, Full Metal Cookies commands and lastly Blackthorne Steele commands.
Rest then try to Sleep talk twice.
Hopefully, unless Steele is the lonely party, we should win.
If not, we're in trouble.
Rest~Sleep Talk~Sleep Talk
Okay GLaDOS! Rest takes a lot of energy, so let's screw Riolu's up a bit! Use Dream Eater (energy) on him after he goes to sleep. Try and keep away from Rift while you're at it. If he doesn't go alseep, for....some reason, I dunno, Chill.

Dream Eater (Energy) @ Riolu / Chill x 3
...I barely understood what the hell just happened. :x Worked out good enough, so.

Simple. It's ahnnialation time. Giga Drainage of... draining-ee-ness the floating Geometry homework until he dies. Once you heartlessly murder 'im, forgo any bonds with your boyfriend and Psychic the rat 'til one of you falls to the ground.

Giga Drain@GLaDOS/Psychic@Riolu x3
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Gimmick Battle
1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 (3 vs 1)
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
GIMMICK: This is a 3 vs 1 battle, with three trainers against one. HOWEVER, the first three trainers do not know who the first one is. Their goal is to destroy his/her dream to 'be the very best, like no one on this Island ever was'.
In the first round, the ref will randomly pick and contact the fourth to tell them who they are, while the other three will get nothing.

Round 6

Sage Noctowl (O)
Currently out: Riolu
Male Riolu
Ability: Steadfast
Health: 12%
Energy: 45%
Status: Special Defense 1-. Attracted to Rift (Severe).
Condition: With a terrible headache.
Commands: Rest ~ Sleep Talk ~ Sleep Talk

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 70%
Energy: 70%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to Riolu (Severe).
Condition: Gleefully ignoring her surroundings.
Commands: Giga Drain (GLaDOS)/Psychic (Riolu) ~ Giga Drain (GLaDOS)/Psychic (Riolu) ~ Giga Drai (GLaDOS)/Psychic (Riolu)

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 46%
Energy: 16%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Commands: Dream Eater (Energy)(Riolu)/Chill ~ Dream Eater (Energy)(Riolu)/Chill ~ Dream Eater (Energy)(Riolu)/Chill

Arena: Deserted Island
There is a deserted Island out at sea. It is a somewhat large Island, four by four Wailords in area, with minimal shrubbery. One lone tree is in the centre.
Arena status: Unchanged.


One battler down meant one step closer to finding out who was the obnoxious person that deceived all the others to seize every credit for winning for themselves.

The ever heating up battle began to take the focus away from being in love. Now the real deal was to survive. Rift and Riolu still felt attraction, but now it wouldn't be as likely to stop them. After all, a knockout did just ensue.

The Gastly, now unmatched in speed since her only competitor was out of the match by then, opened the round with a swipe of her tongue in GLaDOS' direction. Several small, green orbs poured out of the Porygon's electronic body and followed the tongue's movements, pulling towards the attacker once the aforementioned tongue was withdrawn.

Meanwhile, the Riolu desperately tried to not allow the headache to get in his way as he took on a light blue glow, sending his healing systems into an overdrive. While he did manage to regain health, he was so tired after the process he fell asleep.

To ascertain that this slumber would not be woken from so soon, Full Metal Cookies' Pokémon acessed a site called Conversion4chan and asked for a means of hacking into jackal heads. Answers were quick; it downloaded a password generating program -- after a couple of links that actually led to a video of a gentleman dancing and singing a song about not giving someone up -- and used it to connect to the Riolu's mind, playing "ONNOMNOM.mp3" while consuming the small remainder of his energy.

Bereft of all of his endurance, Sage Noctowl's Pokémon took to the same fate of his evolved form. From there ownards, the match was one-on-one.

Rift was expecting some sort of reaction to the constant draining of virtual lifeforce she had been performing; however, until the referee signaled for the end of the round, GLaDOS just lay idle, recharging battery.

Round 6 – End

Sage Noctowl (X)
Currently out: Riolu
Male Riolu
Ability: Steadfast
Health: 100%
Energy: 0%
Status: Knocked out!
Condition: Looking as though sleeping.

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 82%
Energy: 52%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense.
Condition: Wondering what's with her last opponent's lack of movement.

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 25%
Energy: 30%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Condition: Still deeply annoyed by the links clicked during the mental password lookup.​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Riolu was energy killed on the first action. That would have been done by the second action anyway, though, since there was so little energy left that using Sleep Talk would have done the deed. Also, Sage Noctowl wasn't the single-man army either.
- Next round, Blackthorne Steele commands, then Full Metal Cookies commands.
I'M NOT AN OBNOXIOUS PERSON! *Points to first sentence in reffing*

Well. Time to reveal.


In other words, I'm him. :D

Now, Rift, let's put the dysfunctional software out of it's artificial misery. :O Spam Psychic. Chill if it Protects.

Psychic@GLaDOS(Hey, who else could I hit?!)/Chill
Okay GLaDOS... let's have a bit of...fun before this ends, shall we...? Why don't you show her what you can do, what you were programmed for. Show her your Weighted Companion Cube! That should keep her at bay for a while. Hit her back with Psychic, though if you're too tired, Chill.

Weighted Companion Cube ~ Psychic / Chill ~ Psychic / Chill
A'ight, I never played Portal or whatever I should be referencing, so, I'll probably not be really accurate or specific in what regards Weighted Companion Cube in effect.

Gimmick Battle
1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1 (3 vs 1)
DQ: 10 Days
Damage Cap: 40%
GIMMICK: This is a 3 vs 1 battle, with three trainers against one. HOWEVER, the first three trainers do not know who the first one is. Their goal is to destroy his/her dream to 'be the very best, like no one on this Island ever was'.
In the first round, the ref will randomly pick and contact the fourth to tell them who they are, while the other three will get nothing.

Round 7

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 82%
Energy: 52%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense.
Condition: Wondering what's with her last opponent's lack of movement.
Commands: Psychic/Chill ~ Psychic/Chill ~ Psychic/Chill

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 25%
Energy: 30%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Condition: Still deeply annoyed by the links clicked during the mental password lookup
Commands: Weighted Companion Cube ~ Psychic/Chill ~ Psychic/Chill

Arena: Deserted Island
There is a deserted Island out at sea. It is a somewhat large Island, four by four Wailords in area, with minimal shrubbery. One lone tree is in the centre.
Arena status: Unchanged.


With an evil laugh, Blackthorne Steele made the big reveal: he was the one who had been intending to seize the victory for himself and no one but himself. The referee -- who was also aware of that truth -- smirked as reactions ensued. Full Metal Cookies was undaunted; perhaps due to a previous realization. The commands issued then were probably going to be among the last few.

Rift opened the round with a broadcast of telekinectic waves, distorting the carefully calculated coordinates of the 3D modeled opponent. For a second, spectators may have thought that there would be no stopping to the psychic rampage about to ensue; however, GLaDOS finally revealed its trump card. Using a function that no Silph Co. Porygon ever had, it planted a mental image into the Gastly's mind, causing a bizarre form of infatuation.

As Blackthorne Steele's Pokémon did nothing but stare into what most beholders perceived as being thin air (which was actually the infamous Weighted Companion Cube), her enemy took up the role of doing a telekinetic rampage instead. However, it hadn't a specific line to call "too tired" except maybe "one move away from an energy kill", so, it only stopped attacking when the end-of-round signal was dealt.

Round 7 – End

Blackthorne Steele (O)
Currently out: Rift
Female Gastly
Ability: Levitate
Signature Move: Shadow Steel
Signature Attribute: Steel Armour
Health: 66%
Energy: 44%
Status: 4+ Attack, 1+ Defense, 3+ Special Attack, 4+ Special Defense. Attracted to a Weighted Companion Cube.
Condition: About to drool over the image planted on her head.

Full Metal Cookies (O)
Currently out: GLaDOS
Genderless Porygon
Ability: Download
Signautre Move: Weighted Companion Cube
Holding: Up-Grade
Health: 15%
Energy: 7%
Status: 1+ Special Attack.
Condition: Seeming to be close to powering off.​

Arena status: Unchanged.

Additional notes:
- Rift was too attracted to the Weighted Companion Cube to attack during the second and third actions.
- Whoa, that was pretty short. Specially in comparison to the earlier reffings in this match.
- Next round, Full Metal Cookies attacks first.
:I Oh crapples.

Uuuuh. Chill all round, GLaDOS. Hopefully you don't die, hurrdurrr. Man this isn't going well.

Chill x 3
I'm beggining to hate geometric stuff. Especially the floating robots. :x

Just blow his plastic head off, or something. Dark Pulse the first action, then break out the artillery and Zap Cannon until he dies.


Dark Pulse~Zap Cannon~Zap Cannon
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