• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Salvete! (That's latin for hello)


Nuclear Kittens?!
Advanced vocabulary aside, I am Sectoid, a.k.a. Thunderdrone, Greivous, Piecheese, etc. I apologize if I suddenly lash out at you for apparently no reason, for you see, I have Aspergers Syndrome, a form of Autism that gives me abnormally acute hearing (no screaming, please!), difficulty at staying on topic ("which reminds me..."), a short temper (thought I usually just get a tad miffed), and most notably, a special connection with cats. But, I digress, I'll post a topic on Aspergers later. I hope to make many new friends here, so post away! :grin:
:O Another person with Aspergers! So I'm not alone!

That aside, welcome to the Cave. I would recommend the Animé-Style Battling section, and also the Safari Zone even though it's kind of dead right now. I aim to fix that, just as soon as I'm given the godpowers I've been promised.

My Aspergers has a somewhat different list of symptoms than yours, interestingly. In fact, I don't think I have any of those things! What I do have is an abnormal sensitivity to sound (not the same thing as acute hearing - actually, I have quite a severe hearing loss) and to light. It also means that, oddly, I'm comfortable in temperatures between ~5-10 degrees celsius, though I get uncomfortable in the warmth. Another thing I display is a meticulous perfectionism, so grammar and spelling errors tend to bug me. In real life, I tend to be very introverted and shy, though online it's completely different. And finally, oddly, I'm hyperaware of my surroundings - if I wanted to, I could pay attention to literally everything around me. This has a tendency to get distracting in large crowds or noisy environments.

...Wow, I meant to welcome you and it turned into a ramble about my Aspergers. Sorry. Um, have fun here. I hope we can be friends.
My Aspergers has a somewhat different list of symptoms than yours, interestingly. In fact, I don't think I have any of those things!

Aspies tend to have different sets of symptoms. One of my best friends has Aspergers and she's just incredibly shy (unless she knows you pretty well) and has a bit of a monotone. (actually, I didn't know she had Aspergers until my mum told me) [/rant]

Anyways, welcome to tCoD! We actually have quite a few people with Aspergers here so you're not alone :) Enjoy your stay!
Nice to meet you! I welcome you and hope you enjoy your time here. Also, you should come check out the roleplaying section.
Salve! Quomodo es? Linguam Latinam loquoris, aut ...? Utorisne Google Translate? haha.

Google Translate magne malum est, si non scis. Noli uti id.

baaaar ... non scio ... barbarbar ... vale!
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I'd speak in latin too, but I don't know it.

Anyways, Welcome to the cave. I'm Blade, resident weapons master. If you need anything, just call. Or ask someone else around here, everyone is really quite helpful.
I know that Leafpool and Invader Syl have talked about having Asperger's before, so yeah, you aren't alone! Welcome!
Mea Latina est pessima. Et tamen ad cacumen latini ludi sum! Fueram conperire verbos in dictionario. O, est laetifica esse in Latina II!

...Et ille est optimus possum facere.
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ad hoc filum tractus sum quod titulus latine erat. loquerisne latinam? videre potes Ketsu Zuuque latinam loqui posse, et ego quoque!

Oh hi! I just joined. Like two minutes ago. Glad to meet ya! I hope you like it here, and a piece of advice: DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT GO TO THE PARTIES! Unless you wanna get high. Which I don't. So, I speak English, and learning Spanish, and destinied to learn Chinese. I have relatives that are Chinese. Anyway, because I can't speak in Latin, I shall speak in the all-powerfully fake PIG LATIN! Ello-hay here-thay. Hello there.
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