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Open Search for the Valley of the White Lotus

Hilao was just about to ask what "they" were, but his answer came sooner then expected when a pack of drakes jumped onto the scene and ran riot. Hilao knocked an arrow and fired, hitting one squarly between the eyes. It droped with a moan.

Another one charged Hilao, but he managed to stab it with an arrow before it could lash out. "What are these things?" Hilao called as he ducked underneath another. "And why are they attacking us?"
Llyud waited for something to happen, and soon enough, scaly lizard-like creatures started attacking. Llyud decided that now was the time to act, so he flew down beside the rag-tag group. There would be enough time for introductions later. The group was being surrounded quickly, so he decided to start using his magic.

"Fireballs should burn their scales to a crisp," Llyud muttered right before chanting an ancient incantation he had read from the book he always carried around. He remembered a spell that would make meteors start raining from the sky. He channeled all his concentration into the spell he was chanting, but he knew that he would have to be patient for the meteors to arrive.

One of the drakes started rushing towards Llyud and clawed at his arm. It managed to succesfully slash Llyud's arm and caused it to bleed.

"Fine. You have incurred my wrath. Face the consequences." Llyud stood there and watched as the first of the meteors struck the scaly head of the drake which had previously attacked him. Satisfied, he smirked ever so slightly to himself.
Banavio watched as all Hades broke loose. Akaoi! he muttered, as an onslaught of thorns and prickers shot out against the beasts. Banavio laughed at the beasts' lack of power. Axuttenos! he shouted. Suddenly, vines shot up from the ground, holding the enemies in place, awaiting their death.
Logoth had slowed to a jog and heard something all too familar, A battle. Quickly moving towards it he saw an odd group brawling with a large pack of drakes. One made a leap for his exposed head butLogoth was quick catching the creature with his right hand he slammed it on the ground with tremendous force. A sickening crack resounded indicateing a shattered spine and ribs. The drake died instantly and logoth drew his sword to aid the strange group.
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