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Closed Semi-lit: PG-13: The Order of the Dragon Knights

Kali the Flygon

Devourer of Sandshrews
OOC Thread Here


It had been a long three-day journey by foot across the kingdom, but he had finally made it. Verne stood just outside a small cave in the side of the mountain, peering at it under the reddish, dawn sky. "This has to be the place, right?" He took out a scroll and began to unravel it. On one side was a manually-written letter detailing his assignment, but after turning it around to the other side, one could see a map drawn out on it. "Yes, this has to be the one. I don't see any other caves around here."

Verne himself was traveling light. All he had with him were the clothes on his back, a small flask of water, a short sword he had crafted with help from his father, and his scroll. He had spent the last of the few gold coins he took with him last night, on lodging and a meal from a nearby town. So he was risking a lot by making this journey, leaving the stable, but lowly existence he had back at his old village. He could only hope that it would prove itself to be worth it, but doubt still clouded his mind.

The large human began to walk into the cave. It seemed barely more than a crack in the rock, but Verne soon found it to be very deep. He started winding his way through the chamber, and while it seemed to continue to narrow, twisting with pointy rocks jutting out around, at least it was mostly flat in altitude, so that he felt like he wouldn't have too much difficulty getting back out. "Why in the world would they ask us to meet here?" Verne wondered, out loud. It also was getting rather dark, making him wish he had brought a torch as well. "This just makes no sense... maybe this is the wrong place after all." But just as he was considering turning back, Verne noticed something... the area seemed to be getting lighter up ahead. "Huh, is there something there?"

Verne began to follow the light. It was a whole lot easier than just wandering around in the dark, and it gave him a sense that, finally, the long, winding cave might be leading somewhere. Soon enough, he discovered that the light was being produced by a pair of lit torches ahead, and that the cave began to open up into a larger hallway. At the end of this hallway, a pair of fully-armored guards stood watch, just in front of a large iron gate, closed behind them. The guards held large spears vertically against the ground, and also carried an additional sword in a holder at their waist. Verne felt a little squeamish as he approached. One of the guards spoke up, "Halt! Present your pass!"

Verne took a quick step back, trying to think quickly... "Pass... uhh..." he tried stalling, then something came to his mind. Maybe they mean the scroll... He took his letter off his belt and held it up to the guards. After a careful examination, the lead guard replied, "All right, you're clear." The iron gate began to lift vertically, and a ratchet sound could be heard from gears along the door. Just behind the door, there appeared to be a third guard, standing by a crank. Verne started to step through the door.

Past the door, the cave looked very different. It appeared as if it had been manually carved, as the whole cave hallway looked very straight, smooth, and even. Torches could be seen every ten feet or so, and Verne stood just past the doorway to stare at the sudden change in the structure of the cave. He was, however, snapped back out of his gaze by the third guard, who lowered the gate behind him and then spoke up to him. "All right, come with me... Your meeting room is just at the end of this hallway.This guard led Verne down the chamber and opened a wooden door at the end, where the cave then opened up. Makeshift chairs, made of wood, sat in this larger room, maybe a dozen in total. There was also a second door across from the one the guard opened. He then spoke to Verne. "Stay here. You're the first to arrive, but the others should be here soon." Verne nodded, taking a seat near the middle. The door this time was left half open as the guard left to return to his post at the iron gate.

Boy, there sure is a lot of security going on here... What is it everyone is trying to protect anyway?


Meanwhile, elsewhere, as the morning sun just began to shine in, a silver dragon lay curled up in his nest, located within a large hole in the side of a mountain. He was sound asleep, until suddenly, he felt the ground under him shake a little bit, along with hearing a thump. Endymion groaned, groggily lifting his head, turning it toward the mouth of his den. "Huh? It's so early..." He opened his eyes, seeing a larger, older female green dragon, perhaps twice his height. "Oh... it's you, miss Zz'lara... What's going on now..?" Endy yawned, his eyes narrowing, barely staying open.

The green dragon smiled, speaking to the young silver, "Rise and shine, Endymion. Today's a special day... It'll be your first chance to obtain a human partner."
Endy grumbled and slowly picked himself up. He knew this day would come eventually, but still, why did he need a human? Still, he supposed it could be fun, perhaps. "All right... but why so early?"
"Oh, come now, do you think the world revolves around you, Endymion?" Zz'lara replied. Endy just sighed and walked over to her.
"Fine... what do I have to do then?"
"Go over to the temple and wait there with the other young dragons. I will bring the humans there shortly. Now, I have to go wake the others up..."

The green dragon then leapt back off of the cave ledge, flying around the area to the other dragon homes. Endymion stood up at the entrance to of his abode, thinking to himself for a little while. I'll just have to make sure I get a good pick... He spread his large wings and jumped out himself, flying out over the valley, glancing down at the city below. He flew toward the center of the valley, where a small, but steep hill was located. On top of the hill, a large, manmade structure was had arisen, looking similar to a chapel, but with one major difference... its pure size. This building was immense, and its open entrance itself stood dozens of feet tall. It was obvious it was designed to hold dragons just as often as humans. It was made of stone, with large marble pillars and stained-glass windows shaped in an arch.

Endymion glided down in front of the building and stepped inside. It seemed he was the first to arrive, so he decided to look for a nice spot to lay back down. Maybe I can get a little more rest before the humans arrive... he thought. Just inside the entrance, there was one giant room taking up most of the chapel itself. This room was used as a meeting spot for dragons and humans together. The rest of the building, however, was only designed for humans to walk through. The floor of the giant room was a natural dirt, covered in hay, like a stables, but there weren't any enclosures for horses. Endy stepped over to one of the sides, near the wall but in the middle of that side, and curled himself back up, trying to get comfortable. I wonder how long this will take anyway...


(Yay, it's finally started! So basically, you all need to get to the two different meeting places. You may use the guards and the green dragon as NPCs as you wish, as long as they stay true to their apparent purpose)
Raiha had taken to twirling his wooden practice sword around to amuse himself, and continued whirling it like a baton as he went into the cave, slightly intimidated by the armored guards. He wistfully eyed the guards' swords, wishing he owned one, but then again he was just a lowly servant.

When asked for authentication, Raiha thought for a moment, then uncertainly flashed his letter, and was admitted in. His stomach grumbled slightly as he traveled onwards, having eaten very little besides a rabbit he had caught a day and a half ago. Having no money, and nothing but his clothes and wooden sword, Raiha had simply endured it.

As he reached the third guard and was admitted in, he saw the chairs and lightly sat on the end of a chair, curiously shooting glances at the other person in the room, and jealously looking at his sword.
Ilia watched two other people go inside the cave a few dozen feet in front of her. Was this the right place? It had to be, other people were here. Well, regardless of whether or not it was, she had to try. She didn't have that much money, and little else with her besides the scroll. And "home" was very far away.
She looked around one last time and scurried inside. It was dark.. she practically ran through the the narrow path through the cave, avoiding the jagged rocks sticking out of the wall. Whatever she was supposed to do here, she wanted to get it done fast. It was dark in here, with very little space, and she was rapidly getting claustrophobic.
But it lightened, and the cave seemed to widen as she made her way further, this time slowing to a walk. There were torches burning, and a gate. Two heavily-armored and armed guards stood there. She went forward, looking nervous. What was this doing in a cave?!
One of them loudly demanded to see her pass, making Ilia practically jump out of her skin. After a moment of thought, she meekly held out the scroll. The gates were opened, and she went inside. Led by yet another guard, she went inside the next room. How strange. It was a real room, it looked man-made, not the dark cave that was outside. Several wooden chairs were arranged here, and two other people, both male, were already sitting here. Head down, she quickly sat in the chair furthest away from them. Ilia looked at the floor, feeling incredibly self-conscious, but looked up at them for a few moment every now and then. Why were they here, anyway? One was a very tall, strong-looking person, about her age, armed with a sword. The other wore dark clothing and carried a wooden sword. While she was about the same height as the second person, the other was much taller than her. Still, both looked far stronger than her. Really, the question was what was she doing here?
Ilia tried to look as small as possible, and prayed not to be seen, playing with her hair nervously. She was terrified of having to talk to these strangers.. and still didn't know why the three of them were here. Judging from all the chairs, there would be many more people here.
Why did I come here?!
Morrigan had been napping on the rocky ledge outside her cave, preferring the open air to the darkness of the cavern. Since hers was a restless nature, she never slept deeply, and the heavy wingbeats of another dragon made her wake up, blinking several times as a large green dragon landed beside her. "Hello, Zz'lara. What's going on? You don't usually visit..."

"Today is the day that you will find your human partner." the other rumbled, smiling down at her. "You will need to f-" The rest of her words were cut off as Morri keened excitedly, leaping to her feet. Her wings flared out as the purple dragon pranced on the spot. "Really? Yes! Where do I need to go? when are they coming?" Her excitement was understandable, but Zz'lara had to move to keep from being hit by her flailing wings.
"As I was saying, you need to go to the temple and wait there. It shouldn't take the humans too long." her teacher replied, a gentle reprimand in her tone.

Morrigan nodded and stretched out, feeling the pleasant warmth of sunlight on her scales. Lashing her tail, she bounded off the ledge, wings beating to keep her aloft. She had always been a fast flier, so the trip to the temple was short, with her enthusiasm fuelling her flight. Landing in front of the temple, she entered with furled wings. Spotting Endymion, she nodded in greeting and sat down, tail twitching constantly as she looked around, evidently impatient.


Ardeina was showing off. To herself. She had been taught by the best of tutors, and as such, was now amusing herself on the journey by trying to puzzle out every little nuance in the instructions on the scroll. In fact, she was even reading aloud, as if to show how perfect her enunciation was. The dark cave gave her no trouble. She stalked through it as if she owned it - it didn't scare her! The guards did make her jump a bit, as she hadn't expected them, but an imperious tone and a languid wave of her scroll had let her pass through.

Now, though, she emerged into an actually civilized room. How wonderful! Sitting down, off to the side, she took the opportunity to look at the others, though she made sure to keep it subtle. Her eyes were downcast, and she adopted a lofty expression that was only a mask for her interest. They didn't look all that wealthy or high-ranked. Hmph. Commoners, then. Well, that didn't mean they would be stupid, or slow, but... They obviously couldn't be as clever and well-educated and beautiful as she was. It was a fact of life.

((Failpost. >>))
After Verne took his seat, it wasn't long before others started to enter. First was another male, dressed like a personal servant, who seemed to be eying him, particularly the small sword he carried with him. This made Verne feel a little uncomfortable, and he twitched a little in his seat, turning his head forward, toward the front of the room to try to avoid eye contact. Moments later, though, he heard some more footsteps, and Verne glanced toward the entrance just in time to see a girl this time, trying to slip in and find a seat away from them, unnoticed. Unfortunately, that would prove to be difficult, since there were only 12 chairs, set in three rows of four, so the best she could do was the back, far corner, which happened to be diagonally behind Verne. He could tell she was shy and uneasy about this whole situation, as he felt much the same way. But then, another girl walked in, wearing a fancy outfit, though not a dress as he would have imagined, and carrying a pompous attitude. He immediately realized she must be a noble, and, out of an almost instinctive reaction, he bowed his head and, in a meek, moderately high pitched voice for a guy, spoke to her, "Morning, m'lady."


As Endymion was just getting himself comfortable, he noticed another figure entering. Oh great... it's one of the purples... he thought to himself. There were two purple dragons roughly his age, and both could be rather annoying, though for somewhat different reasons. He did recognize this one to be Morrison though. She seemed to be prancing in with a giddy attitude, as she sat down nearby, nodding to him. Endy lifted his head to look at her, speaking in a low, gentle voice, "Well, it looks like someone is excited about today... Good morning, Morrison..." He gave a big yawn and laid his head back down next to his paws in front of him.
Raiha glanced back as the two girls walked in, glanced at them for a little less than a second, and then turned back and started twirling his wooden sword again.

No pretty ones... he thought to himself rather glumly, watching the polished wood blur in circles.
Celeste picked her head up and yawned. She had heard last night that they were to meet the humans at the temple, so she had decided to sleep out in front of it. However, she had no idea what time they would be meeting, so in the end she wasn't the first inside. Not that it mattered, she only wanted to save herself the trip.

Now would be a good time, she thought as she got up and padded towards the entrance. Inside, some other dragons had gotten there first, as she had expected. Endymion and Morrigan, to be exact. "So the humans haven't arrived?" she said to no one in particular.

((Stormecho, how can you call yours a failpost? DX))
((It... it just is. Don't argue with my low self esteem. >> Oh, and Kali, you messed up Morrigan's name every time you mentioned her. x3))

Morrigan grinned at Endymion. ""Good morning. How can you not be excited? I've been waiting for this for so long!" Highly unlikely, but exaggeration was always a large part of her conversation. "Greetings, Celeste! Isn't this great?!" Oh yes, she was prattling on like a true airhead, but she made sure to keep a watch on the others. Endymion seemed... amused by her enthusiasm, and Celeste had just arrived, so she hadn't gotten the chance to observe a reaction yet.

Ardeina smiled faintly at the serf who had recognized her station. "Good morning." she replied, lifting her head proudly. Yes, she was a noble, and she expected to be treated the same as when she had been at home. No one here appeared to be of the same rank as her, so she looked pointedly at them, waiting to be acknowledged.

((This is more failpost, in a different way.))
Arite was moving swiftly and silently through the water, like she did every morning. She was an early riser, and she liked to take a swim after she woke up, and maybe eat a few underwater plants.

Of course, her peaceful, meditative state was ruined when she saw a green dragon at the surface, her image distorted by the water. Arite swam up to the surface to meet her, knowing that she was not about to jump in; green dragons didn't do as well as blue ones in the water.

She launched herself onto the land, half-slithering. She had to raise her head to look the elder dragon in the eye, although the end of her tail was over forty feet behind her. "Good morning, Zz'lara," she greeted the other dragon.

"And good morning to you as well, young Arite," Zz'lara replied. "Judging by that gleam in your eyes, you know what today is?"

Arite laughed a laugh sounding like the purr of a cat. "I have been watching the others from below. I was curious."

Zz'lara's smile grew wider. "You haven't heard the instructions I gave them, though; you were too far away. Am I correct?"

"You are."

"Then I should repeat them to you: Go to the temple and wait with the others until I bring the humans."

Arite dipped her head and leaped with surprising agility for a creature with such short legs and unfurled her wing-fins, moving them in waves rather than flapping, as if though she were swimming through the air. She wasn't moving as fast as she did in the water, but she still moved pretty fast, or so she liked to think.

She finally reached the temple where other young dragons of all kinds were already waiting. They could all fit quite comfortably in the building, but Arite coiled herself near the entrance.
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(Gah! yeah, you're right... sorry. And don't worry, shadow_lugia, the temple was made for adult dragons... it's several hundred feet long. You'd have plenty of room.)

Endymion smirked, giving a little chuckle. "Oh, yes... I'm thrilled..." he replied to Morrigan, sounding a little sarcastic. "So eager to have a little child to babysit..." Just then, a third dragon walked inside. Endy hardly noticed until she spoke out loud, about humans. He glanced at the white dragon, shaking his head. "No humans yet. I'm guessing they're waiting until we all get here first." He then heard more footsteps, watching a blue dragon enter and coil herself like a snake near the entrance. "... Speaking of getting here, it looks like Arite is here now."

( :( phailpost)
Arite inclined her head to the silver dragon who had spoken. "Endymion," she greeted him, although not very entusiastically.

She had never been one for silver dragons. They were too playful, too naive, too ignorant to appeal to her. They liked to make storms and mess with her pool. And she was particularly envious of their size; they were several feet taller than her, and still almost as long as a blue dragon. She was more agile in the air, but not by much, and they were faster.

Arite had never really wanted to be a silver dragon, though. She wondered how any dragon could stand being on land or in the sky for their whole lives.
Much better, a certain youthful green dragon thought-perhaps with a touch of pride- as he finished his daily preening. At least he wasn't so vain as to spend twenty minutes watching the play of light flicker across the dull, glossy sheen of his scales. Well, okay, maybe he could do that. But not today; he had better things to do than admire his handiwork.

Transfadimir Kinri -Kinri to everyone else outside of family- was supposed to have immediately headed over to the Chapel, to be honest.

No, he wasn't a lazy dragon; It was just that one thing had led to another until he'd finally gotten to bask himself in the morning sun and work on his preening. So much for following our kind's motto of 'Up with the dawn, down with the dusk,' he thought as he gave the rough equivalent of a human shrug before stretching his wings. Now, if there were a nice updraft this would be so much easier, he thought as he leaped into the air, but no matter. I already had to put off over half of what I'd normally do today, just to see what a human looked like.

Ah, and as fortune would have it, a very nice updraft was to be had! His wings flapped once or twice before he started to glide with it, a light frown on his snout. Better be worth it. After all the tales he'd heard, it darn well better.

Still, it was not a few minutes later that he quietly spiraled towards the main entrance. A quick spread of his wings to soften his landing, and it was a simple matter of padding inside with the typical, brightly innocent smile of his breed. "I'm here! So, where are they?" Mischievous blue eyes looked at the others with interest, his tail twitching almost like a cat's.
Raiha looked at Ardeina with a look that showed the slightest hint of distaste. Nobles? God I can't stand nobles... are there really any nobles who are good enough for this guard? You'd think after sitting around and ordering others around all day, they wouldn't be amazing at combat...

Making a mental note to keep away from her, he muttered over to Verne, whom he had seen being amazing polite to the noble. "You're pretty good at the whole appeasing to nobles thing, aren't you? Personally I can't stand them, so pompous and demanding..."

Leaning back in a sort of disgruntled silence, Raiha realized the only noble he was comfortable with and completely trusted was his own master, whom Raiha had been a personal servant to.
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Ilia glanced up at the new girl and returned her gaze with a polite, though almost indifferent look, but nothing else. She didn't like the way this girl looked at her, like she expected them to bow or something. She was willing to bet that, in a hypothetical fight, she would survive much longer than this rich girl. But then again, they were nobles, and that was just how it was. Anyway, the chances of any fights breaking out were, for the moment, slim. As for intelligence.. well, who could tell at this point?
"You're here for the same reason as we are. Please, don't do that," Ilia said softly, before looking back down at her lap. She became aware that she had been hanging onto the sides of the chair seat as hard as she could. Her knuckles were turning white, and she let go.
She could barely keep herself from cringing or apologizing right away. Why had she just said that, and to a noble girl, no less?! Sure, she didn't exactly sound defiant, the way one of the other people here would have, but it was still rude. It didn't sound at all as polite as she had intended. It was odd.. she felt like she could do anything here. All the people here were strangers, so it didn't really matter. But that was a joke, a complete joke. Ilia fully expected the girl to jump up and scream at her, or summon the guards or something. She wished she hadn't said anything, or better, was somewhere else..
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Brinnak examined his new posession. Sharp on one end, dull on the other, shaped a bit like a cross...

Aha! It was one of those dinky little weapons that humans had to make. Poor humans, couldn't even fight without help.

Brinnak stood up and yawned, which was more of a small roar than anything else. Tossing the human weapon into the small pile of treasure that he had amassed, Brinnak pushed the boulder that was blocking the exit to his den out of the way, crawled out, and pushed it back into place.

Gathering himself up, the humongous and (in his mind, at least) handsome dragon catapulted himself into the air, flapping his smallish red wings quickly.

Brinnak soon arrived at the temple, and landed in front of it, chin up, and folded his wings. Passing a few of the other dragons, Brinnak entered the temple and sat and began to fix a few of his scales.
He shouldn't have came.

That was Charlie's first thought when he first reached the cave marked on the map. It wasn't an especially large or small cave, but an extremely plain-looking one. It looked so normal that it seemed suspicious. Charlie once again took out the well-worn map from his pocket and looked at it. He's not bad with directions, and this is the only cave he has seen for miles around... The young boy gulped hard and looked at the dark opening, then back to his map. He had came all this way...

Nothing can go wrong now, he reasoned with himself. He had survived the week-long journey across the kingdom even though he was sure he wouldn't. He did not get robbed or murdered. He did not get lost. So what was he afraid of? Yet no matter how hard he reasoned with himself, Charlie still couldn't bring himself to walk into the cave.

Charlie took a shuddering breath and tried to calm down. Panicking is not going to do any good -- he should just go in. Yes. Just walk. Nothing to be afraid of.

One, two, three. His footsteps echoed eerily in the dark tunnel. The light from the entrance faded slowly behind him. Charlie closed his eyes, hoping at least that he would not see himself get ripped to pieces if something strange came out of the cave -- which it probably did.

"Halt! Present your pass!" Charlie nearly jumped out of his skin when a loud, booming voice cut across the cave. He opened his eyes and frantically looked about at the attacker -- what should he do? He did not bring a weapon -- he didn't have enough money for that. He's not good at fights either. He turned around, and saw -- much to his relief -- not a wild monster but an irritated-looking guard, standing with his arms crossed.

"Um, uh, um," Charlie fiddled around his pockets. What pass? The scroll never mentioned a pass! What should he do? As he fumbled, his map fell and floated gently to the floor. The guard picked it up and studied it.

"You may pass," the guard said and handed the scroll back to Charlie. A rumbling sound followed, and a huge door opened up. Charlie stumbled through it and the following doors, a bit dazed. Where was he? He was walking though a cave, and now he has arrived at a well-furnished room with a few creaky-looking chairs. "Stay here," the guard said -- Charlie flinched when he realized that he had not noticed that a guard was following him -- and left, shutting the door behind him.

The boy meekly scooted to a chair in the corner and sat down. There were a few other people in this room, but whatever they were doing was their own business.


Razkr did not need to be woken up in the morning, especially not on such a big day. He had waited so long for this -- being partnered up with a human. Razkr had even preened his usually dirty scales, so that they now shone dully. Although he couldn't get rid of the greenish tarnish on the sides, he was too excited to care. So as Zz'lara landed in front of his cave, Razkr was ready.

"Well, Razkr, you sure woke up early today," the green dragon commented as Razkr bounced around his cave, pushing his collection of sparkly things aside into neat piles.

The bronze dragon's head jerked up at the mention of his name. "Of course! Today's the big day, isn't it isn't it? I'm getting partnered up with a human! This is going to be so awesome! We'll go on adventures and defeat evil and save the kingdom. Oh, Zar, what does a human look like again? I heard that they walk on two legs and don't have wings, and have soft peachy skin. That's so weird, not having scales like we do. How do they keep themselves from getting hurt? And they don't have wings either, so they can't fly..."

Zz'lara smiled faintly at the excited young bronze. Ignoring the fact that Razkr just pronounced her name wrong again, it was nice to have someone who's willing to get partnered up with a human, and Razkr's good mood was making the day seemed like less of a chore.

"Alright, if you want to have those question of yours answered, go to the temple. That's where you will be meeting with the other dragons, and, later on, your human."

Razkr broke off in mid-ramble. "The temple? Ok! Got it! Thanks! Bye!" With that, he launched off from the mouth of the cave, his long lashing tail nearly catching the green dragon on the head.

Bronze dragons aren't great fliers, and Razkr wasn't an exception. However, probably due to the excitement and an nice updraft, he was flying faster than usual. So fast, in fact, that he did not see the shiny, sparkly green dragon flying up ahead.
Verne turned back to Raiha when he was spoken to, giving a slight groan. "Well, it's not hard when you could receive a public flogging just for looking one of them the wrong way." He shook his head and turned away from Raiha, thinking about past experiences and his current situation. It seemed pretty obvious that they had already turned against the nobles that were coming here, thinking that status wouldn't mean a thing here, not even giving them a chance to prove themselves. Sure, the nobles had been given everything on a silver platter, and everyone else had to work hard for the few scraps left behind. That was one thing that he had resented, that he often wished was different. But here, surely they were out of their own comfort zone as well. He knew he was, and it would be good to have allies and friends if these were the people he was going to be training with. He turned his head toward Ardeina, who did happen to be on the other side of him as Raiha, and whispered to her, "Don't let them get to you, m'lady. They are just venting their nerves. My name is Verne, and I would be happy to serve." He wasn't quite sure why he said that exactly, but it gave him a sense of comfort to have someone to look up to.

Verne then noticed another human, a male, entering about that time. He turned his head and nodded toward him, dressed in a plain work outfit just like he was, and he gave a little smile. Just how many people are going to be here anyway? I guess there's room for a dozen.


Endymion grinned as the blue dragon acknowledged his presence. He wasn't a difficult dragon to spot, with his shiny, pristine, regal look. At least, he that's the way he thought about himself. He decided to speak to her. "What are you doing all the way over there? Trying to snatch up the humans before they can get to us?" He chuckled a little, before continuing, "Come over and join the party!"

A green dragon then entered, and just afterward, a red. Endy closed his eyes and sighed. Oh great, Kinri and Brinnak are here... he thought. Kinri was just as flitty and annoying as any purple, but with a brilliant side to him. And Brinnak, well... it didn't help that he thought he was the greatest thing on earth - particularly since there could only be one greatest thing. Endy rolled onto his back and stretched himself out, then rolled back, laying up on the ground with his feet and arms laying out along the ground. He lifted his head and curled his tail around the side of his body.
Instinctively, Razkr closed his wings and dropped down, missing the green dragon by inches. His speed, however, carried him on straight towards the temple -- Razkr squeaked in surprise and opened his wings, banking abruptly upwards and barely avoiding crashing into the cliff. Razkr flapped his wings hard while clawing at the cliff side, trying to get into the temple and not fall off the cliff. With a final heave, he pulled himself up to the platform. "Well, that was interesting," he said to no one in particular.

The green dragon he almost crashed into had sauntered into the temple along with a red. There were other dragons too, namely a long, serpentine blue and a -- ohhhh, shinyyyy -- silver.

Razkr decided to talk to them. After all, the weather's nice and the humans are coming. He bounded next to the silver and the blue. "Hey guys~ What's up? What are you doing?"
Ardeina frowned for a moment as she was spoken to so rudely - stop what? She wasn't doing anything but what was normal! - but then Verne spoke up soothingly. "Yes, that makes sense. I would be nervous too." She was, but she wasn't going to tell a bunch of servants that! "My name is Ardeina. I doubt I will be in need of your assistance. I have to prove my worth myself, right?" She smiled at him and then went back to examining the room, one hand idly brushing through her long, black hair. It would be a nuisance to keep clean later, since she lacked a maid, but she couldn't cut it before she arrived. Later, perhaps, but she had to preserve her image.


Morrigan hissed a welcome at all the new arrivals, wings fanning out as she stretched again, the better to show off her wingspan and the play of light on the lavender membrane. She wasn't vain, but she felt that with the sudden rush of dragons, she had to do something to let others remember that she was still there. "How much longer do you think it'll take?" she asked, tail lashing impatiently. She glared at the doorway, as if doing so would make the humans magically appear.
Endymion watched a bronze dragon enter as well, just after the red and green. It was already getting pretty crowded, and he bet there were still more to come. Seeing the purple dragon appear irritated by all the others entering, Endy chuckled a little bit. "Oh, calm down, Morrigan. They're not going to just appear just because you will them to. But I'll tell you what..." He blew a cloud of a silvery mist around Morrigan, his breath attack. But since he didn't actually charge it with much electricity, it would barely have any effect... Only glow and sparkle and look kind of pretty, as well as block the view of the entrance. "Just lay down... relax... maybe close your eyes. If you do that, it'll feel like it takes less time."

The bronze dragon meanwhile had walked over to Endy and seemed to be trying to speak with him. Endy lifted his head to look toward him. "Well, if you're here, I figure I'm here for the same reason you are. So then, maybe you can answer your own question. What am I doing?"
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