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[SIGNUPS] Ten of Death, Ten of Life


It's feeding time
In the past, there existed a beast of death. The beast ravaged the lands of Sinnoh, ruining everything that came in it's path. But Arceus descended from the heavens and smote the beast, and locked it away for all time.

But before it was sealed away, the beast told Arceus: "You might have bested me now, but I leave in this world the ten aspects of death, and they shall one day bring the same destruction as I did."
As the beast had faded away, Arceus said "Then so be it. I shall create ten aspects if life, whom shall battle those of death."
Centuries have passed since that fateful day, but not until now has the words of the beast has come true. Now ten ghosts, each representing one aspect of death, has come to continue the work the beast left unfinished. And with that, Pokémon representing the ten aspects of life shall rise. The fate of the world rests upon them, it is now that they decide how it will end.


So yeah I don't know what I can say about the story that has not been said. You will play as one of the ten aspects of life, and your mission is to find and defeat the aspect of death that opposes your aspect of life. However you will not get to choose what aspect of life you play as, I will assign you one I find fits with your character. In addition you can NOT play as one of the aspects of death, that will be done entirely by me.

Proper grammar and spelling. A few mistakes are okay, but if you overdo it I will kick you out.

Don't be a Mary Sue.

On the other hand, your character got to have some positive traits or your character will not work here.

When I assign you with an aspect, do not argue with my choice, for it will be set in stone.

Try to have fun, will you?


Signup form

Nazcan/Big Red Cherry Bomb
Agemo Nolispe (Delta, Xi, Sigma)/Exo-Raikou
Xenon/Fallout Blade


Spots left: Zero

Okay you may sign up now/ask things.
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Name: Nazcan
Gender: Female
Species: Shinbora

Appearance: As a Shinbora, Nazcan is a good-sized birdlike creature with spindly wings and pronged feet and tail. Her head is slender and has one large, blue eye, and almost resembles an Unown. She has two eyespots on the chest of her round, striped body. She is very brightly coloured, except for her head, feet, and middle stripe, which are black. She wears a thin, red scarf tied around her neck. Nazcan is surprisingly quick-moving, making jerky, fast movements and even twitching at times. This clashes with her steady, calm demeanour, and can be a bit confusing at times.

Personality: Nazcan is a quiet bird, though not at all shy. She believes strongly in fate and the power of faith in oneself and in Arceus above, and trains her powerful mind as much as she can. She in intelligent and studies anything new to her as close as she can. She enjoys teaching others what she knows, and is patient and careful with those ask or she thinks need it. She tends to look down on those not as smart, however, though she will attempt to instruct them just the same, though will be sort of condescending and short with them. She isn't very fond of children either.

Other: She speaks telepathically~
Reserve, please?

Appearance: As a lopunny, Mimi is pretty much a large, biped rabbit. Her 'boots' are a bit larger, reaching farther up her leg, and she carries two pom-poms around at all times to cheer up her friends.
Personality: Mimi is carefree and passionate, pursuing her goals and never giving up. Unless, y'know, it gets to hard. So maybe she doesn't pursue her goals that faithfully. She is a good friend, but a bit of an airhead sometimes. She also considers appearance a bit tooimportant. If she deems your style unstylish, she will freely tell you that and offer you a makeover. Usually, she does well, but she tends to do some crazy things sometimes. She also has a tendency for human fashion, and if she finds a trainer, she will crazily hop after them, inspecting their style. If they have something that is absolutely perfectly cute and she has to have it, then she'll see what see has to barter for it. She always walks away with it in the end.
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Name: Pascallion
Gender: ♂

Appearance: Pascallion is on the cusp of middle age for his species, perhaps twenty-nine or thirty. Having grown up in a very verdant forest, several bright green sprigs of plants grow from Pascallion's mushroomed back. The mushroom itself is also a shade more green than average, and the spots are an extreme, shockingly bright sunshine color. Pascal is also quite noticeably larger than the usual parasect, and his mushroom ever-so-slightly smaller than normal. His eyes are minty green and his claws are a bit small. Pascallion always has a worn old bag hanging from his back.

Personality: Pascallion is a quiet pokémon, mostly bustling around and getting things done rather than planning anything. (Which isn't to say the parasect is not patient, quite the opposite, actually) Like many of his kind, Pascal shows little emotion on his face, choosing rather to express his feeling verbally. He has a soft spot for young ones and the injured, complsively tending to their injuries without a thought. He'll sometimes wander off in heavily overgrown areas, gathering food and such; in this respect Pascallion is a packrattata, which is why he carries a satchel with him at all times, slung across his shoulder.

Other: Pascallion is quite the healer.
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Name: Pira

Gender: Female

Species: Charizard

Appearance: Pira is a very large Charizard, standing at about six feet tall and weighing around 210 pounds. Every part of her body is quite muscular, save for the obvious places, such as her horns. Her claws and teeth are longer than average and very sharp, which she takes pride in. She has a lighter orange streak, the same color as her belly, running down her nose and between her eyes, much like a horse's blaze.

Personality: Pira is the ultimate defender, and her loyalty almost never wavers once she has decided where it lies. She would do anything to protect those that she loves and cares about. She is very trustworthy, and would rather die than betray someone. However, she has a bit of a short temper, which is made quite dangerous due to her strength. She is known to occasionally go into a fit of rage when angered, during which she usually has to go off alone and cool down. The quickest way to inflame her, aside from threatening her family or friends, is to insult her pride, which can be quite easy. Pira is very proud of her strength and of her loyalty, and is willing to prove them, especially the former, to anybody - the hard way.

Other: I think I like this character :3
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Name: Axion

Gender: F


Appearance: Normal Weavile colors, but one difference, a red scar across her eye in shape of a lightning bolt. Also on the tips of her claws its black.

Personality: She is very curious and can be found often with odd things. She is very fast and enjoys running around. She has a temper when you offend her in some way, or she just wants to be plain mad. She is a true freiend, but can often scare others off. When she does make a friend though, she is very loyal to them even at the risk of injury.

Other: N/A
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Appearance: Zeno overall looks like a regular Magby, except for a few key differences. One, He wears a Blue bandana around his neck. His beak/mouth is stained black and the black stripes on his body are orange in colour. He has small black tattoos climbing up his arms in a strange tribal pattern and wears a wristband on his right wrist with the word "Passion" engraved into it.

Personality: Zeno is quite young, thus, he is slightly timid of certain people, but friendly to those he knows will be friendly in return. He needs someone to look up to, and some to show that they care about him. He is very dependant on others, but if the situation calls for it, he will stand his ground and not back away. He is also quite smart for his young age.
Other:About 6 or 7 in human years. He can sense wether someone has good will, or the opposite.

Name: Emlyn

Appearance: Emlyn has the typical green helmet of a Ralts, but his horns are as orange as a shiny's horns. His "gown" is as white as any other normal Ralts. He usually has a small pale blue balloon with a white string trailing him that is tied to his left wrist. Emlyn is a bit shorter than most others, but his high energy level (shown by his need to never stay still) makes up for it.

Personality: Emlyn is very odd, to say the least. He is very shy and usually talks with telepathy. However, once you get to know him, Emlyn is really naive and curious, constantly wandering around swiftly and picking up things. He is very empathetic and can sense even the tiniest emotion deep inside someone. Emlyn is quick to trust anyone who has good emotions and common sense.

Other: His balloon's name is Loony. He can speak telepathically and is 11 years old.
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Oh wow that took a lot faster then I expected.

Don't worry too much Mewtwo, if someone takes more than two weeks to finish their form I'll remove their reservation so you might get a chance to join.

Either way, everyone else accepted/reserved.
Going to do something I haven't done in a while: use an old character.

Name: Agemo Nolispe

Gender: Male

Species: Sazandra

Appearance: Agemo mostly looks just like any other Sazandra: A large, three-headed dragon with several shadowy wings. However, unlike your garden-variety Sazandra, the maroon "mane" his heads have is more of a dull orange, while his blue scales a a darker red. His wings are also somewhat larger than the normal wings of a Sazandra, and the middle head's eyes are the same red as his scales

Personality: When Agemo began his life as a Monozu, his thoughts were completely coherent, and there was never anything to be considered "wrong" with him. Once he evolved into a Jiheddo, Agemo's mind seemed to split into two personalities: one of them was more calm and thoughtful, while the other was filled with hatred and rage; what could have caused this is not really known. When he evolved into a Sazandra and sprouted a third head, he developed a defined split personality complex with his heads: one of his heads is his logic, one of his heads is the vicious, violent mind, and one of them is a "creative" combination of the two; the creative head is usually the one that comes up with the plans for battle, and lets the logic head make any necessary adjustments, while the violent head is the one that does most of the battling while one or both of the others provide backup. Needless to say, this does not make him the best conversationalist.

Other: He will naturally refer to himself as "we" in his thoughts and conversations. For all intents and purposes, logic mind will be referred to as Delta, rage will be Xi, and the third Sigma
Silver_Shadow and Exo-Raikou accepted.

Now, Dragonair, Mercury and FallOut Blade, remember that you have 11 days to finish your forms.
Sorry about this taking a while. :x

Name: Aruvan
Gender: Male
Species: Quilava

Appearance: Aruvan looks like a typical Quilava, except he is much smaller than average. He has a thin body, as well as slender legs and bigger paws. He has short dark blue fur on the top half of his body, which is slightly darker than a regular Quilava's coloring, and tan fur on the bottom half. Flames spout up from the top of his head and his rump, almost like a tail. When the flames aren't spouting up, he has two red circular markings on his head and on the end of his back. Aruvan also has red eyes.

Personality: Aruvan can be stubborn at times, but also flexible and susceptible to change, depending on how he feels at that moment. Inside, he tries his hardest to be nice to others, but he often has trouble shutting his mouth before he speaks his mind about anything. He does his best to apologize for anything he might say that is offending to others because he desperately wants to make friends.

Other: N/A

Appearance: As a lopunny, Mimi is pretty much a large, biped rabbit. Her 'boots' are a bit larger, reaching farther up her leg, and she carries two pom-poms around at all times to cheer up her friends.
Personality: Mimi is carefree and passionate, pursuing her goals and never giving up. Unless, y'know, it gets to hard. So maybe she doesn't pursue her goals that faithfully. She is a good friend, but a bit of an airhead sometimes. She also considers appearance a bit too important. If she deems your style unstylish, she will freely tell you that and offer you a makeover. Usually, she does well, but she tends to do some crazy things sometimes. She also has a tendency for human fashion, and if she finds a trainer, she will crazily hop after them, inspecting their style. If they have something that is absolutely perfectly cute and she has to have it, then she'll see what see has to barter for it. She always walks away with it in the end.
Name: Xenon
Gender: Male
Species: Gallade
Appearance: Xenon's blades are much sharper than other members of his species, and he is a bit taller. He has normal coloration, except for one thing: the crest on top of his head has a gold stripe down the middle.
Personality: Xenon is relentless, and will not stop at anything to get what he wants. Because of this, he is very selfish. He will, however, protect someone important to him. He is very serious and does not like to make jokes. He does enjoy hearing other people laugh, though. His fighting style is very violent and refined, somewhat like that of a Sith from Star Wars.

Other: Arghh, I'm sorry for the delay. I've been away from my computer.
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