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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Sky City Caverns

Owed: $0; Room #2 (5 from 2)
You walk straight, ignoring the Ledyba, into another room. This one has the number 5 printed on the wall. In there, staring at you, is a
If successful,
[Go back/Forward Left/Forward Right/Back Right/Stay and Search]?
Owed: $1; Room #2 (5 from 2)
You throw a Poké Ball, but after two shakes the Haunter breaks out. It sticks its toungeout at you, laughing.
If successful,
[Go back/Forward Left/Forward Right/Back Right/Stay and Search]?
Owed: $3; Room #2 (5 from 2)
Inventory: Haunter (F)

You throw a Great Ball and the Haunter gets sucked inside, This time, however, you succeed in catching it. Which way will you go now?
[Go back/Forward Left/Forward Right/Back Right/Stay and Search]?

Oh, BTW, I'd much prefer if you stated your action and which way you wanted to go in the same post.
Owed: $3; Room #3 (6 from 5)
Inventory: Haunter (F)

You walk to your left, only to find yourself face to face with a Dusknoir. On the wall is a large '6'.
If successful,
[Go Back/Go Forward/Stay and Search]?
Owed: $0; Room #1 (3 from 0)
You walk into the caverns without hesitation, turning right at the first room. The destination you come to is another room, just like the last—Except this one has a large '3' painted in white on the wall. You bump into a Pidgeotto, which jumps back, fluffs its feathers, and looks up at you curiously.
If successful,
[Go back/Back Left/Forward Left/Forward Right/Stay and Search]?
Owed: $0; Room #1 (3 from 0)
You walk into the caverns without hesitation, turning right at the first room. The destination you come to is another room, just like the last—Except this one has a large '3' painted in white on the wall. You bump into a Pidgeotto, which jumps back, fluffs its feathers, and looks up at you curiously.
If successful,
[Go back/Back Left/Forward Left/Forward Right/Stay and Search]?

Throw a great ball and if successful, continue to the forward right.
Owed:$2; Room #2 (17 from 3)
Inventory: Pidgeotto

You throw a Great Ball; It shakes once. It clicks. That was fast, you think as you retrieve the ball and walk forward to the rightmost passage. You find yourself in another room, this one marked with the number seventeen. In the center of the room, basking in the nonexistent sunlight is a
If successful,
[Go back/Back left/Forward Left/Forward Right/Stay and Search]?

By the way...That LEdyba has shown up at least fifteen times in here. RNG likes the number 5, I guess.
Owed:$2; Room #2 (17 from 3)
Inventory: Pidgeotto

You throw the Poké Ball—But the Ledyba breaks free. It begins hovering in the air and stares at you.
If successful,
[Go back/Back left/Forward Left/Forward Right/Stay and Search]?
Owed: #3; Room #3 (18 from 17)
Inventory: Pidgeotto (M), Ledyba (M)

You throw another Poké Ball at the Ledyba. This time, it doesn't even hit the ground before it clicks. You walk forward and pick up your newly-captured pokémon, and then take the rightmost passage again. You find yourself in a room similar to the last two, exept this one has a large '18' printed on the wall. You look down, only to see a Taillow eagerly staring up at you.
If successful,
[Go back/Go forward/Stay and Search]?
Owed: $4; Room #4 (20 from 18)
Inventory: Pidgeotto (M), Ledyba (M), Taillow (M)

You throw a Poké Ball at the Taillow, crossing your fingers. And fantastic! After three shakes, the ball clicks, and you pick it up and walk forward. Taking the only other passage in the room, you arrive in a large-ish room with the number '20' painted on the wall. From the passage right in front of you, you feel a slight breeze. Suddenly, you see something in the middle of the room. You step to he side, narrowly dodging a Shadow Ball. A Dusknoir phases into existence, and it looks angry.
If successful,
[Go back/Left/Straight/Stay and Search]?
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