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But yes, my school is packed with tons of my Asian brothers and sisters, like Kam's since we live like... yeah :D We live close :D
Slang = "GTFO MUDDA FUGGA GET OUTTA HERE! HEY ANGEL YOU DAH SEXAAAAYYYYYYYY!" Of course, this is what happens when you live in America. Everyone's insane one way or another.

I personally prefer the sheer brilliance of the "gay game", or its erect sister, the "penis game".

It consists of saying the name of the person next to you (and, needless to say, insinuating that they are a testicle and/or homosexual) over and over, typically for about five minutes.
Well, living in the Newportish area, the best way to hear some Welsh slang is to listen to the GLC.

Okay, so there's a fuckload of Welshisms such as 'now in a minute', 'over by there' and 'who's coat is that jacket'.

We also pronounce 'here', 'ear' and 'hear' the same as 'year'. So 'yur'.

We also typically add an 's' to the end of verbs, for example 'you knows it', 'I loves you' or 'you knows I loves you'.

There's also terms like 'Spa', 'Butt' and 'Blad' used like 'dude', 'man' or 'mate'.

Actually, here. This is fun.
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Cornish born and bred, dear - oh it's a wonderful world down here <3

Haha, yeah. While I wasn't born there, everyone on my dad's side is from Cornwall for about a million generations (Rundle is just about the most Cornish name there is), most of them born on the same farm - which didn't get electricity till my dad was in his teens.

Devon's sweet, but Cornwall is my spiritual homeland. And I'm Southern enough to refer to Bristol as "up north", so I'm an honourary Cornwallian :D
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