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so this is the early post that everyone liked! (including me, and it was pretty much the only thing that stuck out to me about trebek on the first day.) this poast is a really short observation but it's a good one. iirc keldeo argued it was NAI at some point (if i have time before i post this i'll go find that quote) but i don't think mafia would feel like they need to say this, especially on the first daythe real question is, if town decides to try to yeet someone today, it will be interesting to see how mafia react around the wagons, since they know how it will affect their popularity and we don’t
this was also the first day and i think this he had a towny stance on the rep idea? not that the rep idea is inherently scummy, but that the thought process (not giving the mafia an easy way to control the vote + wanting a way to analyze who wanted to kill town) seems good.my concern i think got more generally/succinctly explained by keldeo, which is just the overall issues with consensus voting not hitting mafia. i was mostly just thinking about mafia pushing a consensus towards a townie, and then since only the representative votes it becomes a lot harder to analyze who was pushing to kill townI don't disagree, but can you expand on this please? Why is that bad?the other issue i have with representatives is that it seems easy for mafia to weasel themselves into the process, maybe even electing a member of their own as the rep?
i also agree that people should try to avoid tipping off their roles in how they talk about/do things relative to the popularity mechanic: at this early in the game we should probably not outwardly worry about it too much (inwardly is a different story :o)
I think i have a better idea than i did before, but i worry that talking about my idea will result in people changing their behavior to make my idea worthless, so i would prefer to not bring it up until after wagons happen and/or enough people ask about it
i put all those quotes next to each other bc trebek and mewt feel like they're going in opposite directions - trebek early on sounds like he's worried about popularity giving away power roles, while mewt points out that if he's mafia it looks like he made the Secret Club to hunt power roles. i think he's referencing the secret club in the second quote already, which was in D1 iirc. which... looks really bad for trebek if he is mafia, because then there's Lying To Cover My Ass in the first vs second quotes. on the other hand, if he's town... idk? i guess it would be a good idea to try to clear as many people as possible? because that's the point of the game. idk. i think that looks bad for him though because it makes more sense as mafia than as town.i also initially thought he was the likeliest to be town because he was the first person, by far, to crumb - but paranoia!thought brought me to the possibility that drawing out VTs would help mafia PR hunt, and seeing as no one within the ring has been nightkilled, i'm sort of thinking emoji right now
i feel like this... looks bad... when put with the stuff above? i think in isolation it's a good thing to do to help town keep on top of popularity instead of everyone frantically referencing every EOD on their own. but with the stuff above where he might have been trying to PR hunt that might have been also trying to draw a reaction? ... even though right after he posts this he does say he still thinks everyone should act normal and not worry about popularity too much.also, tentative popularity check!
Keldeo, sande and I are at confirmed -1
skylar is at tentative -1
everyone else is at tentative 0
last nights flavor and other secret mechanics notwithstanding
this is later on in the thread (following quotes are still before this) but he keeps referencing popularity while saying not to think about it. maybe i am overanalyzing butive been thinking a lot about Blu's ISO of me: theres a particular thing that he said / response to a thing i posted that makes me want to believe that hes town, but i cant tell if he said it intentionally or not(if you know what i'm talking about Blu hehe)
most of my bandwidth has been sorta needlessly devoted to thinking about the popularity flavor though, so i definitely need to go back and reread through D1 with the newer flips still in mind
Do you have any more behavioral reads beyond your Ysabel one, Trebek?
Also, can you talk a little about how you're planning to play/approach this game given your experience in Cats? If this question doesn't make sense to you, you can ignore it.
to be honest, i don't have many behavioral reads, which is related to the second part of your question. I knew going into Cats that the mechanical portion of play was where i was much more comfortable, but i got stressed out D1 and tried to artificially create reads for the sake of "having reads" that i could tell people about, which ended up just causing more people to nullread me for large portions of the game. i wanted to try to play more to my strengths in this game, which may lead to an awkward D1 again, but i would rather run the risk of just getting yeeted early and having the opportunity to make more mech-based thoughts about the game than just making up things to talk about early on
maybe this is why trebek Now feels so different to me from trebek Earlier? maybe his style changes a lot when there are mechanics to go off of and we're not all just trying to tone read (which is also really hard for me).i just want more mechanics to happen so i can actually Think and be Producive >.<
this seems like a towny-mechanics-thing to say? but there wasn't a lot of development on the idea or moving with it after. maybe because the idea became irrelevant really fast? but i think one of the reasons i got a lot of "this could go in so many directions" vibes was that a lot of trebek's posts propose something that seems useful or good and then it... goes nowhere or is just not mentioned againactually, hot take:
if the wagons are v/v, who is currently not voting? this is sorta what i was thinking of when i made the post ™ that seems to be getting quoted a lot
if wagons are v/v mafia know their popularity will go down so they might try to avoid voting and let town self destruct
like, he definitely still has the idea later in the thread! and he has the idea of what he'd do with it! and he does move onto suspicion with me, like voting for me earlier today, but that's like the one (1) thing i can find where Stuff Happens After Idea? but the thing isIf Superjolt is mafia, then i would likely look at sande for the late vote onto UC, sort of like what Mist mentioned (and this would also kinda throw you and i under suspicion as well lol)Trebek, if you still think Superjolt was more likely to be town, where do you think we should be looking today? How do you read the people who joined each of the wagons if Superjolt is town vs. if Superjolt is mafia?
If the wagons are v/v, then i think i would actually be the most interested in people who didnt vote at all, but iirc that mostly lines up with people who were already inactive or had a societal Get Out Of Jail Free card from voting
so at the end of the day im still ?_? lmao
yeah, i’m wondering if my PoE is gonna force me to conclude that there’s one mafia between [mist and sande], but idk about much rn tbh
i guess this is why mewtini was confused at/pushing trebek, because it seems really weird to vote for superjolt when at the time the other two wagons were both people he was more actively suspicious of? maybe it was for towny bus points / not to vote for town to keep a night action?? and maybe i'm biased and wanting to find trebek suspicious lmao. but i'm starting to feel iffyi guess its not necessarily that i dislike them objectivelyyeah. but what’s wrong the wagons themselves? both mist and sande are in your PoE aren’t they
im just getting bad vibes and i have 0 clue why
wagon vibes about jolt --> admitting vibes are wrong --> continuing to vote for jolt --> ???i had wagon vibes about jolt, and then we talked about it and i admitted that maybe my vibes were wrong and that i was reconsidering my town lean on them, and then the assumption just kept being that i was clearing them?
and the reason i voted before mist responded was that i wasn’t sure if i would be around for the rest of the EoD and that i had already been vibing with a jolt vote (which idk how else to say it in a way that gets that point across?), but then mist read super genuine to me so i didn’t feel the need to change my vote
idk, it’s just kinda frustrating that there’s this perceived notion of what i was thinking when i’ve said multiple times that that wasn’t the case, so now i don’t really know what i’m supposed to say that i haven’t said before to explain anything
so i guess i just die today honestly. at least we aren’t in MyLo lmao
same deal about giving up not feeling mafia ish to me heremaybe we just have differing opinions on what constitutes a PoE then
other than that i really don’t know how i can respond to any of this in a way that i haven’t tried before, so i’m probably just gonna bail thread and pop up again around EoD
if i die i die but it’s not worth it to keep saying the same things and have them be ignored
I would say "I have no idea what you're talking about" but I can't edit messages so you're going to have to settle for a "wait, lul"is that vc off or
Yeah. Mafia have the thing that went BOOM! (unless that was a 3p thing?) The night kills and the role cop, plus the popularity singer? So it makes sense that town had the gunsmith, naive cop, and whatever Skylar and Snooloo were. + Koko and UC which we don't know their roles. But it would be unlucky if they were both PRs, so we could be seeing 4/6 or 5/5. Doubt it was 3/7. Which imo makes Sande more believable. But yeah, we don't have that info.Anyway hi guys!
I think this quote suggests there is a reasonably high PR density:Do we know if this game is all vanilla / only a few power roles / mostly power roles? If it was mentioned somewhere, I forgot. I guess we know it's not the first because of the popularity role mechanic.
Lots of the snoms in this city have special skills to use that could come in handy for stopping the zoruas... or stopping the town :0
if there aren't we definitely do not hypocop because like, there's no point if we can't actually figure the cop out when they die
I can't get upset about cats because I am not a cat!
also, that is not close to the worst town loss I've had recently
OwO xD is this related to the gunsmith story?@Seshas is a dirty pocketer is what >:cI think it's storytime!also, that is not close to the worst town loss I've had recently
The answer was yes btw :Phello! I am not silenced and not aware of being targeted by anything!
btw do you all like my hat??
I talked about this with Koko on D1 but this sounds genuine enough to me.see
rolling town was the most disappointing thing because I really, really wanted to lolfox
Yee, agreed, which gives Blu more townie vibes.I feel like the flavor text indicates some kind of power role that can drag peopleI'd assume such a thing would be a wolf power, so maybe for now we can assume kyeugh is innocent? Just the target of mean gossip LOL
This is The Post. At first glance, SS things aside, looks genuine enough.ok so i woke up this morning and was like <trebek don’t forget snomfia starts today> and then i did :< but i’m alive now!
i would also hardclaim VT but i’d rather choose my own calling in life :p maybe i’ll hardclaim alien
Is this what Trebek was referring to when he said Blu said something that town locked him? If so, I didn't catch that.Snom but with the little alien headband thing![]()
To be fair, we didn't know how the popularity mech would affect then, much less for a VT. And this is the post that made me suggest The Strategy.Given the popularity mechanics and the limited number of players, would abstaining in this game be the best option until we can build up mechanical stuff?
If mafias became double voters is what I assumed he meant.If we mislynch tho we get a debuffWhich will be bad if/when mafia goons want to push more mislynches imo
Again, agree with the logic and it seems like a townie thing to think of. (Mafia would already know!)so there're 13 of us right? so that's like three wolves
Yeah.. But that wasn't a question :Pthe real question is, if town decides to try to yeet someone today, it will be interesting to see how mafia react around the wagons, since they know how it will affect their popularity and we don’t