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Novelux Sparkwright Polytechnic

The people! The fog!

Her mind flew into a panic as she tried to look for the right Greninja. There were a lot of people, machines and other things to ensure the safety of, along with making sure that Mr. Sparkwright's invention didn't get stolen.

The Togetic scrambled for the stage, wings flapping hard as she navigated through the fog. Once she floated above the elevated ground, she scanned for her teammates. "Ah, quick! Over here!" she called, waving at Astrid and Dave. Her chest glowed a soft pink, and a smote of light branched out to Dave and Astrid as well. They felt her alertness and eagerness to catch this thieving frog.

Grace (150 STM, 5 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk (+0 MC) to Demo Stage
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Harmonic Soul @ Astrid + David (-30 STM, -2 TMP, +2 TMP) [Take -25% HP as recoil]
- Metronome (Defog) @ Demo Stage Zone (-37 STM, -10 TMP, +2 TMP)
Net change: -59 STM, -3 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 91 STM (128 after regen), 2 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
It didn't seem like a trick of the light. They had her fooled, sure, but hey. A live target was a live target.

"Uhm, okay, uh. You two!" She charged onto the stage, radiance brimming along her fangs, inside her eyelids. "Eat shit!"

0. Grace, Astrid, and Dave walk to the stage
1. Grace
2. Dave
3. Astrid
4. Gladion
Astrid (144 STM, 5 TMP, +1 SPD, +0 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- Walk to Stage
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- RADIANT Soul Rocket @ Matthias A (ACTIVATE: effect) (-30 STM, -5 TMP, +2 TMP, +30 RAD) [+1 Mag]
- Draining Kiss @ Matthias A (-9 STM, +2 TMP)
- AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Matthias A (-15 STM, -2 TMP, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Matthias B (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-10 STM, +2 TMP)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Matthias A [Def, Res]
- Receive (Call) (+3 TMP, -10 SHD, -10 RAD)
Net change: -60 STM, +9 TMP, +0 SHD, +20 RAD
Net totals: 84 STM (120 after regen), 14 TMP, 0 SHD, 20 RAD
Turn 1
Player Phase

Grace's Harmonic Soul buffed Astrid + David!
Grace's Defog cleared up the Demo Stage!

The fog left the stage, and Astrid burned hard at the frog nearest the Rift-Mender – one impact, then another, and the illusion faded. No lanky Greninja, but a muscular Toxicroak, eyes narrowed, venomous claws at the ready.

Astrid's RADIANT Soul Rocket dealt a grazing 20 + 44 damage to... Toxicroak! It's super effective!
Astrid's Draining Kiss dealt 34 damage to Toxicroak!
Astrid's AGILE Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 46 damage to Toxicroak!
Astrid's Frost Breath dealt a CRITICAL 74 damage to... Croagunk!
Astrid's Spotter Feat learned Croagunk's defenses: 120/120

The second copy on stage turned out to be a bowler-hatted Croagunk, leering and cocksure. Used to winning; expecting to win now.

Dave's STRONG Thunder Fang dealt 19 damage to Toxicroak! Flinching!
Dave's Pickpocket stole Toxicroak's Eva!
Dave's RADIANT Relentless Soul dealt a CRITICAL 116 damage to Toxicroak! It's super effective!

Gladion's Interact...

Sparkwright's fan cage had a metal prong of some kind rammed through it. With the Croagunk distracted, Gladion had a chance to pry it out, and the blades spun to life again.

"Thank you, young man," said the Rotom, abruptly. "Now look to the device!"

As fog continued to billow from the weather machine, Sparkwright's fan kept it from enveloping the demo stage. Elsewhere, shouts and shrieks and yammering could be heard from the guests attempting to pour out of the building...

Gladion freed Sparkwright's fan!
Gladion's Spotter Feat learned Croagunk's behaviour:

  • Covenant Croagunk agents are disciplined and work in tight teams. Any of these frogs in one zone together will take identical turns if possible. They take direction from their bosses and may struggle to improvise without orders. Their strategy is to support the team leaders.
Gladion's Mean Look trapped Croagunk!
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Turn 1
Enemy Phase

"Saturation fire," came the cold, laconic command of the real Greninja leader. "Whiskey sour style."

His underlings, still impossible to tell apart from him, obliged.

A Greninja Focused...
Boss Action: Multi-Enemy Targeting!
A Greninja's Water Shuriken dealt 5 + 5 + 6 damage to Astrid!
A Greninja's Water Shuriken dealt a grazing 3 + 6 + 6 damage to Dave!
A Greninja's Water Shuriken dealt 7 + 7 + 8 damage to Gladion's Protect!
A Greninja's Water Shuriken dealt 7 + 8 + 8 damage to Grace's Protect!
A Greninja's Protean turned him Normal-type!
A Greninja's Swift dealt 28 damage to Grace's Protect! Shield broken!
A Greninja's Swift dealt 31 damage to Gladion's Protect! Shield broken!
A Greninja is pacing himself...
Boss Attack: A Greninja is preparing Shadow Sneak.
Target: Demo Stage

A Greninja Focused...
A Greninja's Chilling Water struck Toxicroak! Dry Skin healed 65 HP!
A Greninja's Acid Spray dealt 22 damage to Astrid! It's super effective!
A Greninja Focused...
A Greninja's Chilling Water struck Toxicroak! Dry Skin healed 65 HP!
A Greninja's Acid Spray dealt 31 damage to Astrid! It's super effective!

A Greninja walked to Electromantic Exhibits!
A Greninja Focused...
A Greninja's Chilling Water struck Croagunk! Dry Skin healed 40 HP!
A Greninja's Acid Spray missed Gladion!

Croagunk's Drain Punch dealt 38 damage to Dave! It's super effective! He recovered 7 HP!
Croagunk is holding an action...
Croagunk called out to Toxicroak!

"Boss, the knight's turned spectral!" hissed the Croagunk.

"Got it," croaked the lead frog, in his slick, dark baritone.

Toxicroak's Throat Chop dealt 39 damage to Gladion! It's super effective! Covert Cloak prevented Silencing!
Toxicroak's STRONG Low Kick dealt 36 damage to Dave! It's super effective!
Toxicroak is Flinching and can't do more!

The attack was vicious, even though Gladion's gear saved him from choking. Toxicroak seemed proficient enough not to be caught off guard by that again...

Just off the podium, Sam began to stagger to her feet with a groan. She'd been hit hard, by a coordinated series of brutal attacks. But she wasn't out for the count yet...

To the north of the exhibit wing, the Castform continued to gleefully operate their machine, and rain began to fall on the podium, the metal housing of the Rift-Mender shining with water, rivulets flowing across the stage...

Demo Stage became rainy!

"I'd offer double what you've been paid," called out the leader, the one called Matthias, "but you're not mercenaries, are you? You're believers in something. I must let you know this: your belief cannot match mine."

Chapter Six Finale:
VS Covenant Agents!
[ ] Objective: Protect Sparkwright!
[ ] Objective: Protect the Rift-Mender!
[ ] Objective: KO as many Covenant agents as possible!
[ ] Objective: Avoid civilian casualties!
It appears Gladion has drawn a little more attention.
Sam's condition caught Grace's eyes, and the togetic gasped. The rain didn't bother her at all. "O-Oh dear! Don't worry, I'm coming!" she called, before she pointed at Gladion. "Keep moving! We can't let any of the frogs get away!"

Her little wings carried her off the stage as fast as she could, conjuring her Life Dew as she prepared to lob it at the Chesnaught. Once she'd healed Sam, the Castform caught her eye.

"Um, hey!" she called, waving a paw in the air. "We're fighting a Greninja, can you change the weather to something that's not rain, pretty please?"

Grace (128 STM, 2 TMP, +2 SPD, +0 ACC, 0 SHD, 0 RAD)
- After You @ Gladion (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- **Act:** Focus (+5 TMP, -20 SHD, -20 RAD)
- Dash to Materials and Meteorology (-2 TMP)
- AGILE Life Dew @ Sam (-45 STM, +2 TMP)
- Interact @ Castform (-3 TMP)
Net change: -56 STM, +4 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 72 STM (109 after regen), 6 TMP, 0 SHD, 0 RAD
"Boss, the knight's turned spectral!" hissed the Croagunk.


It took Gladion a few seconds to connect the epithet to the name he knew.

His heart


They knew! They knew, they knew what he was. He was right. It had been them. Gladion's type change sputtered and died while his shadow flared to life. His pulse raced. Blood pounded in his ears. All his resentment for everything cruel that had ever happened to Hazel Sage bleeding into one attack. (He rolled his head to side, as he'd practised, and delivered the full force of his weight with his shoulder as he once would've with his helmet.)

"You recognize me," he declared, carrying forward his momentum to pin the Croagunk to the stage before snapping his head to address the voice of Matthais.

"Belief never saved anyone." He held his voice as steady as he could, but it still cracked. Like he was holding back the urge to scream. Or cry. "It won't protect you, either."

Gladion (114 STM, 13 TMP, +2 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 20 RAD)
- Soul's Volition (-30 STM, +2 TMP) [Normal]
- **Act:** SHADOW Focus (+5 TMP)
- STRONG CRITICAL SHADOW Body Press @ Croagunk (-24 STM, -18 TMP, +6 TMP, +16 SHD)
- Activate feat (Spotter Feat) @ Defences
- Tri Attack @ Toxicroak (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-29 STM, -6 TMP, +4 TMP) [Burn]
Net change: -73 STM, -7 TMP, +16 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 41 STM (83 after regen), 6 TMP, 16 SHD, 20 RAD
Betel's network kicked in like clockwork. Gladion's spike of shadows pricked at the back of her head like needles, and her legs followed suit. Pivot, pivot, pivot into a dance with the Croagunk, clearly the weaker of the two exposed fakes. The acid raining on Astrid’s pelt went numb to adrenaline as she raked ice across his face, then raw Radiance, aiming to steal every drop of energy she could, finally heaving him in Gladion’s directi—criminy he was mad.

"All yours!" she called. And the result was satisfying.

Then, to the Toxicroak…

"And what do you believe in, unnamed grunt number five?"

1. Grace
2. Astrid
3. Gladion
4. Dave
Astrid (120 STM, 14 TMP, +1 SPD, +1 ACC, 0 SHD, 20 RAD)
- AGILE CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Toxicroak (-15 STM, +2 TMP)
- CRITICAL Frost Breath @ Croagunk (ACTIVATE: Sure Hit) (-10 STM, +3 TMP)
- Soul Rocket @ Croagunk (-30 STM, +3 TMP)
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
- CRITICAL RADIANT Draining Kiss @ Croagunk (-9 STM, -20 TMP, +3 TMP, +9 RAD)
Net change: -60 STM, -4 TMP, +0 SHD, +9 RAD
Net totals: 60 STM (96 after regen), 10 TMP, 0 SHD, 29 RAD
Dave growled. "Yeah, I'm more of an unbeliever, myself. Guess what, believing something harder than the other guy doesn't make it true."

He charged into the crowd of Greninja gathered around the electrical exhibits. Just got to expose these fuckers for what they really were.

"Let me guess. You believe that you're a superior class of people destined to rule over the ignorant masses?"

Dave (140 STM, 5 TMP, +1 SPD, +2 ACC, 0 SHD, 27 RAD)
- Walk to Electromancy Exhibits
- Hone Claws (-18 STM, +2 TMP)
- AGILE Rock Smash @ Greninja C (ACTIVATE: effect, Hex Adept) (-16.5 STM, -3 TMP, +5 TMP)
- Activate ability (Pickpocket) @ Greninja C's Eva
- Rock Smash @ Greninja D (ACTIVATE: effect) (-11 STM, -5 TMP, +5 TMP)
- Thunder Fang @ Greninja E (ACTIVATE: effect) (-16 STM, -9 TMP, +4 TMP) [Flinch]
- **Act:** RADIANT Focus (+5 TMP)
Net change: -58 STM, +4 TMP, +0 SHD, +0 RAD
Net totals: 82 STM (130 after regen), 9 TMP, 0 SHD, 27 RAD
Turn 2
Player Phase

The beleagured Chesnaught winced, then sighed with relief at the touch of healing energy. She'd be back in the fight – so long as she didn't draw enough attention to get taken out again, this time for good.

Grace's After You sped up Gladion!
Grace's AGILE Life Dew healed Sam a little!
Grace's Interact...
"Um, hey!" she called, waving a paw in the air. "We're fighting a Greninja, can you change the weather to something that's not rain, pretty please?"

The Castform politely tipped their glinting visor to Grace with a cloud-like tendril.

"Why, naturally I can do that, dear girl! I am the singularly inimitable and brilliant...

"Dr. Bellwether!"

"And no feat of practical meteorology is beyond me!"

As they said this, they extended their nebulous limbs, laughed maniacally, and let the room surge with a chilling Snowscape. The mad smile on the face of this 'doctor' Bellwether did not look... reassuring.

Sparkwright's fan-blades screamed as they strained at their maximum speed.

"Bellwether!? You're in on this??" demanded the Rotom.

"Why, naturally I'm in on this! These gentlemen recognise my talents, my genius! With the patronage of their organisation, I shall surpass your provincial ambitions, and achieve truly great strides in SCIENCE!!"

Grace got Bellwether monologuing! Talking is not a free action...
Several Convention Hall zones became snowy!

Astrid's AGILE Frost Breath... was blocked!

Small and outclassed as the dart frog was, he still moved like a damn dart to intercept Astrid, and turn aside her muzzle with a deft blow. He wouldn't survive the party's retaliation, but he didn't care. He was doing his bit, and that was that.

Croagunk's Upper Hand dealt 21 damage to Astrid!
Astrid's Frost Breath dealt 41 damage to Croagunk!
Astrid's Soul Rocket dealt 50 damage to Croagunk! It's super effective!
Astrid's Soul Rocket dealt 49 damage to Croagunk! It's super effective!
Astrid's RADIANT Draining Kiss dealt a CRITICAL 106 damage to Croagunk! It's super effective!
"And what do you believe in, unnamed grunt number five?"

Toxicroak's red-rimmed mouth broke open into a dark, gloating smirk.

"I believe it's a lotta fun to do my job," he replied. His red throat pulsed with each bassy syllable. "And I believe you're outta your depth, sweetheart."

"You recognize me."

"That's right, Knight. Don'tcha know you're using the wrong kinda energy, Champ?"

Even as Croagunk cringed at the incoming attack, a crooked smile made its way onto his face. His enemy was off-balance. Good.

Gladion's STRONG SHADOW Body Press, empowered by hatred, dealt a CRITICAL 55 damage to Croagunk! It's super effective! KO!!
"Belief never saved anyone. It won't protect you, either."

Matthias glanced Gladion's way. There was a moment of eye contact, and Gladion would see something unreadable in the Greninja's eyes. What was that – curiosity? Admiration? Something more poignant?

"Thinking beings live and die by belief," he said, simply.

Whatever else he felt, Matthias was not intimidated.

Gladion's Spotter Feat learned Toxicroak's defences: 135/135
Gladion's Tri Attack dealt 9 damage to Toxicroak! Burned!

Dave's AGILE Rock Smash dealt 8 damage to Croagunk! It's not very effective... Def -1!
Dave's Pickpocket stole Croagunk's Eva!
Dave's Rock Smash dealt 13 damage to Matthias! It's super effective! -1 Def!
Dave's Thunder Fang dealt 18 damage to Croagunk! Flinching!
Matthias' Deceit was exposed!
"Yeah, I'm more of an unbeliever, myself. Guess what, believing something harder than the other guy doesn't make it true. Let me guess. You believe that you're a superior class of people destined to rule over the ignorant masses?"

The illusion shattered. Just a gang of Croagunk, gathered round their more limber commander. Matthias looked at Dave with mild interest.

"You're entirely wrong about me," he said, without particular emotion. As if he were correcting a typo. "But it doesn't matter. I'm glad to understand you better than you understand me."

Energy pooled in Matthias' hand for another attack...
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