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Spoilers for Life: Santa Claus

I never believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or God(s). I guess it's because I was born in Taiwan, and Asian parents don't believe in that kind of stuff.

I think I believed in ghosts, but I can't remember.

My childhood was spent doing homework and watching anime. It's not boring at all >:D


Anyways, opaltiger that Tooth Mouse thing is awesome :D Damn lame fairy that just gives us a bit of money D:<
I remember when I used to believe in Santa Claus. Then one day one of my friends told me straight up that he wasn't real and I guess that I've gone with that ever since.
I also remember finding a typed and stapled essay on the ground explaining how and why Santa Claus isn't real. But I personally think that if there is a Santa Claus, there has to be more than one.

I stopped believing in the tooth fairy when I lost a tooth and didn't tell my parents and didn't get money from it. I wasn't too shocked I guess.

The Easter bunny, I don't remember when I stopped believing in that thing. Maybe it was a little bit after I got over the other two.
I never believed in Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, or God(s). I guess it's because I was born in Taiwan, and Asian parents don't believe in that kind of stuff.

I think I believed in ghosts, but I can't remember.

My childhood was spent doing homework and watching anime. It's not boring at all >:D

I'm Chinese. I never belived in that stuff either and for the same reasons probably. My dad believes in throwing your tooth onto the roof XD
^ throwing a perfectly good tooth onto teh roof?
I believed in Easter Bunny/Tooth Fairy/Santa Claus until I was ten. And got made fun of for it. Then, the tooth fairy didn't come for three days. I walked through a room, mumbling "Maybe the tooth fairy isn't real..."
The following morning, my mom showed me all my baby teeth to prove that there was no tooth fairy. I was freaked XD
come on guys, santa is real >.>

Oh wait, I stopped believing in Santa when I was like, 4, I never believed in the Tooth Fairy ever, but I didn't stop believing in the Easter Bunny until I was 8-9.

And that Tooth Mouse is epic winnage. :D
Never really believed in Santa because every Christmas I stole my uncle's video camera and record near the tree. Plus I only heard of Claus on TV and I always took everything there with a grain of salt.
I don't remember believing in Santa Claus... then again I never was much of a believer in anything. XD The Tooth Fairy was sort of a quaint idea I never really thought of much, and I thought easter bunnies were just... like, drawing reindeer on Christmas cards, I never knew there WAS an Easter Bunny. XDD

I can't really remember what I felt towards Santa Claus being real or not. I think I remember being vaguely annoyed whenever my mum said, 'this one's from Santa...'

For the Tooth Fairy - I remember hearing my mum come in in the dead of the night, whisper my name to see whether I was awake (I didn't say anything to see what she was actually doing in my room), and then put 50p on my bedside table. And then sneak out. Oh, mummy~ You are so very discreet.
I can't believe how many of you didn't truly believe in Santa. ;_;
I totally cried when I found he wasn't real :(

Never really thought much about the tooth fairy and I kind of knew they weren't real deep inside, though I'm sure I believed in them when I was maybe 6 and under. (I thought it was plural; lots of them taking lots of teeth is far more logical!)
Always knew the Easter Bunny was a load of crap. My parents never even mentioned it, though, so it's no wonder.
I can't really remember whether I believed or not.
I don't I did. Though I did remember believing my brother on Christmas Eve that you get bitten by the bed bugs and die if you don't fall asleep soon enough D:

The tooth fairy, well she doesn't exist, I put some teeth under my pillow but didn't tell my parents. The teeth never left my room :(
It's a bit creepy, really. A fat man breaking into your house at the dead of night in order to give children presents. And another thing; ghosts can't exist because they're illogical but Santa (who's supposedly lived forever and manages to travel around the world, dropping into every house to deliver presents, in under twenty-four hours with a cart guided by magical reindeer) has to exist.

Obviously I never believed in that sort of stuff.

Haha, a giant bunny that goes around with chocolate eggs. Adults really don't have any faith in children.
I do remember being a big believer in said tooth fairy. This wasn't helped when I put a tooth under my pillow, then I went to watch tv in the living. The door to my room was opened, so I could see if someone went in or not. I didn't see anyone, but I did see a large flash that prompted me to run in there and collect my money. And the money was there! Another time I found two pokemon cards, Mewtwo and Ditto I believe, that looked familier so I checked my brother's card binder, and they were missing. I sat there crying for some time because "The tooth fairy stole my brother's cards!" Yes I was kind of sheltered. Don't remember when I stopped believing in the Easter Bunny, but I never really cared as long as I got my Peeps and Chocolate Bunny, and a toy or something.
In Slovenia, we have the tooth mouse.

Seriously that is way cooler.

The story went that he'd make a castle out of your teeth.

Castle. Teeth.

Reminds me of a cartoon on TV when I was a kid. Two mice brought teeth to the "queen" or something.

Anyways... I believed in Santa when I was like 5 or so, but then I realised... he can't be real. I think my parents STILL say he exists(come on, I'm 14!) By the way, there's ALWAYS someone that's not there when "Santa" comes. hmmmmm....
(And by the way, we don't really have the Santa coming in the chimney thing in Norway.)
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I never belived in the dude. Come on, a fat guy who lives off of cookies?
Actually, I live offa them, but me no fat...
Don't get me wrong, I wasn't all "Santa belays physics, blah blah blah"
Truth is, I though that if he was real, he must've been pissed by now.
I asked my mom about Santa when I was... I think seven or something? And then I cried. :[

I guess the inability to make connections runs in my family's blood, for my sister has not yet noticed that 'Santa' uses the same wrapping paper that my family has and apparently has the same signature as both my dad and my mom (my dad's writing being quite distinct. No, wait, she'd make the connection if I were to sign a present. I've compared my handwriting to "a blind drunk monkey with a quill pen" or something of the sort before)...

What Zora said about Santa being alive in spirit during the Christmas season and all actually makes some amount of sense. I agree with that statement, too. <3 Christmas~
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