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Spoilers for Life: Santa Claus

I'm Chinese. I never belived in that stuff either and for the same reasons probably. My dad believes in throwing your tooth onto the roof XD

:D Same here! We're supposed to throw the teeth from your jaw onto the roof, and the teeth from your palate (the top row) under the bed. If you don't do it, then your new teeth will be crooked.

And the teeth-castle mouse is epicly epic.
Why you tryin' to run 10 year olds away D<

I never actually believed in these mythical characters. Foolishness at a glance.
;.; I tried posting yesterday, but the forums crashed on me


^^ We have cake to celebrate Jesus' birthday. I may not be that devote, but hey, it's fucking CAKE! Angel Food Cake, to be exact :D

Anyways, Santa, I believed in him until roughly... 3 years ago? Yes, I believed in him until I was 14

The tooth fairy... Until I was around ten, I think. I figured that one out when my tooth wasn't taken. I left my room, saw my mom go in, and lo and behold, when I walked in, there was money

The Easter Bunny... 9, I think. My dad said that he saw him hitting on my rabbit. We found out a year later that my rabbit was a guy. So, it was either the rabbit was gay, the rabbit was too stupid to figure out that the rabbit he was hitting on was a guy, or that he wasn't real

...A gay easter bunny would be awesome :D
I believed in the Tooth Fairy until I was about seven. My second grade teacher actually told us that the Tooth Fairy wasn't real when a lot of the class got in a huge argument about it. I pretended to believe for about two more years so I could still get money for my teeth.

Easter Bunny, I was probably around eight, since some of my other friends insisted that he laid eggs. For some reason, I noticed that a bunny laying eggs made no sense, even though a giant bunny hopping from house to house and hiding eggs never seemed odd to me. Also, I realized that if he was real, it wouldn't make much sense for one set of parents to say one thing about him, but another kid's parents saying something completely different about him.

I was about eight when I started feeling suspicious about Santa. Why didn't my older brother and sister get as excited? Why didn't Santa ever give anything to my parents? Why did he have handwriting that looked extremely similar to my mom's, but slightly messier?

When I was nine, though, I knew he couldn't be real for two reasons. I saw Kissopoly (like Monopoly, but with the band Kiss) in a shopping bag when my mom came home from some store, then Santa gave it to me for Christmas. Also, on Christmas Eve, I was extremely thirsty, so I got up to get a drink of water, and I heard my parents whispering to each other about which presents went in which stocking. I pretended to believe until I was eleven or twelve, since I was afraid I wouldn't get extra presents anymore.

A gay Easter Bunny would be the greatest thing ever.
I still remember finding out the truth about Santa Claus. I was 5, and had put cookies and milk for Santa under the tree. As a child, I was really curious, and sneaked out trying to see him. Too bad all I saw was my older brothers eating the cookies while my mother put the gifts under the tree.

God, I remember crying.
I think I stopped believing in the tooth fairy after my second tooth (don't remember what age). I never told my parents though so I could still get money. :D XD Once I was spending the night at a friend's house when a tooth fell out. I told my friend's mom and she told me to put it under my pillow that night. She (er, I mean, "the tooth fairy") gave me a dollar that night. It was awesome.

I don't remember my thoughts on Santa, but I think I stopped believing in him at age eight, if at all. Once again, never told my parents. I still get presents that say "from Santa" but my mom knows I don't believe in him. She just jokes with me. XP I think it was all the Mall Santas that made me lose all belief in him.

Easter bunny, I don't think I ever believed in it. I certainly remember not understanding what Zombie Jesus had to do with chocolate bunnies and eggs. :/ But hey, free candy. Can't complain. :3

My mom talks about the Great Pumpkin (from Charlie Brown) and it's pretty annoying. >>
So... how does he get in? Kick the door down? O___o

My cousin (who lives in a bungalow) was always told that Santa had a special key to get in through the front door.

Seriously though, I'm so surprised at the amount of people who never believed in Santa. Playing NES is crap compared to the magic of fairies and fat men who give you presents and bunnies who fling eggs at your do... oh no, wait.
I was an avid believer until I realized Santa had mom's hand writing when I was nine. I immediately put teh Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy in the same category. Mom keeps on saying "From: Santa" though. She says it's tradition. Yay me?
A gay Easter Bunny would be the greatest thing ever.

I am thinking of a Slash Fic featuring the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus :D

X3 That would be pure epicness

Anyways, my mom insists that I at least pretend to believe in Santa, for my little sister's sake

o.o She threatens me with no more gifts from Santa, as in, she would halve the number of gifts I get ;.;
Santa didn't start wrapping presents for me until last Christmas, so I couldn't sneak in around 5:00 to see what I got and then bug my parents to wake up. Thus, I never got to see a similarity in hand writing.
I am thinking of a Slash Fic featuring the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus :D

I would so read that.

So... how does he get in? Kick the door down? O___o

We always left our door unlocked, at least until I went to bed, so he just went in through the door. If you locked it, he would just skip over you since you didn't deserve presents, according to my brother.
I still have to 'believe' for the sake of my eight-year-old sister, and if I know her she's just as slow as I was and thus will not pick up on the fact that he isn't real until my parents specifically tell her, and I don't think she'll ask about it, either. Earlier today she claimed that "Santa's too chubby to fit down our chimney", to which I replied "Well, then, how does he get here, then?" She replied with "He's magic." And I just mentally headdesked. xD

Christmas is special enough to me to have me setting my alarm and waking my sister (something I never do) to go down and jump on our parents' bed until they scream at us and we run out to the tree and bounce with excitement. x3 Pretty much all the decent stuff I get consists of video games, candy, and sometimes an interesting board game or a book or two (or music of some sort for my trumpet or the piano). So I can't wait to get my hands on the video games, and... well... xD This year I'm putting the new Ranger at the top of my Christmas wishlist so I can obsess over it on the eight-hour drive to our cousins' house the next day.

I adore Christmas - the music, the lights, the movies, the general spirit, the tree - it's all so terrific to me, and so I'm planning to spend a stereotypical Christmas with Flametail some year after we meet. <3333

It's the most~ wonderful time~ of the year~
The thing that threw me off of santa was that I got 25 presents, my friends got 2 or 3. ,xD
My parents did a bloody good job of making it look real though, food crumbs/footprints/they even dressed up as him while putting the presents on the floor, I actually woke up once, looked, and saw a red fat man and thought "ho shi!" and ran back to bed before it saw me.

In Slovenia, we have the tooth mouse.

Seriously that is way cooler.

The story went that he'd make a castle out of your teeth.

Castle. Teeth.

Hopefully the parents there aren't as obsessed as mine were, as to leave false traces of evidence.
I could just imagine them gathering mouse crap and putting it on my pillow.
I found out about the nonexistance of Snata Claus when I waled in on my parents hiding the gifts undr the tree on my way to the bathroom.
One of my friends has a mother who still insists Father Christmas is real (her kids are 18, 21, 24 and 28). She leaves (some) Christmas decorations up all year round, owns every Christmas movie ever made and her facebook status is always "[however many] days till Christmas!".

Still, she always invites us all round the weekend before the big day and makes us a huge Christmas dinner, so I certinaly can't complain. :3
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