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Spoilers for Life: Santa Claus

I am thinking of a Slash Fic featuring the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus :D

It's likely to be out there, somewhere. *Googles it hopefully* I feel kind of ashamed, but to heck with that!
I can't find one. T_T
Somebody write it. There should be a writing challenge in the Writing forum involving Santa/Easter Bunny.
Kinda squicky, but I'm choosing not to think about it.
We never had the easter bunny or really the tooth fairy over here - I think I was told I should put my first tooth under the pillow to get money for it, but I don't think a fairy was really supposed to be involved, and as it happened I didn't tell my parents when I tried it, so naturally it didn't work. The easter bunny isn't part of Icelandic easter culture at all and it is clear to every child that easter eggs are sold in shops and come from several competing candy manufacturers. And in several different sizes, of which you want the biggest so you nag your parents for it.

As for Santa Claus, in Iceland we have thirteen old men who in old times were supposed to cause all sorts of mischief around Christmastime (one would suck the milk from your sheep, one would slam doors, one would hook the meat you were cooking out through the chimney, one would eat your candles, and so on), but in later times got sort of mixed with Santa, and right now they all wear his clothes but still love getting up to their old mischief and are not fat. And they don't give you presents on Christmas itself, but each of the thirteen days before Christmas Day has one of them coming to town and putting cheap little presents into your shoe if you place it in the window of your room. Oh, and they are half-trolls who live in the mountains, and their mother eats children (and so does her cat). You can imagine all the American media about writing letters to this one Santa Claus who lives on the North Pole, makes all the presents and has a bunch of little helper elves gets very confusing.

I believed in them for a while, mostly out of denial of the possibility that my parents would be lying to me about something like that. :( I was very angry to find out.
I believed in Santa for ages. I still sorta thought it was sweet until about six months ago when my boyfriend (who loathes Christmas) questioned why children in third-world countries don't get presents from Santa. ;-;

The tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny I grew out of when I was about ten or so, although one time my mum left me a note from the 'tooth fairy' when I lost my last baby teeth. She did it in gold pen and everything, so I thought it was magic. :3
I only ever believed in Santa till I was nine, when my mother dropped this bombshell on me after I asked her whether he existed. I cried.
Then my dad told me the same thing a year later and I was all 'yeah okay'

Here in Belgium (and Holland) we have La Saint Nicholas/Sinterklaas. He's sort of like Santa but instead of having elves doing his biding he has white guys in blackface called Zwarte Piet (Black Pete). They're always dressed nicely and I suppose Americans and Brits would be utterly dumbfounded at this because it can look pretty racist I guess.
St. Nicholas isn't fat, dresses a lot better than Santa and rides around on a white horse. He's based on a real guy who existed a couple of centuries ago and used to give kids presents, and I'm pretty sure Santa's based on the real Nicholas as well.
Oh and St. Nicholas lives in Spain and comes over every year in a boat. If children are naughty he doesn't leave any faggy piece of coal, he kidnaps the mean kids and takes them to Spain with him. That's how he gets his Zwarte Pieten, I think. If you're good you get candy and/or a chocolate letter, usually the first letter of your name.

I'm pretty sure he also exists in Baltic countries but there he's a sort of Evil Santa and he's basically Satan so erm

We don't have an Easter Bunny, we have Easter Bells. Giant flying bells who leave chocolate in your house. Seriously.
And I was never told about the tooth fairy until I was about eleven or so so I never got round to believing in that either.
I think it's very sad that the Americanized version of Santa is replacing/ruining all these amazing old traditions... especially given (and correct me if I'm wrong; it's been known to happen) the northern European countries were the ones who first had the idea of strange men giving you stuff during Christmastime.
I mean, Santa's coloured after Coca-Cola, for God's sake. It's only a matter of time before the Easter Bunny is dyed yellow, his ears made to look like a big "m" and he starts wearing an "i'm lovin' it" t-shirt or something. D:
B-but the Coca-Cola Santa is so adorable:

Yeah I find old people cute what of it.

Oh and this is what Sinterklaas/St. Nicholas looks like:

Chillin' with his homies. He sort of dresses like the Pope, I guess.
I think it's very sad that the Americanized version of Santa is replacing/ruining all these amazing old traditions... especially given (and correct me if I'm wrong; it's been known to happen) the northern European countries were the ones who first had the idea of strange men giving you stuff during Christmastime.
I mean, Santa's coloured after Coca-Cola, for God's sake. It's only a matter of time before the Easter Bunny is dyed yellow, his ears made to look like a big "m" and he starts wearing an "i'm lovin' it" t-shirt or something. D:

Ahaha. Then McDonalds would start adding "easter eggs" to their happy meals at easter time.

I think you're right in a way. I do prefer the old traditional green to the red santa.

Chillin' with his homies. He sort of dresses like the Pope, I guess.
It's clear from his awesomeness levels that he is the Pope.

By the way, in Germany, Santa Claus is apparently called "der Weinachtsmann" ("the Christmas Man") and puts presents in shoes rather than oversized socks. The literal translation of his name made me lol =3
I mean, Santa's coloured after Coca-Cola, for God's sake. It's only a matter of time before the Easter Bunny is dyed yellow, his ears made to look like a big "m" and he starts wearing an "i'm lovin' it" t-shirt or something. D:

Umm, no he isn't.

In the United Kingdom, Santa -- or Father Christmas -- was historically depicted wearing a green cloak. More recently, that has been changed to the more commonly known red suit.[37] One school in the seaside town of Brighton banned the use of a red suit for erroneously believing it was only indicative of the Coca-Cola advertising campaign. School spokesman Sarah James said: "The red-suited Santa was created as a marketing tool by Coca-Cola, it is a symbol of commercialism."[38] In reality, the red-suited Santa was created by Thomas Nast.

Also those blackface Santa helpers would never fly nowadays (in America, at least). Maybe if this was like, the 1920s, then yeah, nobody would care.

I have no interesting Santa stories. :0
One of my friends has a mother who still insists Father Christmas is real (her kids are 18, 21, 24 and 28). She leaves (some) Christmas decorations up all year round, owns every Christmas movie ever made and her facebook status is always "[however many] days till Christmas!".

Still, she always invites us all round the weekend before the big day and makes us a huge Christmas dinner, so I certinaly can't complain. :3

o.o Erm, how has she not figured it out? Didn't she ever live on her own at one point, and start to wonder why Santa didn't eat the cookies and drink the milk she left out, and why he didn't leave gifts?

We don't have an Easter Bunny, we have Easter Bells. Giant flying bells who leave chocolate in your house. Seriously.
And I was never told about the tooth fairy until I was about eleven or so so I never got round to believing in that either.

...Giant flying bells?

:O Oh my fucking god, that is SWEET!
Umm, no he isn't.

Yes, someone painted him red (red, not red-and-white) first, but do you honestly think that the Santa every kid in Western Society knows today would be the colours he is had Coca-Cola not used him in a 30-year advertising campaign?

No matter how you look at it, it's still shameless globalization.
Yes, someone painted him red (red, not red-and-white) first, but do you honestly think that the Santa every kid in Western Society knows today would be the colours he is had Coca-Cola not used him in a 30-year advertising campaign?

No matter how you look at it, it's still shameless globalization.

Yeah, but his belly jiggles like a bowl full of jelly! D:
I figured it out at like nine when tooth fairy/mom gave brother a ten and four ones instead of the usual five bucks. discrediting santa and the easter bunny was a natural continuation of the point.
I figured it out at like nine when tooth fairy/mom gave brother a ten and four ones instead of the usual five bucks. discrediting santa and the easter bunny was a natural continuation of the point.

You got $5? Lucky; I used to only get £1, which is about $2.

I believed in Santa until I was about five, then I realised how impossible the whole thing was but sort of forced myself to believe into it even though I knew it was a load of rubbish really (The same with religion...).

I never really believed in the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy... But I want a pet Tooth Mouse.
You got $5? Lucky; I used to only get £1, which is about $2.

I believed in Santa until I was about five, then I realised how impossible the whole thing was but sort of forced myself to believe into it even though I knew it was a load of rubbish really (The same with religion...).

I never really believed in the Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy... But I want a pet Tooth Mouse.

Uuh, Castform it's really rather rude to call religion a "load of rubbish", especially when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand (the discussion of religion, that is).
Oh,no, I was just pointing out that, similar to the idea of a God, I eventually grew to believe that the idea of a Santa Claus was (In my opinion) a ridiculous concept. I didn't mean any offence by it. Apologies to anyone I may have offended.
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