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Standard Mafia (D1)

Re: Standard Mafia (N0)

The town of Standardville awoke to a gloomy day.

Although nobody was dead, a pentagram had been carved into the ground.

An elder spoke up.

"The Mafia are back."

No one died. 48 hours.
Re: Standard Mafia (N0)

I vote to lynch the crazy elder! Who is with me!

Sigh, no lynch. Day one for the win.
Re: Standard Mafia (N0)

No one died, do you think a healer got lucky, or the mafia failed?
Re: Standard Mafia (N0)

Well looking at the list I think it's going to be difficult for there to be an inactive mafia. Most of the players are known mafia players and are on often enough. Though the possibility is still there. I would say maybe a lucky healer. The night also was pretty long so that also helps solve the whole "is the mafia inactive?" thing.

Oh and Kam it should be D1.
Re: Standard Mafia (N0)

It could've been a lucky doctor, or the Mafia could have attacked the bulletproof or the illusionist who flipped heads (or tails! whichever one means that the attack fails); I think those are the only explanations for a lack of night kill in this game? (I refuse to consider inactivity as a possibility. >:( )

We probably will end up going with no lynch, but let's wait for people to post first before we vote! The day's just started, after all.
Will furthermore add to the Abstaining vote.

In terms of giving mafia away, a deathless night is as good as a night zero, and there's a reason why vigs usually refrain from killing on night zero.
Hmm abstaining sounds good. I guess we're all pretty active, so I hope we have amazing healers.
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