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Star69 vs. Munchkin

1 day DQ warning for Star69

Edit: Er... yeah. I totally didn't assume the dq time was 7 days. So... carry along.
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Bleh, SomeGuy. You're not looking too good. So, uh, let's hit Sora with some Rock attacks. Start off with a Rock Slide, followed by an AncientPower. Lastly, Stone Edge. Hope nothing misses!
Rock Slide@Sora ~ AncientPower@Sora ~ Stone Edge@Sora

The rest of you guys are kind of... removed. Purplemon, move to D7, then D6. Finish the round by hitting Sora with a Thunderbolt.
D7 ~ D6 ~ Thunderbolt@Sora

So I guess that leaves Firefox. F6, then E5. Then fire off a Flame Burst at Chi. (yay splash damage)
F6 ~ E5 ~ Flame Burst@Chi

Apologies for my lateness. Been having a rough post-vacation week here.
also I hope I didn't make any mistakes ;_;
Star69 (White) Light Screen for one action
[Firefox]Vulpix(F)<Flashfire> @Firestone
Health: 95% | Energy: 93%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Atk
-- Paralyzed (22% chance) Poisoned (1%)
Status: Where am I?
[Purplemon]Nidoranm(M)<Poison Point> @Razor Claw
Health: 90% | Energy: 85%
-- +1 Atk +1 Def -1 Spd
Hat: 15%
Status: Cool!
Health: 54% | Energy: 79%
Hat: 15%
Substitute: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Wondering how it got there.

Munchkin (Black)
[Sora]Swablu(F)<Natural Cure>
Health: 88% | Energy: 90%
Hat: 15%
-- +3 Def +2 Spd
Status: o_O
[Chi]Sneasel(F)<Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 88% | Energy: 82%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: What was that?
Health: 86% | Energy: 78%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Impressed by the mass teleportation.

Round 4
Chi was still blinking the light away from her eyes when the round began. She was sort of distracted and was still trying to collect her bearings. What happened? I remember my teammates being there, She lifted her paw slowly and pointed to where her teammates used to stand. and my opponents being there. She then proceeded to waving her paw through the air, tracing the positions of the pokemon before the mysterious light had randomly moved them around. I can't be crazy. Right? Everyone saw what happened. Her pupils dilated as she looked around, looking for some source of comfort. She turned to Ryui, hoping for some consolation, but the Abra didn't know what happened. Besides, Abra hardly have facial expressions, and Ryui felt now wasn't the time to chat. Shunned by her comrade, Chi tried recalling her orders. What was it her trainer wanted? Right. A whirlpool. She recalled how she used that attack just moments before, but she was different back then. At that time, she was full of gusto, pridefully sizing up her opponents. What was she now? A remnant of her former self from just a single flash questioning her sanity. With barely any confidence, she swirled her paw in the air. A whirlpool formed at the tips of her paw and quickly went on to surround SomeGuy.

Ryui was just as curious as Chi regarding what happened, but he was keeping his cool. All he knew was that some force had moved them around. "Maybe," he mumbled. "Just maybe." As he performed the little intricate hand movements required for creating a wall out of light, he thought about how they, the battlers, had so easily been moved around. "Could we really simply be pawns in someone's game of chess? Is it possible that their plane of time is so different from ours that what must have been quite some time in their plane, with us having moved around quite some distance, is just a second in ours?" With little thought, he completed his wall. He didn't add any personal touches like the spheres that had been previously made. His wall wasn't very special. It was just a wall. Just like every other pokemon could make.

SomeGuy cringed as it was surrounded by Chi's whirlpool. It had had enough with that last whirlpool. Thank you very much. It projected these thoughts dripping with sarcasm onto Chi's mind. Lucky for it, it's substitute took the brunt of the attack. Chi didn't react much though. She was too busy puzzling over her sanity to question random voices popping up in her head. SomeGuy turned a few times on the spot. Instantly, rocks started rising from the ground one after the other. There were big rocks, small rocks, white rocks, and small rocks. With barely any thought, SomeGuy made the rocks rise higher and sent them tumbling down on Sora. Several jagged rocks got caught in her wings.

The rocks cut gashes all over Sora's body, and she let all her sorrow flow in as she sang a weary melody. She sang of a place where pokemon ran wild and free, where they were not forced to battle one another and inflict pain. With tears in her eyes, she flapped her wings slowly. As if echoing her sadness, the wind picked up, and several voices were heard. The wind seemed to surround Sora for a moment just before it blew towards SomeGuy. Faint silhouettes seemed to ride the wind, clawing away at SomeGuy's substitute.

Firefox shivered from the sudden wind. Well that was creepy. I've had enough of this battle. Everything's just too crazy. Random attacks flying this way and that for no reason at all. Crazy spontaneous teleportation. What the heck was going on in this battle? However, she loved her trainer deeply and decided to push through. Slowly, she put one foot in front of the other, moving to where her trainer had designated. Purplemon followed suit, his team's protective screen disappearing as soon as he lifted his paw, and a draco meteor soared overhead, just missing the battlers.

It was then that Chi snapped. A twisted wicked smile started forming along the edges of her face. The audience gasped at her expression. It wasn't one of confusion and fear anymore. Refusing to believe their eyes, the audience looked on, but one old man knew the look in the pokemon's eyes. "It can't be," he thought. "This can't be happening. I've seen that look before. It's the look a pokemon has when it's out for blood." Not wanting to attract the pokemon's attention, the old man started slowly backing away. He had been wise, for the moment he reached the edge of the crowd, Chi had shot a dark pulse at the audience. Yes, it was in the general direction of SomeGuy. SomeGuy did get hurt, but the attack was clearly meant for that idiot in the front row. SomeGuy sensed something was wrong however. The attack was clearly aimed at the nearest onlooker behind it. SomeGuy's substitute was completely fried at this point, and SomeGuy was frozen, aghast at what its fellow pokemon had done. Pokemon weren't supposed to attack humans.

Ryui, still contemplating the conundrum, proceeded with even more hand symbols. These ones would provide a different form of protection. Ancient runes projected themselves in Ryui's thoughts for a second, and in a glimpse, they were gone. There. That would do it. His new screen was complete.

SomeGuy summoned up rocks. Flames danced around each one as they flew towards Sora.

Sora, whose song had ended by this point, was deeply mourning. "All this battling must've caused Chi to act like that." She knew something must be done to prevent what happened to Chi from ever happening again. She knew she needed to end battling. Once again, she sang her grieving song, calling forth spirits long gone, to aid he in her goal. The wind picked up, and an invisible something, no, invisible somethings slashed SomeGuy with viscious claws.

Firefox stepped closer to her opponents and hoped the battle would end soon. Things were getting very strange very fast. Just as she muttered some words, a flash of light enveloped the board yet again.

End of Round

Star69 (White)
[Firefox]Vulpix(F)<Flashfire> @Firestone
Health: 93% | Energy: 91%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Atk
-- Paralyzed (21% chance) Poisoned (2%)
Status: Maybe I should stop talking.
[Purplemon]Nidoranm(M)<Poison Point> @Razor Claw
Health: 90% | Energy: 84%
-- +1 Atk +1 Def -1 Spd
Hat: 15%
Status: What'll happen this time?
Health: 47% | Energy: 73%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Oh crud.

Munchkin (Black) Light Screen for 3 actions, Reflect for 4 actions
[Sora]Swablu(F)<Natural Cure>
Health: 73% | Energy: 84%
Hat: 15%
-- +3 Def +2 Spd
Status: This must end.
[Chi]Sneasel(F)<Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 88% | Energy: 77%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Cackling.
Health: 86% | Energy: 73%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Is someone moving us pieces again?

Damage and Energy calculations:
Purplemon's HP = 90
Purplemon's energy = 85 - 1(moving) = 84
Firefox's HP = 95 - 2(poison) = 93
Firefox's energy = 93 - 2(moving) = 91
SomeGuy's HP = 54 - 7(ominous wind) = 47
SomeGuy's energy = 79 - 1(light screen) - 2(ancientpower) - 3(rock slide) = 73
SomeGuy's substitute = 15 - 3(ominous wind) - 4(whirlpool) - 1(whirlpool) - 16(dark pulse) = 0
Sora's HP = 88 - 5(ancientpower) - 10(rock slide) = 73
Sora's energy = 90 - 3(ominous wind) - 3(ominous wind) = 84
Chi's HP = 88
Chi's energy = 82 - 2(whirlpool) - 3(dark pulse) = 77
Ryui's HP = 86
Ryui's energy = 78 - 3(light screen) - 2(reflect) = 73

-Positions here. http://draw.to/D3UaXVl Apparently, the RNG suddenly likes the number 8
-I have a feeling I missed something. Do point it out if I have.
-I seemed to have turned your pokemon into ... crazy things. Do forgive me.
-Star69 commands first.

For my convenience:
Razor Claw: Attacks made by a pokémon holding this item start one critical hit domain one higher than usual.
Fire Stone: The fire-type attacks made by a pokémon holding this item do 1% more damage and cost 1% less energy to perform than normal, after all other modifiers are applied.
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Alright, let's see what we can do here.

Firefox, move over to B7, then hit Ryui with two Dark Pulses. Unless he Protects or Teleports (grr) or gets out of your range somehow, in which case move to C6 and then D5.
B7 ~ Dark Pulse@Ryui/C6 ~ Dark Pulse@Ryui/D5

Purplemon... let's go ahead and try to take on Chi, eh? Start off with an Attract, then follow up with a Double Kick and fire off a Water Pulse. If she Protects/moves out of your range,
move to H2 and then Chill.
Attract@Chi/H2 ~ Double Kick@Chi/Chill ~ Water Pulse@Chi/Chill

SomeGuy, you're a bit low on health there. Cast a Reflect (can you cast one? I have no idea.), and then a Light Screen. I don't suppose we should look for someone to fight you yet, so just Chill a little.
Reflect ~ Light Screen ~ Chill
I totally did not copy this from Munchkin what are you talking about the first two commands are clearly in a different order

Serious apologies for my lateness. I am a terrible person when it comes to punctuality.
Sora; Safeguard, then Chill.
Safeguard ~ Chill x2

Chi; Taunt on Purplemon, then move to H3, and finish up with a Dark Pulse on SomeGuy. Purplemon shouldn't even be able to carry out his third command, because all your positions should be randomized again :)
Taunt@Purplemon ~ H3 ~ Dark Pulse@SomeGuy

Ryui; Teleport to E8, then to G7, then use Toxic on SomeGuy. Your eluding Firefox should lead to everyone teleporting.
Teleport (E8) ~ Teleport (G7) ~ Toxic @SomeGuy

I'm so annoyed I typed up longer command descriptions, clicked "Go Advanced", and it was wiped because the server was too busy -__- By some incredible stroke of luck, however, I had thought about my commands so much that I had them memorized 8)
Star69 (White)
[Firefox]Vulpix(F)<Flashfire> @Firestone
Health: 93% | Energy: 91%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Atk
-- Paralyzed (21% chance) Poisoned (2%)
Status: Maybe I should stop talking.
[Purplemon]Nidoranm(M)<Poison Point> @Razor Claw
Health: 90% | Energy: 84%
-- +1 Atk +1 Def -1 Spd
Hat: 15%
Status: What'll happen this time?
Health: 47% | Energy: 73%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Oh crud.

Munchkin (Black) Light Screen for 3 actions, Reflect for 4 actions
[Sora]Swablu(F)<Natural Cure>
Health: 73% | Energy: 84%
Hat: 15%
-- +3 Def +2 Spd
Status: This must end.
[Chi]Sneasel(F)<Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 88% | Energy: 77%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Cackling.
Health: 86% | Energy: 73%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Is someone moving us pieces again?

Round 5
After what seemed like a couple of weeks, Chi started hurling malicious insults at Purplemon. Chi was good at insulting others before. Now that she was off her rocker, she had even better insults. Nasty piece of filth. You call yourself a pokemon? I call you a rat. A good for nothing infested rat. While baiting her opponent, Chi waved one of her paws in the air lazily as if she didn't care what the Nidoran was going to do. He could somehow use Hyper Beam, but she wouldn't even look. What a waste of my time.

While Purplemon was falling for the taunt, Ryui prepared to travel through space using only his mind once again. A thin pink aura surrounded him for just a moment, and without any difficulty at all, Ryui disappeared. In a flash, he reappeared some distance away.

SomeGuy then proceeded to casting a golden series of crisscrossing energies over it and its teammates. The golden energies intertwined in the air, forming a protective mesh around its allies.

Sora was undaunted by this display of ability and started producing her own shield. She opened her beak wide and an orb of energy started forming. Unlike SomeGuy's shield, hers was a pale green luminescent orb. The orb went on to grow in size and broke off into three similar but smaller orbs, each one heading towards and surrounding each member of the black team.

Firefox, in response to seeing the magnificent shields thrown up, started trotting over to the nearest accessible square. She moved with gusto and with haste, for she knew that at any moment, a random attack might fall from the sky and hit her.

At this point, Purplemon was furious at Chi. Calling him dirty was one thing. Calling him filth was another. Chi had definitely crossed the line, and no amount of begging from his trainer could've made him use attract at that moment. No. It was time for inflicting pain. Purplemon furiously swiped at Chi with all of his claws, hoping that Chi would be deeply hurt. In the process, he accidentally nipped himself, but that was alright as long as Chi got hurt.

Chi was barely hurt by Purplemon's actions. With a grin and a wave goodbye, the Sneasel impishly moved away and into the next square.

Ryui once again started glowing with a faint aura. Ryui's body instantly vanished. The air nearby started flickering, and Ryui reappeared.

Sora, on the other hand, wasn't intent on moving. Instead, she settled down and tried relaxing. Her soft down made for a very comfortable pillow.

SomeGuy wasn't finished with casting screens yet. After a moment of chanting, blue tendrils of energy started appearing around SomeGuy, some fusing with SomeGuy's golden shield, others fusing with SomeGuy's teammates' shields.

Firefox felt quite ignored. She had a large portion of the board all to herself. She knew she wouldn't be able to hit anyone from her current position, so she moved and occupied a different square.

Purplemon wanted to scratch Chi's eyes out, but she was too far away. In an attempt to get close enough to attack, Purplemon followed Chi and moved forward.

Chi then put its hands together and formed a small black ball of energy. It then separated its hands and fired a beam of black and purple waves at SomeGuy from the ball. The air arround the pulsing wave of darkness throbbed, as if pushed back by the dark energy imbued in the attack.

Ryui started secreting harsh toxins at the back of his throat. The vile liquid was dark in color and bubbled as it was sent flying through the air. The reeking liquid quickly seeped into SomeGuy's body.

SomeGuy wasn't happy with being ganged up on and instead tried to focus on resting for a moment. Taking a breather, SomeGuy merely levitated in place.

Sora, still not finished with her break, sat comfortably on top of her fluffy wings. She was starting to feel more energized at this point.

Firefox was still too far from the other pokemon. Hastily, she moved onto the next square. However, she was disappointed to see a bright light suddenly covering the whole field as soon as her foot reached the square. She knew what was coming next.

End of Round

Star69 (White) Reflect for 3 actions; Light Screen for 4 actions
[Firefox]Vulpix(F)<Flashfire> @Firestone
Health: 90% | Energy: 88%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Atk
-- Paralyzed (18% chance) Poisoned (3%)
Status: Here we go again.
[Purplemon]Nidoranm(M)<Poison Point> @Razor Claw
Health: 89% | Energy: 80%
-- +1 Atk +1 Def -1 Spd
-- Taunted (1 more action)
Hat: 15%
Status: Let me at 'em!
Health: 38% | Energy: 78%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
-- Poisoned (1%)
Status: Feeling weak.

Munchkin (Black) Safeguard for 3 actions, Reflect for 1 action
[Sora]Swablu(F)<Natural Cure>
Health: 73% | Energy: 100%
Hat: 15%
-- +3 Def +2 Spd
Status: Fully energized.
[Chi]Sneasel(F)<Keen Eye> @Razor Claw
Health: 86% | Energy: 69%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: Feeling devilish.
Health: 86% | Energy: 63%
Hat: 15%
-- +1 Sp. Atk +1 Sp. Def
Status: I want to learn how to mass teleport.

Damage and Energy calculations:
Purplemon's HP = 90 - 1(struggle) = 89
Purplemon's energy 84 - 3(struggle) - 1(moving) = 80
Firefox's HP = 93 - 3(poison) = 90
Firefox's energy = 91 - 1(moving) - 1(moving) - 1(moving) = 88
SomeGuy's HP = 47 - 8(dark pulse) - 1(poison) = 38
SomeGuy's energy = 73 - 3(reflect) - 2(light screen) + 10(chill) = 78
Sora's HP = 73
Sora's energy = 84 - 3(safeguard) + 10(chill) + 10(chill) = 100
Chi's HP = 88 - 5(struggle) = 83
Chi's energy = 77 - 4(taunt) - 1(moving) - 3(dark pulse) = 69
Ryui's HP = 86
Ryui's energy = 73 - 3(teleport) - 3(teleport) - 4(toxic) = 63

-Positions here. http://draw.to/D37GPKR
-Purplemon's command string didn't reflect the commands. In this case, I went with the commands.
-Munchkin commands first.

For my convenience:
Razor Claw: Attacks made by a pokémon holding this item start one critical hit domain one higher than usual.
Fire Stone: The fire-type attacks made by a pokémon holding this item do 1% more damage and cost 1% less energy to perform than normal, after all other modifiers are applied.
Sora; Oh Sora, I don't like your position at all. But I do say, I quite like the positions of your teammates. Oh well, let's work with this, shall we? Move to B2; Purplemon should attack you, as he's Taunted, and on your second action you can then attempt to Sing to him until he falls asleep. If he's too far on the third action, use Hyper Voice instead, but if he's asleep then try Body Slam. Also, if he happens to move on the first action, use Hyper Voice the whole time.
B2/Hyper Voice@Purplemon ~ Sing@Purplemon/Hyper Voice@Purplemon ~ Sing@Purplemon/Hyper Voice@Purplemon/Body Slam@Purplemon

Chi; First of all, move to H3 so that you are a sufficient distance away from Firefox, such that no one will be teleported anywhere. I think you know what's next - Dark Pulse all the way! Unless, of course, SomeGuy decides to Protect, in which case I would like you to Chill, then use Calm Mind.
H3 ~ Dark Pulse@SomeGuy/Chill ~ Dark Pulse@SomeGuy/Calm Mind

Ryui; Let's just go all-out and use Shadow Ball on SomeGuy the whole time. If he Protects, then just Chill - you really need it.
Shadow Ball@SomeGuy/Chill x3
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