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Steam Canyon

FMC said:
You continue on, and soon come across a male Remoraid with what seems to be a Dragon Scale stuck in his mouth, like he was trying to eat it. Take them, or go on? (Continues: 3)

go pokeball. 8D
too lazy for fancy write-ups right now here have some stuff

Dr Frank:


Smooth Rock! Take it or go on? (Continues: 4)


female Poliwag! Taker her, or go? (Continues: 3)



Yellow Shard! Take it or go on? (Continues: 3)

And now, a Steam Canyon Announcement!

A new area has been discovered deep in the bowels of the Canyon! The Ashy Fields are now open for the public! Check out our first post for more information.

You and Sakura make your way through the thick ash, the soft rustling of Pokemon all around you. You soon come to a nest of Nincada, and all but one scatter into the ash.. The one left is a young male, playing with a Moon Stone. Take him or go on? (Continues: 4)

As you burrow back into the ashes, a loud screech from above alerts you to the presence of a male Gligar diving down at your face. He latches on tightly, and Sakura removes him with a quick Force Palm. Catch him, or go on? (Continues: 4)

Dr Frank:

The thick steam make sit rather hard to see, but you soon come upon a female Makuhita in the steam. catch her, or go on? (Continues: 4)


As you make your way farther along the path, something shimmering catches your eye. You rush towards it, and find out that it was a Shiny Stone! Take it, or go on? (Continues: 2)


You continue though the lake, and soon come upon a Dratini with a Mystic Water on it's head. You make a quick grab for the dragon type, but it gets away, and you're left with just the item in your hands. Keep it, or let it go? (Continues: 2)
....you know damn well what this guy will be named. I'll take him, then head back into here. This place is fun!

As you head back into the ashes, Sakura making a path in front of you, you hear a soft yipping sound. You turn and can see a female Poochyena barking at a Houndour a bit off. The Houndour fees when it sees you, but the Poochyena stands her ground.. Catch her, or go on? (Continues: 4)

As you continue, you and Sakura make jokes to try and ease the creeping feeling of being watched from the ash, and while distracted, you trip over something and fall into the ash with a dull thud. After you get to your feet, the thing you tripped over makes itself known in a flurry of ash; a male Skarmory bursts out from under the thick ash and lets out a screeching cry. Catch him, or go on? (Continues: 3)


You make your way into the vents, and not much can be seen, until you stumble upon a Charcoal on the ground. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)
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