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Steam Canyon


As you continue, you and Sakura make jokes to try and ease the creeping feeling of being watched from the ash, and while distracted, you trip over something and fall into the ash with a dull thud. After you get to your feet, the thing you tripped over makes itself known in a flurry of ash; a male Skarmory bursts out from under the thick ash and lets out a screeching cry. Catch him, or go on? (Continues: 3)


You make your way into the vents, and not much can be seen, until you stumble upon a Charcoal on the ground. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)

I'll go on. Sorry for not replying earlier, someone was using the computer in a side building for homework.

You continue on, and soon you some upon a puddle of slimy red goo that goes behind a rock. You tell Pepper to bury it next time and she shoots you a nasty look, but you follow the trail. It leads to a female Marcargo! Catch her, or go on? (Continues: 3)


You head back in again with your Ninetales, and after wandering about for a few moments, come across a Brass Gear, about the size of your palm, on the ground. An experimental poke reveals that, oddly, it is actually cool to the touch. You glance upwards and look in the direction of the distant mass of machines in the distance. Perhaps this means something...? Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)


You make your way past the chunk of Charcoal, and soon come upon...unexplained path Lava Cookie. Take it or go on? (Continues: 3)

You slip back into the boiling hot area, your Growlithe close at your side. You two poke around rocks and lava pits, but come up with...nothing. Again. Keep looking? (Continues: 4)

Grass King:

#1: As the pair of you carefully head into the Boiling Pits, something small and red-orange immediately rushes up to your Flareon and snuggles in her belly. It turns out to be a young male Vulpix. catch him or go on?

#2: Meanwhile, in a strange... time distortion thing that lets you be in two places at once, you and Flareon search high and low, but nothing can be found! Keep looking?

(Continues: 4)


As you go on, a strange yellow shape can be seen in the haze a little bit head. As you move closer, you find it's a male Makuhita. Catch him or go on? (Continues: 2)


As you wander on, you spot something shining a few feet away, next to a pit. You and your Ninetales rush over, nd find a small, shining Silver Gear precariously close to falling in the magma pool next to it. It is cool to the touch. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)

As you return yet again, you wander around for a while, before coming upon another strange gear, this one shimmering brighter than the other two; a Gold Gear! Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)


You move on, and soon spot a strange humanoid shape a bit ahead. Getting closer, you see it's a male Magmar. catch him, or go on? (Continues: 3)

(fff zora stop being lucky >:C)

You continue deeper into the heat of the Pits, and soon Pepper yaps at you; seems she's found something. You bend over to get a closer look; it's a Brass Gear. Take t, or go on? (Continues: 2)


You enter the searing hot area yet again, and you soon find another of these strange gears. This one is a Silver Gear. Take it, or go on? (Continues: 4)

god you people stop getting gears they're supposed to be rare >:C the RNG likes you guys too much

You pocket the gear and head back to the front desk to pay again, and return. After a long while of searching, you find... Nothing. Yet again. This is really getting on your nerves. Keep looking? (Continues: 4)


You return to poke around some more, and you soon stumble up on a cute little female Vulpix sleeping next to a magma pool. Take her, or go on? (Continues: 4)

You poke around a bit more, and uncover a Brass Gear behind a rock. Where are all these things coming from...? Take it, or go on? (Continues: 3)


You head in yet again, and soon have a rock smack you in the back of the head. Cursing and turning around, you see a male Chimchar, who seems to have thrown it. catch him or go on? (Continues: 4)
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