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Stupidest way to get thrown out of a hotel

Well, hopefully no one would actually be stupid enought to do this stuff.....

Act like a dog in the lobby. Bark at anyone who passes by or enters, chase after rolling baggage, and steal everyone's left shoe.
Haha, or do this (i actually did) buy alot of monster (the drink) and drink them all (we drank 3 each then just moved them to waterbottles and whatnot) and then either pile them in the bathtub, OR make a wall on the top of the stairs (we did this) and its funny when people dont notice it and walk right through it. They should pay attention when they startt walking down stairs, they might fall! ((the hotel staff didn't get mad cause "we were teaching people a valuble lesson)) (((i also think we saved them some insurance money :DD)))
Crap on the rug in your room and say it was the guy next door.

Bring in a karaoke and record yourself singing badly, and play that 24/7.

Kill someone and put their body in the pool.
Empty your room into the corridor.

Empty other people's rooms into the corridor.

Pretend to be another guest who is locked out and get into their room. Hide and jump out when they enter and yell 'surprise'.

Pretend to be another guest who is locked out and get into their room. Coat their room in toilet paper, put cling film over the toilet and fill the room with millions of little paper balls.

If the lifts do not have an operator, set yourself up as one, and charge extortionate fees from the other guests.

Take a teddy bear and demand it receives it's own room.

Post a sign saying [celebrity's name]'s room your door, and when people knock complain. Remove the sign if the hotel staff come along and repeat.
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