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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Suicide Game! =D

I find this Twirl bar, and see the date, or rather time. I eat it anyway and several hours later, I die from food poisoning.

I drop an iron trowel
I dodge the towel at the last second only for it to land on my foot! I go hobbling into the street before being hit by a car! I survive and get taken back to the same hospital where I was before! I run out and get hit by the same car again this time I get sent flying into a bus, right outside the world's worst positioned hospital!

I drop a drink, cuz I was thirsty before I ran out of the hospital!
The drink hits my head and bursts open. Fortunately, it's nothing dangerous. Just water. Unfortunately, water reacts with my skin causing minor burns that are rather irritating. I go to find a store that sell cream to treat the reaction, and forget to concentrate on where I'm walking. As a result, I fall down and open man hole and brake my neck and spine.

I drop the empty bottle
The empty bottle is full of gasses that combust on contact with air. It falls on my head, breaking open.

I drop a fireball.
The fireball zooms in my direction, just missing me but sets my clothes alight. I panic and start flailing about all over the place and die from severe burns.

I drop my silver dagger
I pick it up in haste in order to defend myself from Callum wielding my Silver Mane Kunai only I don't realise and wind up having my throat slashed...

I drop a rematch!
I discover a bar of chocolate and decide to start eating it, not sure of what "candy" is! Some randomer (Samantha, no doubt) jumps out behind me covering my eyes and saying "Guess who"! I swallow the bar too quickly and wind up choaking to death on it!

I drop a game of "Guess who"!
Your soul contaminates mine. I get sick and die.

I drop forty bottles of shampoo in a grocery bag.
I go to the DS9 holosuite to try out one of Worf's programs but the safety protocols are off and the monsters kill me.

I drop a Bajoran commbadge.
The commbadge hits my head and I run off a cliff in my lunacy from losing my last remaining braincells.

I drop a X-wing
I get along jus fine with Eminem, he even teaches me how to rap more effectively! I wind up becoming the new big name in Hip-Hop, but real Hip-Hop, not that stupid modern, er, version! Like all rappers from the time I'm emulating I wind up getting a gun, only to get shot ultimately, and I wind up getting the same fame as most megastars these days: I'm more famous in death than I ever was in life!

I drop 7 Platinum Albums! Why 7, Wynaut 7!?
The Platinum albums have bladed edges. I get chopped into pieces.

I drop a chocolate milkshake from Wendy's.
I dip my spicy chicken nuggets in the shake and eat it, only to realise 15 minutes later that the shake was spiked with atroquine.

I drop a metric shitton of Wendy's spicy chicken nuggets.
I try to avoid it like the plague, but then the cliché police come and beat me to within an inch of my life! As they are about to leave, one of them trips over me, thus doing me in!

I drop a call to the cliché police!
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