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Suicide Game! =D

She cuffs me.
"You can't break those cuffs," she says.
"RAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!" I say, and my head explodes.

I drop These Cuffs
Keyboard keys squish me to death, all having th letters Q, W, E, R, T, Y!

I drop a puppy!
puppy turns into my growlithe, cookie, who flamethrowers me in the face.
i drop may's blaziken.
I dodge all of its Blaze Kicks, but fall backwards into an Exploud's mouth.
I drop a monkey.
It is radioactive and it turns me into a four legged monster. People chase me outta town and i fall into a fire pit. I live, but the a car hits me. 3 days later, i awaken inside the hospital. There is play doh on the table, and it somehow gets in my mouth. I swallow it. I then pass out due to a diesease i knew nothing about. =P

I drop that one Officer Jenny who called her Growlithe "Arcanine"
Awesome!/ i love that video.
the growlithe named arcanine actually evolves into an arcanine and kills me and jenny with arcanine-ness.
i drop a gengar with no tail or spikes on it's back.
i don't know what that is and i am stabbed in an alleyway two nights later, causing me to drop the belt i keep my pokeballs hooked to.
The belt glows orange and starts lashing me, while taking my memories. I am so injured and confused that I die.

A fake flower falls from my hair.
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