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    Of course I'm not forcing you to do anything if you don't want to, but seriously, what have you got to lose? Five seconds of your life?

Suicide Game! =D

It comes alive and chases me to the sea. I jump in, turn into a mermaid, and swim off. Of course, then I see a drowning Mystic. Panic causes me to shift back into a human. Unfortunately, I'm pretty far underwater, so.

I drop a pearl.


I die from a brain hemorrhage. I was headdesking so much, trying to figure out what that means.

I drop my Maplestory character.
I get into a very heated debate with them for no apparent reason (probably about pencils, I don't know...) until I get angry and storm off only to be hit by the same bus that killed me and the neko before! I really should watch where I'm going... I'm not setting a good example, am I?

I drop the bad example I keep setting!
I die because the bad example you were setting was getting run over by a bus.
So I got run over.

I drop a bottle of lotion.
She uses mage powers to make me fall off the edge of the world.
I drop a Kidney.
You posted at the same time....
The kidney puts on the sunglasses, gets popular at a local highschool, then gets his own sitcom, and i die 67 years later of natural causes.
I drop a knife.
Be origianal.
I throw the knife away, so I wont die... the knife hits the celling and and the celling smashes me and kills me.

I drop my computer
Grabs key, clicks it, clicks alt key too, dies. Hit Alf+F4 for 10000 dollars.

I drop my bike
The bike randomly teleports right before it lands on me but teleports back and kills me with bike power three days later.
I drop a cd with a song i wrote on it.
It keeps using that Double Hit move that makes it evolve on me for setting a bad example to everyone on TCoD! It actually beats me to death...

I drop the unusually unelaborate (if that is a word) death of mine!
It keeps using that Double Hit move that makes it evolve on me for setting a bad example to everyone on TCoD! It actually beats me to death...

I drop the unusually unelaborate (if that is a word) death of mine!

((It is a word, I think))

Your death haunts me so much that I run to the Cafe of Doom, only to be confronted by Espeon who tells me "NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS, YOU SCEMING YOUNG SQUIRT!" I get banned and I'm so sad, I commit suicide.

I drop Espeon's jewel.
Espeon is so mad that she kills you with a Pyschic.

I drop Spunky the raichu.
(be original)

Spunky mistakes me for an evil NINJA-WIELDING PIRATE! She chases me all over TCoD and over to TQftL, where I am eaten alive by Polaryu!

I drop, uh, uh, uh, blood! Yes, blood. I drop blood.
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