• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Suicide Game! =D

I have no idea what it is, get closer, and it turns into a thief with a dual blade who stabs me.
whee, reference.
I drop a cygnus knight.
It gets irritated by me,and decides to KILL ME because I'm 78 levels higher than him.

I drop a Roid.
(waitwaitwait you play Maple? :D)
It jumps onto my lap and I immediately start to make it purr, cuz I rock like that! Unfortunately my dozey wazzack neighbours who don't know how to look after 1 dog, yet have 2 that they leave in the kitchen for hours on end where they jus bark and whine driving us all mad, are jealous cuz animals ACTUALLY LIKE ME! They try to hit the cat like they did with our first one, but I get in the way and give the, erm, man a heart attack! Witch tries to beat me up with her walking stick, forgetting we're supposed to believe she needs it! I don't hit women and she causes me to have a blood clot from which I die!

I drop the numerous videos of their cruelty that I WAS going to stick on YouTube to make an example out of them!

(It's payback: You screw with my sanity, I screw with your lives! Karma! Perhaps then they'll get a pet they actually KNOW how to look after! A door, maybe!)
Dies from not knowing what a QWOP is.

I drop pancakes shaped like a guy who got shot.
The part that snaps to two sides together punctures my leg, and I die from blood loss.

I drop a fishie~
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