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Super High-School Level Dangan Ronpa Fanclub!

pekoyama y/y

  • Total voters


oh man, good times.


Eh, welcome, everyone.

Our school life of mutual killing has just barely begun, but we promise that if you bastards stick around...

... you will be treated to a tremendously heart-stopping experience! Upupupu!

Our students, still so full of hope... Hope killing hope...

I can hardly wait!!!

Please, feel free to speculate as you see through our school year of mutual killing to its very end.


omg... why did I even try. anyway talk about dangaroo cool people. all spoilers/spoilery speculation for both games in spoiler tags please!

For the uninitiated, Dangan Ronpa is a "high-speed mystery action adventure" (according to TV Tropes, but idk who they quoted it from) PSP game released only in Japan with a translated LP that you should read which is located here. The sequel can be found here and that LP is currently in progress.

Here is a paste I made of the evidence bullets in SDR2's first case, if anyone wants it for detecting. (spoilers, obviously.)

okay Cirrus it is done
oh oh oh me i'm super high school level in

I only got into DR like a month ago, but it's pretty cool yes. I'm up to date with the LP and I can never see the plot twists except for the really obvious ones aaaaaugh

Koizumi and Nanami for best sdr2 characters bye
oh my christ your usertitle and your avatar together


I like this high-speed mystery action adventure it's good UH right now I really like komaeda and togami and ibuki (SDR2) in the original sakura and ishimaru were best. yeah

upupu ?!!!!!!
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Why is everyone voting for the second y the first y wants some love too >:( You can vote for every option, you know! (And Spoon, get in here.)

My favourites in the original were Leon and Chihiro and Kirigiri for a while and Togami maybe and Hagakure lol jk. In the second I like Pekoyama and Ibuki and Gundam and Nanami and the spoiler!

omg people who are caught up who do you think is the killer (surely it's not a spoiler that people die in this school life of mutual killing) please enlighten me with your theories! who else do you think will die? who do you think will murder :o After reading a bit through the LP thread which I promised myself I wouldn't do anymore because I keep getting sort of spoiled by "speculation" I'm convinced that it's
Hanamura but that's sort of boring. I really, really hope it's not Pekoyama... :c

Also it is so not fun knowing a huge end-game spoiler... maybe I'll just unfollow everyone on my dash who dangaroos which is like at most two people haha. HEY GUYS DO YOU WANT TO KNOW TOO
haha jk Cirrus I know you looked
I'm only on the third chapter of the first game, so I wanted to get the LP done before discussion time, because I am so bad at not reading spoilers. But Eifie leaves me no choice but to comment. D:

Uh, I really like Monobear's killer punishment sequences at the end of chapter. They're awful, yeah, but really well crafted to get a reaction from the player and interestingly individualized. The first one especially, I thought.

Thus far, my favorites Chihiro, Aoi, Sakura, and Kigiri. While I like Yamada's references, he's probably my least favorite. Aaand Naegi's pretty cool for a main-ish character.

sorry this is a message of pure unadulterated joy brought to you by eif

Spoon: Oh... maybe you should stay away then :p Or read fast! I love those too, especially
the second one. Somebody actually made butteroffdead.tumblr.com after that, it was great

edit: cry it ended at the best part
I looooove these counterargument things and Nidai is the best.
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oMg update. why would you end there. I guess it might
be Nidai then, but that's kinda weird. omg maybe he killed someone purely so that everyone would rush to the scene... then he could finally visit the lavatory...... I guess I don't really know who it could be! I only have tiny bits of suspicion for Hanamura and poor nurse girl
. also, Ibuki continues to be awesome wow.

Eifie omfg don't put the endgame spoiler here nobody wants to know >:(
Peko is starting to look kind of suspicious now... I mean, Nidai said it didn't smell in there and apparently there's no way just her food could have been poisoned? Her "illness" can't be a coincidence, that would be terrible.

I still sort of think there could be multiple murder attempts at play here. With Togami's "Oy, what are you doing?! Stop it!!" he must have seen somebody going for the knife under the table, but if he was skewered by somebody under the floor, that couldn't have been the same person. I guess an accomplice makes more sense because otherwise there would be no reason for somebody to be conveniently under the table to be stabbed from beneath. I don't know if the murderer(s) could have known that Togami was armed with night-vision goggles so that he could actually see somebody going for the knife under the table, but if they hadn't been spotted maybe the person with the knife could have been the one murdering instead. I'd really like to think that the murderers in this case would be Hanamura and Nagito; Nagito would have had plenty of opportunity to tape that knife to the table during the day and I think we know from the equipment list that the knife wasn't a kitchen knife. Then again, that's also really obvious, but then again, this is only the first case. So glad they didn't pull another 11037, though.

Cirrus brought up a theory/wistful speculation that it would be really cool if Nagito sort of indirectly causes every murder without ever being the actual culprit. I sooo hope that happens omg.

Also can I just like, gush about how much I really really really love SDR2?! I love they they kept what worked (and didn't change the trial discussion music, as far as I can tell! so happy!) and added really cool things to it that just make it so much better and are just awesome idk.
The blue text in the discussions is cool and I like that the other characters can actually noticeably get things right and the counterarguments waaaaah ;; It seems like the other characters are taking a much more active role in these trials and I really like that! Also I really, really hope that we're going to have an occasion where somebody presenting a counterargument actually proves Hinata wrong. Like, as somebody suggested in the LP thread (which I read again... argh), the minigame could just be totally hopeless so it's impossible to slash all the things properly and when you lose it just cuts back to the trial scene and Hinata's like oh... ("YOU'VE GOT THAT RIGHT!!!") Also I can't wait for Pekoyama to object because maybe the art when that happens would make a neat avatar. Mondo's looks great, and I keep thinking of Nidai as Mondo. Whoops.
Anyway I love that so far SDR2 falls into the category of sequels that are actually as good as (or possibly so much better!) the original! I wasn't really expecting that, to be honest.

I don't know if anybody besides Cirrus is actually caught up enough to read my spoilers and discuss with me so I guess I'll stop here! Being able to actually speculate is so much fun though omg.

edit: I hope they keep the comics and like, execute them better though.
I don't really have any idea what's actually going on so mostly I've been having fun headcanon speculation all by myself :o (with some Eifie). what would be most cool to happen overall is if
komaeda is sort of orchestrating everything, maybe in a way that it's not even hugely malicious, like maybe he put the knife there just to see what would happen, maybe he did the power thing to see if anyone would capitalise on weird stuff happening, idk I DO thing he's naegi so I think either he's traumatised because of SDR1 or now just really likes idly seeing what people do under given circumstances.

like, after SDR1... he knows now what sort of things influence people to murder. maybe :o idk this is probably wrong but I literally don't care because a) headcanons are just loads of fun (I also really like mastermind AUs) and b) I'm so excited to find out about komaeda that I don't really care what actually happens. I have no idea why I like komaeda so much. it's weird. I think I only like him with the suspicion he's going to turn out to be totally conscious about, you know, this being his second game. I really don't think he'll be the murderer for that reason! I think he's going to stick around for at least a while and continue to be suspicious for returning players. :o

all that said I also really like SDR2!!! maybe it's bc reading SDR1 I was kinda like "meh" for a while and also it felt like it reeeeeeally dragged at parts, and ALSO there were several characters I disliked... maybe just being hyped for SDR2 is what's making it so great. I guess I didn't expect SDR2 to be as good either, but it feels like they're being really... careful? this isn't just "let's make a sequel", but rather something they've clearly really thought about with
togami and maybe-naegi and... idk it feels like SDR2 still has a lot to show us! :o everything is going really nice and slow. except the LP. that's mostly just slow.

I didn't like the comics......... I usually skipped them ehehe. but I'm actually watching the videos now! maybe SDR2 being slow and steady is good bc now I'm really carefully looking at everything that happens and thinking about it. mostly it's just leading to more headcanons, though :D
I also don't mind if nurse girl is a murderer. I can't wait for "whoops murder" and I'll keep going on about it until it happens.
UGH so great. the pace makes it easier to accidentally get spoilt, though... :C

anyway UGH so great. I've already speculated with Eifie so much privately that I'd probably have suuuper-long posts if it didn't feel like I've already said everything.

I still think peko was having her period. it feels like a total red herring >:( she seems really believable!! I hope she doesn't suddenly snap into evil-mode like in ace attorney bc sometimes that always feels kind of sudden. :C also she MUST LINGER.

ok done.
So finished the first game and just started on the second one. I don't really have much to say other than whoa was not what I was expecting when I started the game. And that
I was kind of surprised that no one out of the six remaining after the four chapter died. Yeah Junko did, but that doesn't really count. And holy open-ended ending, batman! You can't just have blinding light outside the door. That is not how things work.
yay! good job! :o I never actually finished the original because it was dragging on sooooo much and also I'd already been spoilt for everything at that point :(
HAHAHAHAhhh I remember when the only character I particularly liked (other than sakura) was junko and then she "died" and I was like nooooooo. in retrospect, the most hilarious.

did your favourites stay the same? :o I liked sakura lots and lots right away, and then as time went on suddenly loved ishimaru and aoi lots and lots as well. chihiro and kirigiri were pretty constantly good. I also was a little fond of sayaka?? she was clearly way more than she ever seemed (but I wish people would stop shipping her with leon, EW EW EW) (it's a rly popular ship :C)

sakura's just... the best, though...... I was definitely pre-influenced, but I'm kind of baffled by anyone who doesn't think she's the greatest or at least semi-great. she's beautiful and clever and awesome

let us know your thoughts on SDR2 too, later! :o

look I composed the ultimate sweetie rankings

1. ishimaru
3. chihiro

that's all you need to know about dangan ronpa
maybe komaeda can be fourth i love him
So finished the first game and just started on the second one. I don't really have much to say other than whoa was not what I was expecting when I started the game. And that
I was kind of surprised that no one out of the six remaining after the four chapter died. Yeah Junko did, but that doesn't really count. And holy open-ended ending, batman! You can't just have blinding light outside the door. That is not how things work.

Hagakure's prediction was actually right! At the start of chapter four (I think?) he said that there would be no more murders, and indeed there were no more murders. :o He was also right about his child and Naegi's child sharing the same mother in the alternate future...

Ugh if Peko's actually just having her period I am going to RAGE. Although that would be kind of hilarious for the LP thread because everyone totally jumped on the person who kind of shyly suggested maybe she's having her period and they were all like that is a totally fucking inappropriate thing to say, get out.
hi I was just overwhelmed with a wave of sadness for SDR2's first victim and I would like to share this misery with everyone instead of getting ready for class

oh thanks for reminding me :(... worst neofriend ever

hahahaha I don't even know why I started shipping
komaeda/togami like what the fuck. obviously I ship something made of immediate death and despair.
Augh I was reading the first Danga Ronpa let's play, and clicked on the second to last update for part one of chapter 4...

The thread was archived.

I don't have a SA account.
omg seriously the paywall's back AGAIN

it's almost like it wants me to be prepared to study for exams or something...

@hopeandjoy: so no, I don't think it's archived. we just have to wait a few weeks... again...
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