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Swampert forum

OK, good to know that you know where we are "comeing" from. Whatever that means.
I will pretend to refuse to understand you until you add punctuation, spelling, and grammar.
Well, you don't have to go out of your way to be hurtful. I mean... "I will 'pretend to refuse to understand' you because your grammar isn't perfect" is kind of stupid. Ken's posts are, at least for the most part, quite legible. And anyway, o_O probably isn't a 12-year-old grammar prodigy himself.

I mean, you've got to be pretty thick if you can't understand "comeing", incorrect as it may be.
Actually, I think you'll find he's improved it. Oh yeah, and Terry, you can talk can't you? Your Forums only has 2 Pokémon related Forums, and only 4 over all. But Ken still needs to improve his grammar and spelling etc.
Oh. lol. I just noticed what you guys was talking about. lol I fixed it.
That thing about the "skin styles" are you talking about what I call the layout?
Actually, I think you'll find he's improved it. Oh yeah, and Terry, you can talk can't you? Your Forums only has 2 Pokémon related Forums, and only 4 over all. But Ken still needs to improve his grammar and spelling etc.

Improvement does not make something good. It makes it better. (although if this constitutes the site after being improved I'd hate to see the original)
Yes, it is better. Way better than the original, at least. And no, I'm not a grammar whiz. But I try.
:P Sorry to the people who think I was being mean.
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Improvement does not make something good. It makes it better. (although if this constitutes the site after being improved I'd hate to see the original)

I belive They are talking about the way I talk on here. It is true that improvement dose not make something good it onlys makes it better. But what is your point?
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1. Stringy sentences are generally not appreciated here in the Advertising forum.
2. Everyone is mean sometimes.
3. Improve your grammar, and people hopefully won't be so "mean".
4. Mudkips > Swamperts :3
I belive They are talking about the way I talk on here and it is true that improvement dose not make something good it onlys makes it better but what is your point?

If they are talking about your grammar, my point still stands--sure, it's improved, but it is by no stretch of the imagination good. The same goes for your site.

Mercury was saying that you have improved [grammar/site] as if it makes the [grammar/site] good.
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