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Swampert forum

*Facepalms* Renteura is a completely different user of TCoD. Maybe you should check out who from TCoD is actually on your forums?
I sayed could maybe there sisters/brothers or something. I don't even know if they are an boy or an girl lol. Why do you think I always say guys/girls?
Work on grammar.
1. Learn to use adverbs, example: I did "well" or "badly", rather than "good" or "bad".
2. Work on sentence structure. You wrote:
#1.no ubers no legends#2.go by the gym you challeged rules
A better way to say that would be:
Rule 1: Do not use ubers or legendaries. Rule 2: Abide by the rules of the gym you have challenged.

The thing at the top (is that what everyone's calling "the banner?") needs some work. Perhaps you should take a screenshot of the background behind it, and use that as a background for the picture.
I sayed could maybe there sisters/brothers or something. I don't even know if they are an boy or an girl lol. Why do you think I always say guys/girls?

...no, I'm not Furret's brother.

EDIT: stop deleting topics users make for suggestions. <.<
like mine.
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Why would i say it again?
I mean if you want to I will.
My dragons look soooo cool!!!!!!!!!
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You should consider switching to Zetaboards. It looks a bit better and is probably easier than what you are using right now.
*feels loved*


Anyway. *ahem* The banner and layout in general looks a bit better this time, if only because you made your own instea of relying on MyBannerMaker. Put enough time into it, maybe consider a name change to 'The Swampert Forum' or something along those lines, and you can make a pretty nice little knot of buddies, even if it only lives for a few weeks. *huggles Castform and Flora*
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first, zetaboards are fugly.
and second, does it seem to me that there is a negative correlation between the quality of a site/forum and the attention its thread receives? does this have a positive or negative effect on webmasters who try to present decent content but get pushed to the bottom because a user would rather scathingly put down some random forum than complement/critique said sites?
thirdly, how is "The Swampert Forum" a "name change" from "Swampert Forum"? It's just sticking an article at the beginning.
From what I saw, it's just 'Swampert'.

And Zetaboards ma be fugly, but what he's using right now is even more fugly.

Third, tht's just the way it goes. Don't like it? Yell at everyone for doing something they are supposed to do; give criticism.
except sites that deserve constructive criticism and thoughtful feedback don't get it; instead it all goes to garbage like this
except sites that deserve constructive criticism and thoughtful feedback don't get it; instead it all goes to garbage like this

Well then why did you post here? You were only removing more 'sites that deserve constructive criticism' from the list by posting at 'garbage like this'.
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