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Swampert forum

I'll make their banner now... It's a nice forum with nice people if you get to know them... Ken#1, I'm Twilight.=3
ok so um guys (i typoed this as gays at first)

what is this thread

I mean seriously

what is the point of it
Go look through it.

This guy advertised an uninteresting form, we gave him criticism, he whined and cursed at us, we tried again, more whining and cursing, we tried for the third time, he cooled down...
But you know what I did when people said my site was a carbon-copy? I brainstormed and added a new activity with a friend of mine, in an attempt to add something fun and original to my forum.

I you referring to the Battle Caverns?

Good times.

But seriously, Ken #1, you should listen to people. Spelling and Grammar does matter incredibly. We're not being horrible or whatever, we're trying to help you make your site better. It's doubtful someone'll join if they see 'hi welcom to mi fourm lol' or similar all over the place. Please take our suggestions into account, unless you're deliberately trying to fail.
Yep... *eyes get dazed look*

But the point of a forum is to have a nice, friendly community with plenty of things to do and people to talk to on the Internet, with a nice, clean, pleasant layout and easy-to-read text. A nice name helps too. That makes a good forum.

I didn't see any of the qualities I just mentioned anywhere in your forum.
Well I see you guys/girls post even if I don't post back. I'm just here to thank you guys/girls for helping me out with my site i have fixed it up. I even got a couple people who knew what they were doing to help me. lol Thank you guys for the suggestions. Go check out with you help with.
Can you guys/girls clike my dragons?
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Some things to fix even now:
water pokemon is the best
is should be are

Pokémon has a capital 'P' and an acute over the 'e'

Having a 'list of mistakes' fails. Just correct the mistakes, not leave a topic about them there.

The banner /really/ needs to be fixed
You don't need to have an acute over the E. I don't know about you, but I don't want to run off to Sunnyneo or something to type the name of a series of games or an anime. Thanks.

But the banner does need to be fixed.
Sunnyneo is a Neopets fan website with all of the special characters, like the spade sign, heart sign, letters with acutes and other signs on them...pretty useful.
Yea thanks for the thing about the banner. The problem is I didn't make it i'll try to get another one.
Oh yeah it would hep if more people joined we are trying to like get gym leaders,E4,battlers, etc. but we need a little bit more people
can you guys click my dragons mostly my white one
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