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Swampert forum

Suggestion: Red squiggly lines=Fix it up!
Unless you're typing a Pokemon's name, person's name, stuff like that..... Then you'll nearly always have a dreaded squiggly line.
You spell bad. Honestly, how do you mix up i and e? They're on opposite sides of the keyboard.

Also, if you misspell something, fix it.

Edit: Reading =! Writing.
who has time to go back i did not even plan to be on here this long so bye guys/girls and who ever was that who said something about my spelling fu** off realy i'm starting to get tiered of you guys do you do this all time because i been looking at some of these post and you guys/girls seem realy mean your not like people you would find me around bye
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2nd grade writing level

that's an insult to 2nd graders everywhere. Shit even I wrote better than that in 2nd grade

@OP: In all seriousness though what bothers me the most isn't grammar or spelling but a severe lack of maturity, manners, and humility. Can't even take basic criticism. The ability to take criticism is even more important than an 11th grade reading level. Your behavior also suggests lack of effort and drive, both of which are also more important than an 11th grade reading level.

You're not going to read this or, if you do, take it seriously, though. Why do I waste butterfree's webspace with this rambling anyway
Well ummmm ty you for reading this post if you feel as though you want to help out with the site just stop by and leave me an pm or something. ty
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Ken#1 said:
Well um... Thank you for reading this post if you feel as though you want to help out with the site, just stop by and leave me an PM or something.

Please, it's a pain to read.
yea i will go through the site and fix my spelling soon if it realy tics you off that bad. ok do you feel better now

You said you're fixing the spelling mistakes you already made.
You also have to just stop making spelling mistakes in your new posts.
Is that like spam just saying wow?
Thak you guys/girls for looking at my forum and telling me what i can do to make it better. It looks way better then when i frist put it up. Thank you sooooooooooo much
even though you were a little mean.
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