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Swampert forum

Why do you have a vendetta against spelling and grammar? Every time someone suggests you fix it up you say GOD IS IT REALLY THAT IMPORTANT JESUS

Though I'm not sure you could spell 'important'.
Did you ever learn the word "Grammar" by any chance? And how about "Punctuation"?
I love how well your avatar goes with your post there, Strangy.

it's like a teacher going, 'jesus christ kid do i /really/ have to explain this to you'
Obviously no one wants to join your forum.

It's not finished, not appealing, nothing.

So read the thread Furret gave you, redo the ENTIRE forum, and we'll be happy.
Why would i redo the entire forum? There are people who likes my site and that gets on. What would i like to delet there post because some site i posted an ad on said so? I have already put up new backround which my forum user said was nice and my mods are working on the rest of the stuff. What would be the use of makeing an new forum if all i have to do is fix that one up?
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Because if you did you could have even more people who like your site, not just the select few who can see past the MyBannerMaker banner. (Seriously, what the heck? MBM fails in all aspects. Make your own banner, or ask someone else to do it for you.)

And the site didn't say so, the users on the forum are giving you crits, which is what you should have expected when you made a forum. I learned this lesson too, the hard way.

But you know what I did when people said my site was a carbon-copy? I brainstormed and added a new activity with a friend of mine, in an attempt to add something fun and original to my forum.
Umm dude I did make my own banner just the easy way. On my banner maker you pick the size of the banner you want,get your own pictue, and put on your own words. I didn't just see the banner and say wow that gose good with my site.
Oh? Then what's that "Make your own banner at MyBannerMaker.com" doing there? I suppose that you're "advertising". And your affiliates are forum-creator websites. -_- Nice.
I know how to use MyBannerMaker, thank you. It just looks extremely immature.

I could make you a better one if you like. :3
Yeah i am advertising for them who ever makes an banner there has to advertise for them it's there logo that is on all there banner. Is that a problem i made 3 banners on there site there logo never did anything to me.

I know how to use MyBannerMaker, thank you. It just looks extremely immature.

I could make you a better one if you like. :3

That would be nice but untill I do get an new banner i'm going with what i already have
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is there seriously a product and/or service called MyBannerMaker

I think I am going to cry

I don't even want to see this; don't link it

addendum: OP's forum is now blocked to guests; does this mean e is no longer interested in suggestions (or new users)?
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