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Swampert forum


They were not mean. It's called criticism.

You only have one board now? WTF?

And your spelling hasn't changed. AT ALL.

Okay, you just made your site a little worse.
Who said I already went thorugh? Did I type ok I went through and fixed my spelling? Because I realy don't think I did so untill I do please don't worry about what my last post says. please and thank you
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That line of Swamperts is pretty annoying considering you only need one.
^ Didn't you listen to all of us about freaking grammar? Yes, you did fix your previous posts, but when you make new posts, it doesn't look like you're putting much effort into it.

EDIT: ...My god...on your forums in the suggestions thread, I had a post that said "Please use correct spelling and grammar" and you edited it to say "speel a litle better :grin:"
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Then site is still really bad.

Read the thread AK showed you and start over.
trust me i can spell. If i couldn't would i be on an 11th grade reading level?

So? I'm on an 11th-grade reading level and type better than you do. That remark didn't help all that much...

And the L and E keys are at opposite sides of the keyboard. You must have really bad eye-hand coordination...
He didn't say can I type he said can I spell and I said if I couldn't would I be on 11th grade reading level. Maybe you should learn how to comperhend what you read realy.
Mabe u shuld learn how to speel realy.
In all seriousness, respond to criticism that way. People will just hate you more and more.
I wasn't sure that anyone on Chimchar Forums I mean... SWAMPERT forums had one either.
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