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Swine Flu

So unless you've been living under a rock (Which I don't suggest, since it's probably bad for your back) you've probably heard about this lovely epidemic called Swine Flu that's killing people in Mexico, and infecting a few people in the U.S, and some people in other countries.

For those of you who don't know, a quick summary of this is that people in Mexico began to get sick with what appeared to be the flu, but was actually a different strain of flu called "Swine Flu", and so some people in Mexico have begun to die from it. Now about 48 people in the U.S have been infected, though no one has died yet. Some people in other countries have been infected, but only about 1 or 2. (Probably got some of these facts wrong, so correct me if I did)

Chances are, since most of you are overseas, not many of you are too worried now. But nevertheless, what are your views on this whole epidemic?

As for me, the entire media frenzy about it is freaking me out, since they're treating it as if it's the beginning of the end of the world, but when I'm not reading up about it online and what not, it seems just to be something that will come to pass.

In case anyone's wondering, here's some handy stuff on the Swine Flu and preventing it and stuff.
I live next to New York, where the epidemic here started
I'm not too worried, but I'm just staying away from sick people *execpt my nan for reasons* and using sanitizer.

Other than that, not too worried. But the beggining of the end of the world.
THAT...is slightly exageratted. o.o
I just heard about this in French class today- it's the real gossip class where the teacher gets us in the know on whatever was on the news this morning, what the school board is up to, etc. ...

According to the teacher this swine flu business isn't only killing people in Mexico, but even all the schools there- all of them- are closed to prevent it from spreading. That seems kind of extreme, but... well, yeah. Anyone else heard this much?

Just when did this whole thing start? I'm assuming it's only just now starting to rise to a panic level but has been around a short while already. My mom's a nurse and there's a Mexican illegal immigrant on her floor... She is a nurse so she needs to stay sanitary and disinfected anyway, but still... I hope he doesn't have it or anything. I'm pretty sure it's not the reason he's in the hospital anyway, but we need to be careful. Whether this is a major threat yet or not, there's no harm in making a habit out of washing your hands and everything if it wasn't before, right?
Well, I agree that causing an uninformed panic is a stupid thing to do, but downplaying it as no big deal is also a mistake. My father's a nurse and he's being totally serious, telling me to wash my hands frequently. He's given me like serious disinfectant stuff from the office and advising me not to stand close to people when talking etc etc. no hand shaking.

i talked to my friend whose father is a nurse and he said he's been telling him the exact same things

so, don't freak out, just take precautions :\ play it safe
It sounds very similar to the Avian flu problem we had a couple years ago. I'm not too worried, because I'm all the way over here in Australia. :| Still, it's pretty awful that so many people have died/are dying from it.

I heard on the news yesterday that 'scientists have predicted a pandemic that will wipe out a large number of the earth's population, however, it will likely not be a problem because of the amount of medical facilities and resources stockpiled in the US' or something to that effect.
I'm living in the most isolated state, in one of (if not) the most isloated, under-populated continents out there. Even then, the mortality rate is something like 7% (I think), and i'm the healthiest person I know.

So I'll juuuust.. brb...
*Gets bacon from freezer*

I'm kinda proud of my health, or something; like I actually want to catch it, just to recover from it and be all: "rawr! lol~" *flex*
I'm weird like that.

..But I do tend to make friends with people who live over there, most of which are people with bad immune-systems, and are constantly getting colds and such. I do worry for them. I don't think the majority of Australians are worried about it hitting here though, seeing as how the Radio Station I was tuned into yesterday was making crude jokes about it and laughing for the better half of an hour.

Apparently a few school peoplez from NZ were over in Mexico and just got back, so they were getting tested.
I don't think any of them have tested +'ve yet.
Apparently a few school peoplez from NZ were over in Mexico and just got back, so they were getting tested.
I don't think any of them have tested +'ve yet.

NZ tests came back sometime today, 13/25 (including teachers) from the Mexico trip are positive for at least Influenza A.
NZ tests came back sometime today, 13/25 (including teachers) from the Mexico trip are positive for at least Influenza A.
Hwoo.. that's close to home.. kinda. ,,xD
Maybe my stupid wish will come true. =5

hey guys remember bird flu and how that ended the world as we know it
Did that hit Australia? because I have practically no memory of it.. If someone says "Bird flu" I think "China". That's how little I know about it.
I'm not extremely worried about the swine flu; the media often likes to sensationalize and exaggerate news stories. Still, though, I am concerned as to why people are only dying from it in Mexico and not anywhere else(Yet, at least). That might be because there are a lot more infected people there in the first place, but it's most likely something else entirely.

Also, I heard that some countries are banning American pork...even though swine flu has nothing to do with eating pork.
Also, I heard that some countries are banning American pork...even though swine flu has nothing to do with eating pork.
Oh.. but with all the preservatives and stuff these days.. you could open the packet and the pork could come back to life and breathe all over you.

Are you willing to take that risk?...
because down in mexico conditions kind of suck and so they're more vulnerable to it, I'd suspect; also they're packed tight in mexico city, so.
hey guys remember bird flu and how that ended the world as we know it
damnit, i wanted to post with a snarky comment about avian flu as well. ):

it's really not worth getting worried about this. chances are that most of you on TCoD are living in fairly decent countries with adequate healthcare and emergency-response systems. it is very unlikely that you'll catch swine flu, and you're even less likely to die from it.

spare a tear for the mexicans, then get on with your life.




EDIT: 48 people isn't an epidemic
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This whole thing has annoyed me so far. :/ Everyone is talking and joking about it at school and it just makes me want to headdesk. Especially since they're acting like it's as bad here as it is in Mexico, and there are like two people in Scotland who've been infected. >_>

Just wash your hands more regularly, gahh. We actually have a decent healthcare system y'know. And yeah, I'm talking mainly to people at my school here apparently.

My mum's friend and his wife or something came back from a holiday in Mexico, and they've been told to NOT LEAVE THE HOUSE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE because they're suspected with it. XD;

EDIT: If by 'die' I actually mean 'visit Falkirk in the near future and run around screaming like a hypochondriac'.
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EDIT: If by 'die' I actually mean 'visit Falkirk in the near future and run around screaming like a hypochondriac'.

Well it's not like I won't mourn you or anything!

And my mum's friend lives in Falkirk and her local hospital is the one where they are so HA! I WIN THIS CONTEST.
Well it's not like I won't mourn you or anything!

And my mum's friend lives in Falkirk and her local hospital is the one where they are so HA! I WIN THIS CONTEST.

No you don't, you don't live anywhere near your mother's friend! SO THERE. I'LL DIE FIRST.
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