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Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 8 - GAME OVER]

Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

1. Brute Lualdi – Hitman: ?
2. Alice – Poisoner: Zackrai?
3. Decus – Roleblocker: ?
4. Hawk – Framer: ?

5. Richter Abend – Terrorist: ?
6. Aqua – Rolestopper: ?

7. Lloyd Irving – Vigilante: Karkat
8. Colette Brunel – Jack-of-all-Trades: Jack
9. Genis Sage – Inspector: Flower Doll
10. Raine Sage – Doctor: ?
11. Sheena Fujibayashi – Doctor: ?
12. Zelos Wilder – Doublevoter: ?
13. Presea Combatir – Commuter: ?
14. Regal Bryant – Tracker: Syl
15. Kratos Aurion – Bodyguard: ?
16. Yuan – Streetear: ?
17. Botta – Voyeur: ?
18. Dirk Irving – Inventor: Legendaryseeker99
19. Noishe – Friendly Neighbor: Derpy
20. Corrine – Mirror: ?
21. Tenebrae – Distractor: ?
22. Marta Lualdi – Alien Deactivator: Seri
23. The Wonder Chef – Pitcher: ?

24. Mithos Yggdrasill – Serial Killer: ?
25. Emil Castagnier – Alien: Squirtles

Applejack is innocent and is not the inspector
Zackrai was mafia (presumably Brute?)
Stormecho was innocent
tehSR (and by extension, Keltena) was innocent.



Anyone else want to roleclaim? Anyone?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

^Cool post cloning bro.
Does the Streetear have any information for us?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Accidental double-post. Shut up.

What I'm curious about is how good the streetear's information is... how would that be affected by the level system?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

It might go from something super vague "___ has been going out at night" to something like "____ went to ____ (possibly the victim)'s house" to maybe even random inspector-level results like "_____ is mafia/doctor/etc.".

Just a guess, but it seems like that would be a logical progression.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Let's see... how about:

L1: Vanilla
L2: Recieves incredibly vague information
"You saw Jim prowling around the streets... what was he up to?"
"Bob was eating some pizza in his house."
"Some people did stuff to Robin tonight... hopefully nothing dirty!"
L3: Recieves less vague information
"Jim seems to own a medicine kit... perhaps he's a doctor?"
"Bob was eating a pizza... laced with CYANIDE!"
"Robin was targeted by two people."
L4: Recieves very specific information
"Jim is Dr. Fuzz, the mafia doctor! OH SHIT!!!"
"Bob was eating a pizza delivered to him by the mafia goon."
"Robin was targeted by a healer and an inspector, one of which was Bob."
L5: I have no fucking clue
"Okay, I have no idea how to make this more specific, so have the fucking role list."

Sounds about right?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

^That sounds pretty good.
Have you been/known someone with a Streetear role in another game?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Maybe... well, who knows? Hopefully Yuan is active and still alive.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Have you been protecting anyone? Also, current level? Level progression? Roleclaims just to stop us from lynching you aren't quite as convincing as actual participation, especially since you could be lying and, without participation, you're not contributing much at night, so there's not a huge risk lynching you to be sure.

And I think Karkat's well-protected enough on his own, really. I mean, he's not dead yet.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

^Oh yeah, as long as he wasn't targetted last night, Karkat should still have my shield ring.
So Orngsumb, you should protect Flower Doll.
And Flower Doll, please post more, we need a reliable Inspector.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

ohai gaiz. Final projects are kind of beating the shit out of me like whoa right now, and I really do not have the time to properly end the day phase, send out PMs, etc. tonight (you still have about an hour left, if I'm not mistaken, but yeah). As such, you guys have an extension until 7pm EST Tuesday; don't have time to count exactly how many hours that is, either, but I'm sure it's more than you'll actually need since you seem to have come to a decision. There will probably also be a longer-than-average night for much the same reason. So. Carry on, and I'll see you once some of these projects are out of my way.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Since we've got a little more time tonight, assuming I can't evolve tonight, I'll only have my kill and roleblock abilities left. Does anybody have a target to suggest for either ability? This thread is getting to be such a clusterfuck that all the talkative people are believable and all the untalkative people are out-of-sight, out-of-mind, so I don't have much suspicion of anyone in particular.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Personally, I don't expect to be killing anyone, but...

Hey, wait a second. We have two named healers, right? Why don't we ask one of them to heal somebody and get the other to heal someone else?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Hey, wait a second. We have two named healers, right? Why don't we ask one of them to heal somebody and get the other to heal someone else?

What if one of the healers is dead, though?
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Both could be dead too. But we can still give them assignments anyway. Not like it'll do any harm.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Hm. I suppose. If we assume Karkat doesn't need it because of the shield, the next most active people would be me, Legendaryseeker99, Applejack, and Seritinajii, if we think that's how they'll do it.
Re: Tales of Symphonia Evolution Mafia [DAY 4]

Both could be dead too. But we can still give them assignments anyway. Not like it'll do any harm.

It would tell the Mafia exactly who not to attack that night, wouldn't it? Knowing who's going to (potentially) be healed makes everyone else easy targets for them. Well, unless we say something like: "Raine: heal this dude; other doctor: heal anyone else" (I think that's what Kam was saying?) which would at least help us avoid healer clash, although that doesn't seem to have been a problem yet. Making any of the doctors' targets public would make the people being healed targets for the rolestopper, though, but I guess the Mafia and the rolestopper can't communicate so I don't know if that would be a big risk to take.
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