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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Aliens liquify peeps?! I'm going to their planet and I'm going to fill THEM with peep fluid! Boiling hot peep fluid!
*pulls random rocketship out of underwear and blasts off toward the Alien planet*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I'm back from the alien planet with bad news. The peep sauce only made them stronger and now they're planning an invaision on the cafe.

We're doomed.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*facepalm* Darkness what did you do.

I started a conspiracy yaaaay :DDDD

Oy. ><

*starts slamming head against wall* Stupid stupid stupid...
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

We must fight back!
Now, does anyone, ANYONE, know what the most horrible thing in the world *y'know besides peeps* is?
I vouch for Baby Looney Tunes!
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