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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Team Skitvee, Eve the Eevee and Sora the Skitty. If you want you can replace HAUNTED HOUSE with Cafe of Doom cause that's where the idea came from. It sucks but when since was Insanity supposed to be good?

Sora: It's the HAUNTED HOUSE! *runs out and hides behind a tree*
Eve: It's just a HOUSE.
Sora: But it's the HAUNTED HOUSE!
Eve: It's still just a house with a fancy name...
Sora: OK then, I'll...I'll go in.
Eve: Great... now... err...how about you go first?
Sora: *sees milk inside* OK then!
Sora: *walks in*
Eve: *walks in after*
Eve: Where are the ghosts you were talking about Skitty.
Sora: Um, somewhere...around here...
Eve: Where? *looks around frantically*
Sora: Huh? Strange...
Eve: Oh...yes...I mean...um...Oh really...I'm not scared at all...of these ghosts...
Sora:OH NO! It's...it's...
Crowd: *Gasp*
Sora:...it's that this MILK IS FLAVORED!!!
Sora: *temper tantrum*
Eve: Right...
Sora: It's MARMITE flavor!
Eve: EWW...NO WAY!*runs out of cafe*
Sora: Ahh... YES WAY!...*runs out after Eevee*
Crowd: Yeah...this is real... scary...
Eve: Who asked you?

Back at home...

Crowd: *Cheer* The team got past the Haunted house! Woot!
Eve: Well thank you... of course, of course...it was nothing...
Sora: ...except flavored milk...and shouting...
Eve: *facepalm*
Crowd: This is awkward...
Eve: Why are you still here?
Sora: They are getting to be quite a pain...
Crowd: Oh, I never...well goodbye then...*vanishes*
Eve: Finally, they're gone!
Sora: Now it's time to...PARTY!
Eve: *Starts dancing like Elvis*
Sora: *Starts singing a Hannah Montana song*
Crowd: *Reappears* Now they, are WEIRD.
Eve: *sigh* GO AWAY!
Crowd: You're not the boss of me...or me...or me...or me...or me...
Eve: I happen to be an Eevee and I happen to have a lot of fans so shame...
Crowd: Gasp...*pushs to get Autograph*
Eve: I love being popular...
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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

-sips coffee-

Tea is evil.
-spaz attack-

Thank you for your time.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

-sips tea-

Coffee is evil

It is the source of child labor and ish more addictive then ciggs
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom


Darn you, you coffee-drinking-tea-not-liker.

Unless you're Godot. He's an awesome coffee-drinking-tea-not-liker.

I, unfortunately, am not Godot.

But I will defend my coffee! D:
Bet you cant put splenda, half n half, chocolate and cinnamin in tea and expect it to taste good.

: D
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I, unfortunately, am not Godot.

But I will defend my coffee! D:
Bet you cant put splenda, half n half, chocolate and cinnamin in tea and expect it to taste good.

: D

Tea comes pre-flavored with chocolate and/or cinnamin (Depends on teh tea) so you don't have to use up your reserves of valuble chocolate
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Tea comes pre-flavored with chocolate and/or cinnamin (Depends on teh tea) so you don't have to use up your reserves of valuble chocolate

Chocolate is only valuable if it is able to be used in coffee.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Imagine if we were all fortunate enough to say that!

What a world that'd be.

A world of Godots? Epic!









Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

What about white chocolate for your hot chocolate? And chocolate cake? Chocolate cheesecake... -Drools-
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