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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

This the I like turtles thing on youtube translated in several lanuages.
Edit* for some reason Dutch and Czech are the same, I dont know which is right so i wont risk deleting one of them.
Dobrý den, já jsem tady na Halloween festival s Jasonem v zombie.

Mám rád želvy.

Ano, a on je to dobré zombie.

Dobrý den, já jsem tady na Halloween festival s Jasonem v zombie.

Mám rád želvy.

Ano, a on je to dobré zombie.

Hallo, und ich bin hier in der Halloween-Festival mit Jason die Zombie.

Ich mag Schildkröten.

ja, und er ist ein guter Zombie.

Bonjour, et je suis ici à la fête d'Halloween avec Jason le zombie.

J'aime les tortues.

Oui, et il est un bon zombie.

Hola, y yo estoy aquí, en la fiesta de Halloween con Jason el zombi.

Me gustan las tortugas.

Sí, y es un buen zombi.

Hello, and I'm here at the Halloween festival with Jason the zombie.

I like turtles.

yes, and he's a good zombie.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Nah, I only meant it as a joke. I just thought you'd get it...don't worry about it ^^'''

*drinks hot chocolate*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I see your fans are giving out death threats to make you produce more comics =P *points to EoO thread*

Yesh >< Save me Milla...

Hey, know what I just noticed?

The Cave Of Dragonflies = TCOD
The Café Of Doom = TCOD

...yeah, I know it's obvious. I'm stupid ^^;;
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

^ The heck tres?

And mike, I label you a stalker for knowing that ._.

Sir spamsalot .-.
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