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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

((Yeah, I know a dude. Knows it by heart, and sings it. Evarywhere. Naturally, we're buds.XD))
Oh well. *turns into a ebil-minded janitor*
Face my knifewrench of doom ,people!
Oh, and Eevve-Skitty, so you can't use the music of bad on me, guess what!
I gots an Ip-od!
What's an Ipod?>>..No,no, this is an Ip-od.
*gets headphones on, looks for Teardrop-Massive Attack, and plays it, plays it loooud!*

If the strong magic doesn't work...I have no choice but to use my not so secret weapon~

*puts on best earmuffs that ever existed*

Well, this is it Random, we're seeing the last of each other except...you'll be the one dieing. MUA HA HA HA!

*turns on CD*

*Hannah Montana, Jonas Bros and other music insult plays*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I cmbatz ur bd engish wth bd engish! and n00b 1337 sp34k! f34r meeeeeeeeeeeeeez! lolhamuhaha!
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom


Well, I have heaps of weapons to go including...

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