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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Squares make me constipated...

Uncle Jessie is my favorite character.

Uncle Jessie?

Ooops, I meant Uncle Jesse

I'm bored with this.
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Oh see what you did? Notory's a sucker for reverse phycology, intentional or not.
I like chile.... *moves closer to it*
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

OH HOW TEMPTING! *begins to gobble chile*
Unfortunetly Notory doesn't understand that type of reverse phycology. -__-

Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Bob. It semi-rhymes with God. I didn't want to cause a religeon scare so I switched them out. |3
I'm hungry too..... *stomach growls*
You just ate a bunch of sand. How can you still be hungry?
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

Here's some Lucky Charms!

Lucky Charms are gross after you finish the marsh mallows.


I think I have multiple personalities.
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