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TCoD: The Café of Doom

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Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

NEVAAAAAAR. *huggles House-puupy* Expecialy when you're so squishy. Wanna go for a walk?
Well, the lucky charms marshmallows are still there.... *grabs some* You liiiike?
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*hides some Vicodin in a glob of cheese* This works with my dog..... Wait, will this kill you or something? O.o
Okay, ummmm.... First you have to sit. Then rollover. =3
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*rubs Typhs tummy* I woder what this feels like..... *eats a couple marshmallows and gives the rest to Typh*
Noes, I mean the narcotics. Will they kill you? You're not human anymore so you gotta be careful...
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

If you die it's not my fault. *walks out side the Cafe* Are you going to be good or should I put you on a leash House-puupy? :3
Maybe we should walk with Notory too... You wanna?
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

I just won the champeenship!

Flying Free On The Capitalization Train!


House-puupy scares me...
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

*is walking with the House-puppy Band*

Hey guys [girls], I found the Napoleon Dynamite DVD of Doom with Extra Special Features!

Let's watch it!

*puts it in*

Special features!

Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip Kip...

MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!!!!!

Worst special features ever!!!!!!
Re: TCoD: The Café of Doom

What is cod anyways?


^cod. The fish, not the guy.
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