• Welcome to The Cave of Dragonflies forums, where the smallest bugs live alongside the strongest dragons.

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Requests Open Terry's shop-Now selling adoptables!

No, because this ISN'T a sprite shop. This is an adoptable shop. YES, IT IS. NO MORE SPLICING DONE HERE. Even fixing older ones.
I'll fix it, then. When I get my first adoptable adopted. Or you can give some less stern crit. Your choice. Not much asked.
Hey, if you don't want to improve, that's your problem.

Now, what do these adoptables hatch into? Splices? Recolours? Fakemon?
Depends how many people adopt it. Must add to Page 1:
1 adopt-Recolour
2-3 adopts-Splice
4-8 adopts-Scratch
9+-Top secret gift
Hatching style. And it's easy to get the gift. Just become more friendly (top secret way) although you're a lot kinder than 2 days ago. Which is the most coolest thing about you. 'Cause you're cool, Kai.

PROPER ON TOPIC-Requesting new colours gets up the chances of better things. A LOT.
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