Round Eight, Act One
Mewtwo's only just made it up to its high-altitude getaway, but already unwanted visitors are finding their way in. Mewtwo frowns in Umbra's general direction, then lays a hand on Darkrai's shoulder and, in the blink of an eye, returns the two of them to the thick of the fray.
And it's gotten rather thicker since they were last down here; the sky is crawling with new pokemon, and Mewtwo gives a resigned sigh as a couple of them let out angry cries upon the arrival of the legendaries. How tiresome.
What's most salient about the situation for Darkrai, though, is that it's rather less peaceful here than high above. Mr. Wonderful is still screeching away, making the most unholy noise, and even Darkrai's deep, unnatural healing sleep can't withstand an assault by Mr. Wonderful's godawful uproar. The legend shudders and opens bleary eyes, its headache gone but its energy reserves drained and its ears ringing.
Not to mention that it doesn't really know what to do next. Snoring is just kind of a thing that happens, when you're asleep. Now that it's awake, Darkrai really doesn't know where to go with it. It thinks for a bit, then lets out a noise like a buzzsaw that peters out sheepishly after Mewtwo gives it a meaningful look. Really? As though this place needs more noise pollution.
The air is tense; no pokémon seems particularly inclined to make a move, all eyes on the legendaries that have returned to their midst. As Team Asber waits, L'arc turns about and, with some generous clapping of his great wings, blasts an intense burst of wind over Kupo. The rotom leans away, grimacing, as the attack teases at her essence. Her red card glows, runes flashing briefly across its surface, then crumbles into dust, its powers placing a seal on the battlefield that will prevent pokémon from using defog in the future.
And from there, several things happen at once. Giratina begins to glow green, preparing an energy shield to aid its team, but Jet has been waiting for just such an opportunity. The murkrow flicks a narrow beam of dark energy at the forming safeguard, hoping to tear it away from its creator and steal its power for his own side. The first part goes to plan, at least--the thin line of dark energy zips across the arena and wraps itself around the cloud of green light that marks the safeguard's gathering energy and drags it in Jet's direction. After that point, though, things go awry; a second bolt of darkness, slower than the first, lances through the air and snags the safeguard away from Jet's attack, pulling it off in a different direction. The murkrow caws angrily and twists his head around to see where it's going off to. And who should he see but his own teammate, Medusa, reaching out to grab the ball of energy as her snatch draws it near.
The safeguard blooms around the druddigon, and in a few moments the light has spread to protect Jet as well, but the murkrow still isn't pleased. Was that really necessary? Medusa catches him looking and can only shrug. She had been waiting for that safeguard too, after all; it's not like she was trying to steal Jet's glory or anything. The murkrow isn't going to let it go that easily, though. He makes his displeasure known in the loudest way possible, and it's not long before Medusa's roaring back arguments of her own, all the louder for the fact that it's hard to hear over Mr. Wonderful's caterwauling. Despite the trainers' best efforts to calm their pokémon down, their argument only continues to escalate.
While its teammates bicker, Frost moves in eerie silence to get a clear line of sight to Kupo. A blinding bolt of blue energy shoots from the cryogonal's mouth towards the rotom, and Mort swoops along in its wake, cackling madly as the air around him steams with condensation. Kupo recoils as the ice beam hits home, and a moment later Mort, now no more than a fuming cloud of ice crystals and chill, passes straight through one of L'arc's outstretched wings.
In the haunter's wake a thick crust of ice forms, plastering the togekiss' feathers together beneath a crystalline lattice and freezing his wing in place. L'arc's flight wobbles, and he lists to one side, one wing suddenly much heavier than the other. It is only when the togekiss panics that his problems really start, though. He overcompensates for the frozen wing by desperate flapping from the good one, nearly puts himself into a tailspin, and is soon spiraling down through the air.
Mewtwo sighs and, with a snap of its tail, goes sailing across the arena, positioning himself below L'arc so the panicking togekiss lands on his shoulders. L'arc grips hard with his talons, holding his stiff, frozen wing out awkwardly to one side as he tries to get a grip on himself. The togekiss' chest is pressed right up against the back of Mewtwo's head, and the legend irritably flicks a couple of feathers away from its eyes. No need to get so worked up. That will melt soon enough.
Once she's sure her teammate's safe, Kupo is quick to put up a barricade to take the bite out of any future ice beams. Sparks crackle across the rotom's body as she calls a light screen into existence, a golden bubble springing up around her, then around each of her teammates in turn. And in no time at all, the rotom is grateful that she's taken the time to do so. Aries, drifting slowly back down towards the thick of the battle, is gathering energy from the sun, and almost immediately after the light screen appears it is tested by a thick column of golden energy.
Kupo weathers the solarbeam with good grace, but is significantly more troubled by a shadow ball that comes tearing out of nowhere. Umbra, still invisible, has been plummeting ever since Darkrai and Mewtwo vanished; and now, at last, he's within striking range of his target. A second shadow ball swiftly follows the first, this one pitched by Mr. Wonderful, of all pokémon. At last growing tired of trolololing his heart out, the spiritomb closes his mouth and lets a wisp of his essence drift free, growing slowly until it reaches respectible projectile size. The light screen saps much of its energy, as it did from Umbra's before it, but Kupo is looking a bit put-upon nonetheless.
Team Legend
Light Screen in Play: 5 More Actions
Kratos Aurion (O)

Giratina (X) <Prankster>
Health: 807
Energy: 919
Used: Safeguard
- Annoyed. Phased out. +1 Special Attack, +1 Special Defense
Pathos (O)

Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 606
Energy: 891
Used: Nothing
- Grumpy. -2 Evasion
Kusarigamaitachi (O)

Mewtwo (X) <Prankster> @ Chesto Berry
Health: 941
Energy: 902
Used: Teleport
- Suffering under the weight of a togekiss.
Coloursfall (O)

L'arc-en-Ciel (M) <Serene Grace> @ Electirizer
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Used: Defog @ Kupo
- Clinging to Mewtwo for dear life. One wing frozen.
HighMoon (O)

Kupo (F) <Levitate>
Health: 59%
Energy: 99%
Used: Light Screen
- Unpleasantly surprised.
Team Asber
Safeguard in Play: 5 More Actions
Derpy (O)

Aries (M) <Pressure> @ Sun Stone
Health: 85%
Energy: 50%
Used: Solarbeam @ Kupo
- Making his way downwards. +3 Defense
Wargle (O)

Mr. Wonderful (M) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 73%
Energy: 50%
Used: Shadow Ball @ Kupo
- Suddenly quiet.
Legendaryseeker99 (O)

Umbra (M) <Flash Fire> @ Wise Glasses
Health: 96%
Energy: 83%
Used: Shadow Ball @ Kupo
- Back in the thick of things. Invisible. -2 Special Attack
Effercon (O)

Frost (X) <Levitate> @ Leftovers
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Used: Ice Beam @ Kupo
- Preparing another ice beam.
RespectTheBlade (O)

Medusa (F) <Sheer Force> @ King's Rock
Health: 100%
Energy: 95%
Used: Snatch (Safeguard)
- Angry with Jet.
Blastoise Fortooate (O)

Mort (M) <Levitate> @ Nevermeltice
Health: 100%
Energy: 94%
Used: Spine Chiller @ L'arc-en-ciel
- Happy to have the chance to show off his signature attack.
Whirlpool (O)

Jet (M) <Super Luck> @ Cell Battery
Health: 100%
Energy: 96%
Used: Snatch (Safeguard)
- Angry with Medusa.
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