Round Seven, Act One
This time, Giratina is pleased to see, none of its opponents appear interested in dropping from the sky. Convenient--it's so bothersome to have to snag them as they fall. Ventus does look like she's working herself up to something big, but she's simply not fast enough to outrun the dragon when it's in a puckish mood. A moment of focus from Giratina, and a psychic vise closes around the swellow's midriff, pinning her in place. Ventus lets out an enraged screech and beats her wings furiously, but remains stuck in place, bound by Giratina's telekinetic powers.
Below, Darkrai and Mewtwo are preparing their own attacks. Ventus can just see them if she twists her head around and peers straight down. Blue light blossoms in each of the legendaries' palms as they summon icy energy. The weary swellow knows where that attack is going. So they've finally had enough of her, have they? Think they're going to finish her off now that they've got her pinioned? Hah! As if! Ventus braces herself, letting the telekinesis support her as she prepares to endure whatever attacks come her way. The legends reach out, their fingers encrusted with frost, and release their attacks--at Ptah, not Ventus.
The two ice beams converge on Ptah, knocking him into a vicious tumble as ice crusts on his wings and claws. Ventus grinds her beak in irritation. She doesn't think the gliscor's going to be recovering from that; he's dropping like a stone.
Meanwhile, Mr. Wonderful is kicking his singing up another notch, abandoning all pretense of tone and rhythm and simply blaring his trololos out as loudly as he can. It's a cacaphony that could wake the dead--or at least annoy them considerably, as is the case with Umbra, who goes invisible in a huff and edges away from his teammate--and is certainly enough to put a spark of life back into a comatose teammate. As Ptah plummets towards the epicenter of the racket, he is knocked clear of his daze of pain and cold. The gliscor is hanging onto consciousness, if only barely, and manages to right himself before he falls past Mr. Wonderful. A powerful kick of his wings shatters the ice binding them, and most of it sloughs away in the harsh sunlight. Ptah frees his claws with twin cracks, then begins a slow climb, trying to stay focused on the battle and not on his fatigue.
While Ptah labors up from below, Umbra is ghosting across the arena at top speed, looking to attack Darkrai from an unexpected angle. The legend is glowering down at Ptah, no doubt displeased that its target managed to survive the ice beams, and Umbra is easily able to sneak around behind it. A ball of fire grows in the air in front of it, expanding rapidly in the heat of the sun. A faint crackling noise is enough to cause Darkrai and Mewtwo to turn, but by that point it's too late for Umbra's target to evade the attack; the fire blast is already launched and in the process of unfurling its burning arms, and it plows straight into its surprised target.
Wary of retaliation, Umbra starts sneaking away again just after releasing the attack, but he has little need to worry. Darkrai is about to be distracted by Ptah, who has finally managed to return to the battlefield proper. The gliscor sags with weariness, but after a few seconds to gather himself, is able to get started on his attack. His stubby wings beat swiftly, conjuring up a steady stream of wind that has Darkrai ducking its head and straining to stay in place while its shroudlike body flutters and billows behind it. Ventus grins and joins in the attack herself, the telekinesis holding her body in place but doing nothing to prevent her wings from flapping. The swellow joins in Ptah's attack with gusto, and the wind from both their attacks combines into a significant gale that not only buffets Darkrai but annoys Mewtwo, floating just beside it. The defog shreds the energy making up the legend's safeguard, and as its shield fails, the spell is broken. The green glow around Mewtwo winks out, and Giratina goes totally invisible, the aura it had been sporting vanishing in an instant.
That's all Aries needs to see. While Darkrai is still pinned, braced against the wind, the cottonee swoops in and scatters golden dust over its opponent. The liberal sprinkling of stun spore is enough to slow even Darkrai down, and the legend coughs, claws twitching and eyes screwed up with discomfort as paralysis takes hold of its body.
Team Legend
Kratos Aurion (O)

Giratina (X) <Prankster>
Health: 807
Energy: 926
Used: Telekinesis @ Ventus
- Annoyed. Phased out.
Pathos (O)

Darkrai (X) <Bad Dreams>
Health: 566
Energy: 914
Used: Ice Beam @ Ptah
- Shuddering. Paralyzed (severe). -2 Evasion
Kusarigamaitachi (O)

Mewtwo (X) <Prankster> @ Chesto Berry
Health: 941
Energy: 915
Used: Ice Beam @ Ptah
- Watching Ptah with distaste. -1 Evasion
Team Asber
Derpy (O)

Aries (M) <Pressure> @ Sun Stone
Health: 86%
Energy: 56%
Used: Stun Spore @ Darkrai
- Success! +3 Defense
Chief Zackrai (O)

Ptah (M) <Hyper Cutter> @ Life Orb
Health: 1%
Energy: 50%
Used: Defog @ Darkrai
- Barely hanging on.
blazheirio889 (O)

Ventus (F) <Guts> @ Life Orb
Health: 27%
Energy: 25%
Used: Defog @ Darkrai
- Supremely irritated. Guts activated. Paralyzed (severe). Bound by telekinesis (2 more actions).
Wargle (O)

Mr. Wonderful (M) <Pressure> @ Expert Belt
Health: 73%
Energy: 63%
Used: Uproar
- Yelling as loud as he can.
Legendaryseeker99 (O)

Umbra (M) <Flash Fire> @ Wise Glasses
Health: 100%
Energy: 95%
Used: Fire Blast @ Darkrai
- Off to a good start. Invisible.
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